Tim01: Defiant Diplomats


Apr 26, 2004
Troy, MI
Now that I have settled into college, I shall start a SG of my own. First, the settings:

Version: C3C 1.22f
Difficulty: Demigod
Civilization: America
Size: large
Landmass: 60% continents
Barbarians: random
Climate: random
Temperature: random
Age: random
All victory conditions enabled, but only diplomatic will be considered successful
Rest is normal

Here is the variant, copied from Arathorn's variant list:
Arathorn said:
Defiant: You must never give in to a demand from an opponent, that is, you always reject demands for tribute. You may never ally, sign a Right of Passage, MPP, or embargo with another civilization. You may never pay for peace (a peace treaty must either be straight-up or the opponent gives a concession to you. A deal where a tech costs 20 gpt normally and you pay 10 gpt for that tech as part of a peace treaty is fine). Any troops on your soil must be given a boot order every turn. No capturing foreign cities or demanding them in diplomacy. No foreign workers merged into existing cities. If an AI razes one of your cities, that civ must be eliminated.
Rather than make specific rules, I'll just say not to use exploits. If you're uncertain, either don't do it or ask the team.

Now I'll make some comments. Everyone knows it's easy to win a diplomatic victory if you are able to build the UN. So hopefully defiance will avoid that in two ways: preventing many of the ways to improve the AI's attitude prior to a vote, and inciting some wars. I hope we can avoid bribing the AI as well. From a role-playing aspect, America seems like some nice defiant diplomats.

Pied Piper
Too high a level for me I am afraid (still trying to beat Monarch :) )

However I will be lurking and hoping to learn something (so possibly be prepared for some idiot questions :) .

Good luck all.
Well this is right at my level of play and I like a little role playing so count me in. Plus I have never gone diplo before. Will we be playing with a full complement of 11 random civs? And just to clarify, we can only attack a foreign city if we intend to raze it?
Pied Piper said:
Well this is right at my level of play and I like a little role playing so count me in.
Welcome. Any preference for emperor or demigod?
Pied Piper said:
Plus I have never gone diplo before. Will we be playing with a full complement of 11 random civs?
Pied Piper said:
And just to clarify, we can only attack a foreign city if we intend to raze it?
Correct (technically, I guess we could attack if we didn't intend to capture it, but I don't know why we would do that). As this harms the attitude of all civs, especially the target civ, this will need to be limited.
So tell me, how do you do the box thing for your quotes?

I have no level preference, will go along with what rest of team prefers.

I would prefer going early in the batting order.

As for strategy I do hope we at least try to build the UN. At the bare minimum we must try to establish an outer ring of core cities ASAP and then build back in order to minimize razing cities. Any cities outside the core will be a bonus. Hopefully we can have settlers on ships at sea ready to exploit foreign wars. A strong culture and knowledge of required warfare techs should also be a priority. I like the walk softly and carry a big stick approach.

Having 60% water usually means core will be easier to establish since everyone has more land to expand. Not that it will be easy...

If you really want to play with random settings then I would suggest a random start as well. I will still vote on multiple starts if someone wants to bother rolling some...

I guess we should try to give special treatment to civs that share the same traits we have.
Pied Piper said:
So tell me, how do you do the box thing for your quotes?
To quote a previous post, just click the quote button in the lower right. Otherwise, just type [ QUOTE=Quotee]I'm saying something quotable[/QUOTE] (omitting the space). You can also omit the =Quotee.

Your strategy sounds good, and I'll put you early. I also hadn't thought of wanting more land so we can build a good core, since acquiring more land will be difficult within the variant, so I'll switch to 60%. I'll probably roll a few starts when someone else signs up. I would prefer to start with a team of at least four.
Still need players?
I would play if you want me. I would suggest we get 5 signing up before we start. Just to make sure that the game will be rolling along and not demanding too much from each player. After all, we do participate in other games, and not to mention life itself :)

Would prefer DG though. Eventhough defiant will be a tough nut to crack.

Welcome. I think I'll wait for another player before rolling starts, and hopefully another person will sign up by the time we start.

It seems the team so far is skilled enough for demigod, so we'll go for that unless future players disagree.
@ Team I have never played a succession game, Americans or variant rules but this game seems very interesting to me. I think I have skills so I don't think it would be a training game but you can check for yourself.
I have my current DG game at "Strategy and Tips "Pearls of Wisdom Please" to see if you think I could run with you.
I look forward to giving it a go.
I decided to roll three starts. Discuss.

Start one:


Start two:


Start three:


And here's a tentative roster. State any problems you may have with it.
Pied Piper

P.S. I would still like one more player.
I would like to join. I have beaten demigod once and I've played a few SGs before. I've never played this variant, but I look forward to try it out.
lurker's comment: Not a signup, just popping in... I would definately take start three. With a cattle and a handful of bonus grasslands, not to mention the luxuries (which can come in handy when trading at demigod), it beats all the other starts. Irrigate the cattle, mine the bonus grasslands, and you'll get a high production and food start early. Good luck in the game, I'll be watching!
I agree with Ginger_Ale that start three is the best. I would say that the only possible advantage with start one is that it might be near the coast. Start two has a lot more potential, being on a river and with some bonus food. The real winner is number three with river, lots of shields and the luxuries.

EDIT: I would suggest settling on the SW square to get on the river.
I like #3.

#1 The water strikes me as a lake not coast. It still would require a move like 3 without the benefits.
#2 Flood plains and deer but it also tells me our other cities have the potential for jungles (mountains are already in sight). I don't think this fits our industrious trait.
#3 Seems like a layup to me. Cow, BGs, forests (5+?)and then 4 hill with incense . I agree move SW to the River.
Welcome skunk.

I thought you would pick start #3 and that a move to the SW would be best (assuming the scout and worker don't surprisingly show a better position). And I agree.

I'll stick skunk in fourth, so here's the roster (unless somebody objects):
Pied Piper

We already have a majority (and probably a consensus), so Pied Piper, go ahead and start on #3. Remember 20 turns for the first player, 10 turns from then on.
Got it. I concur with everything said so far. The only thing I can add is that moving south should put the capital more toward the center of things, judging from the minimap.
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