Tile improvement tweaks

Tile improvement tweaks


Dec 18, 2022
Brixter submitted a new resource:

Tile improvement tweaks - Buffed weak tile improvements

My collection of tile improvement tweaks. In summary, these are the changes:

- Increased yields for weaker improvements
- flexible placement for restrictive improvements
- Mountains are valid terrain for adjacency
- applied district adjacency to unique districts
- added Water Park adjacency when there is Entertainment Complex adjacency
- added Neighborhood adjacency when there is City Center adjacency
- Forts and other improvements yield Flight Tourism
- Unlocked Geothermal Plant earlier...

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Hi, you have a lot of interesting mods, but I am unable to download any of them. The download button simply isn't there, while there is one for other mods. Adding /download to the URL says "Oops! We ran into some problems. The requested page could not be found." Is that intentional or perhaps locked since your account is fairly new, or maybe a bug related to privacy settings or something? Might be worth talking to a mod about it in that case.
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