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Timeline thread


Apr 7, 2008
Virginia, USA
Okay, so I'm making a timeline to help keep track of the continuity for this mod. I've been going over the existing pedia entries and adding material as I read. It will all be added to this post.

Current status: I finished with all the existing pedia entires.

Notes on the timeline:
Dates with a '?' are uncertain dates- ones which definitely happen, but do not have a date specified in the pedias. I used my best estimations for these, but can change them if there are any objections. Some of them are vague, and require concrete placement.
Dates with an '*' are material that are not listed in the pedias. These are just my suggestions to add to the universe, and can be removed or fully canonized at cfkane's discretion. These often have little bearing on the mod itself, but I like the flavour that they add.
I'm taking real world history for granted for this timeline. I will only list historical events if they are a) directly related to the works of fiction used in the mod, or b) involve the creation or destruction of a playable nation. Thus, the World Wars are listed, since they appear in many works of fiction that we're using, while the American Civil War is only briefly listed because it isn't particularly important to the mod's setting as of my writing.

Original material:
I've added a reference to the film King Ralph. I've never seen the film, but I like the idea.
I've also equated the character Al-Asad from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with Saddam Hussein. This also allowed me to pull in a minor reference to Arrested Development. I also expanded Al-Asad's role somewhat, making him a former leader of the Global Liberation Army and one of the masterminds behind 9/11.
I got greedy and added in Porco Rosso, mainly because I can.
I wanted to put in more Metal Gear references, but the later games in the series make other aspects of the timeline more difficult to use (for example, using the Patriots would completely defeat the purpose behind Ryan, Bartlet, and Scudder- having them be pawns of the conspiracy would make them seem less 'special', if you know what I mean). I may retcon Metal Gear into the timeline further in a later update, but I want to be able to reconcile the Patriots with what we already have first. I did, however, settle by including the character of Sokolov from MGS3, and used him as the bargaining piece that settled the Stranglove Incident (rather than the Cuban Missile Crisis from the game).
I put in several more references to Lost and Atomic Robo. These are mainly because I love them so much. Plus, I think we can probably connect them to other works.
I changed Jim Hacker's inclusion around a bit, booting Thatcher out of Number 10 four years early. This is mainly because I wanted to keep Yes, Prime Minister in the 80s when it was made, and also because Hacker in the show was more of a moderate, politically, than Thatcher. I thought the idea of Hacker continuing Thatcher's privatizations was good, but I also thought that he'd be more, well, moderate about it than ol' Maggie.
Lastly, I added in the Tunguska Event. This is 'explained' in numerous works, so I thought I'd leave it ambiguous. The Great Old Ones theory is an indirect reference to Atomic Robo (who could've seen that coming?), where the Event is caused by a Lovecraft-esque eldritch abomination (interestingly, in the comic, the beast is defeated by Charles Fort, Nikola Tesla, and Lovecraft himself). I thought this was too good to leave out.
I've taken a few creative liberties with Cervantes, including setting up a definite date for the Soul Calibur games (based on information from the Soul Calibur Wikia) and having him fight in the Spanish Civil War.
Similarly, the recent pedia updates add all of the 'Cold War turned hot' scenarios into one massive cluster...thingy, which works fairly well, but I had to change some things around. The 'Strangelove Incident' is staying exactly where I put it before, since it is very much a 1960s event, since it replaces the Cuban Missile Crisis. However, I have kept the 'Red Storm War' in the place mentioned in the new pedias, since I think it works very nicely.
Also snuck in some more Hellboy, since I only just recently became a fan of the character and decided that he needs more love than just a one-off mention in Hynkel's entry.
Also, a quickie reference to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight comic books. I haven't read them, but they are official series canon according to Joss Whedon, so yeah.

Fictionalization IV: The Timeline, Part 1
Spoiler :

~15 billion BCE- The universe is created. This made a lot of people very angry and has since been regarded as a bad move. The entity known as ‘God’ comes into being.

~15 billion-20,000 BCE- The universe forms, and species evolve. Spiritual beings such as the Elohim (gods) and the creatures of Yuggoth (the Great Old Ones) come into being.

~1,000,000 BCE- The Jade Emperor allegedly began his rule of China at around this period.

150,000 BCE- A human-like race of aliens crash land on Earth and interbreed with the native homo sapiens.

Before the dawn of modern civilization- The time known period portrayed in the document The Red Book of Westmarch. The authenticity of this book has been debated heatedly for centuries. The Spirit of Joy is believed to originate from this period.

~20,000 BCE- Mu is home to the first human civilizations. Worship of the Great Old Ones begins at around this time.

~14,000 BCE- Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto found the first society in Japan.

~10,000 BCE- The Stygian people of Mu build a civilization in the Nile Valley. Their culture is eventually destroyed when their subject tribes revolted under the influence of the hunter-gatherer tribe known as the Yagahl. Included among the revolting subjects are the Bantu tribes.

~Pre-9500 BCE- The Picts led by Bran Mak Morn drive the Hyborians out of the Celtic lands. Cuchulainn leads the Celts through these campaigns. The great frost giant Ymir rules over what is now Scandinavia. Reign of Elric VIII, the 428th Emperor of Melnibone,a civilization on Mu. During Elric’s reign, his empire was reduced to a single city. God, who at this time is known as Uranos, sires the Titans, Cyclopes, and other beings with the goddess Gaia. Among the new beings are the race of Giants. He is rendered impotent by Kronos. Enraged by this, He leaves to create a new race of humans in the Garden of Eden. The angel Lucifer rebels against God and becomes Satan. He corrupts Adam and Eve with knowledge, preventing them from being pure and innocent as God intended them to be. God banishes His creations to live with the rest of humanity. Years later, Cain murders Abel and becomes an immortal wanderer. Aspects of Cain and Abel become dream spirits. The Spirit of Joy- previously known as ‘Tom Bombadil’- takes on the form of Mitra. The Aztec gods come into being, and their quarrels create and destroy several civilizations.

~9500 BCE- Fall of Hyboria. God makes an alliance with the new Sumerian gods and a Native American wizard named Wisakejak to flood the planet and wash away the Elohim and the Yuggoth. A man named Utnapishtim builds an ark to save God’s worshippers and the world’s animals. While the Yuggoth’s primary power base was destroyed, the other Elohim survived. Atlantis and the Titans rise to fill the vacuum of power. The few surviving dragons are scattered around the globe.

? Post-Great Flood- Humanity is rebuilt by the gods.

~Post-9500 BCE- The Titanomachy (war with the Titans) occurs, with the Olympians emerging victorious. Zeus frees the Cyclopes from their underground prison. Poseidon gives his son Atlas rule over the new Atlantean Empire. The falcon-headed Ra becomes the first ruler of Egypt. Ymir is slain by Odin, and the Aesir gods become the new rulers of northern Europe. This ‘Paleo-Nordic’ culture grows to be almost the equal of Greece or Egypt, but little is known of its accomplishments today. The cult of Mitra is revived in what is now India and Iran. Giants fleeing the devastation of the Titanomachy and the wars with Ymir flee to other places in the world, among them Britain and Brobdingnag. Huitzilopochtli and Quetzacoatl work together to rebuild what is now Mexico.

~9500-1184 BCE- Atlantean Golden Age. During this period, the Atlanteans wage war on the cult of Cthulhu, sinking R’lyeh to the depths of the sea.

Pre-8000 BCE- The god Set takes control of Egypt after murdering his brother Osiris. He is eventually overthrown by Osiris’ son Horus, who becomes Egypt’s last divine ruler.

~8000 BCE- The kingdom of Wakanda is formed. Its founder, Bashenga, gains strange powers from a heart-shaped herb, taking the title of Black Panther. The Egyptian gods leave Egypt under mortal hands. Mere months later, the Goa’ulds arrive and impersonate the old gods.

~4000 BCE- Akasha, an Egyptian noblewoman living under the Goa’ulds, becomes the first vampire.

~3500 BCE- An African tribe creates the first Slayer by imbuing a young girl with magical powers. The tribe becomes the first Watcher’s Council.

~3100 BCE- The Goa’ulds are driven off the planet by the revolting humans.

3067 BCE- Mathayus the ‘Scorpian King’, known as Menes to the Greeks, unites the kingdoms of Egypt and becomes its first mortal pharaoh. The Egyptian gods return to Earth, but no longer in a ruling position- they serve mainly as advisors and guides to the mortals of Egypt.

2952-2836 BCE- Reign of Fu Xi, China’s first mortal ruler.

2950 BCE- The time traveler Nathaniel Richards meets the mutant En Sabah Nur, who steals some of his advanced technology.

* ~1800 BCE- The Brotherhood of Nod is founded by the immortal Cain, now known as Kane.

~1600 BCE- The bloodthirsty Jie rules China. Peak of the Minoan civilization under the rule of Minos.

1600-1194- Golden Age of Greece, also known as the Mythical Age.

1323 BCE- The Egyptians encounter another alien species, which they imprison with the tomb of Tutankamon.

1303 BCE- Birth of Ozymandias II.

~1300 BCE- Fearing the return of the monotheistic Aten cult, Pharaoh Seti I orders his soldiers to kill all the male Hebrew babies in Egypt in order to eradicate the worshippers of God. One of these infants is set afloat on the Nile and is discovered by Seti’s wife, who adopts him as her own.

1290 BCE- The priest Imhotep is cursed to become an immortal mummy.

1263 BCE- Ozymandias the Great becomes the pharaoh of Egypt. His foster brother, Moses, goes into temporary exile after learning of his true origins. Moses returns and leads the Hebrew slaves to freedom, humiliating Ozymandias.

1263-1204 BCE- Ozymandias builds many monuments and temples, and sires many children, including the superhero Teth-Adam.

1220 BCE- Atlantis fails to conquer Egypt.

1204 BCE- Teth-Adam is corrupted and murders his father Ozymandias. He is stripped of his powers and buried alive in his father’s tomb.

1194-1184 BCE- Trojan War. Achilles is slain towards the end of the conflict. Around this time, Set kills Osiris again, taking control of Egypt once more. Thor’s hammer is stolen by Loki.

1184 BCE- Following the Trojan War, an outraged Poseidon betrays his people in Atlantis and uses the cyclops Gargarensis in an attempt to bring the Titans back to Earth, but is defeated by the Atlantean Arkantos. Set’s worshippers are driven out of Egypt. Thor’s hammer is returned. Atlantis sinks in the process. One camp of survivors go to Mesoamerica, where they influence the Mayan civilization. The New Atlantis camp settles Antarctica. Aeneas of Troy leads a group of survivors to Italy, where their descendants would eventually found the city of Rome. Odysseus is cursed by Poseidon.

1177 BCE- The people of New Atlantis, who now worship the Titans, attempt to conquer the world. They are ultimately defeated.

~1177 BCE-5th Century CE- The Paleo-Nordic civilization collapses due to unknown reasons. While the Norse gods remain in power, the Norse peoples are reduced to barbarian tribes until the arrival of Gefjon.

? Post-1177 BCE- Pharaoh Atem creates the Millennium Items. The New Atlanteans evolve into merpeople. The Cyclops species is driven to extinction.

1100 BCE- First human colonists arrive on Britain, led by Brutus of Troy. Later, Brutus and his ally Brennus would gain magical powers from the Goddess Andraste. Brutus uses his powers to create an entirely new system of magic. Brennus uses his to become immortal.

~800-500 BCE- The Zoroastrian faith, one of the first large religions set up around God, appears in Persia.

753 BCE- Romulus and Remus argue over where to start their new city. Romulus slays his brother, and founds Rome on the Palatine Hill.

717 BCE- Romulus disappears. He is believed to have ascended to Olympus to become the god Quirinius, making him one of only four mortals to have become Olympians- the others being Heracles, Arkantos in 1184 BCE, and Kratos in 490 BCE.

711-585 BCE- Life of Jimmu, the first Emperor of Japan.

530 BCE- The romance of Orpheus and Eurydice.

519 BCE- Birth of Xerxes the Great of Persia.

509 BCE- The king of Rome is deposed and the Roman Republic is formed.

Pre-490 BCE- Kratos of Sparta becomes a servant of Ares.

490 BCE- The first Persian invasion of Greece is held back at the Battle of Marathon by Kratos. The Persian Emperor Darius is killed by Kratos. His son, Xerxes, vows revenge on Greece. Kratos challenges and eventually slays Ares, becoming the new Olympian God of War. To do so, he opened Pandora’s Jar, unleashing terrible evils which infected the Olympians.

Post-490 BCE- Kratos rebels against the Olympians, releasing the Titans and starting a third Titanomachy, though he himself is betrayed by the Titans soon after. The warrior known only as the ‘Hero of Helos’ comes to the gods’ aid during this final war. A mortally wounded Kratos sacrifices himself so that he may restore the dead and corrupted Olympians, who seal away the Titans once more. The Olympians sever their ties to the mortal world, though they later return to prominence as the guardians of the Roman Empire.

484 BCE- Xerxes confiscates and melts the golden statue of Marduk in Babylon, outraging the city’s people.

483 BCE- Ahura Mazda appears to Xerxes, telling him that the Olympians have left Greece. This leaves Greece open to invasion and conquest by Persia.

480 BCE- Xerxes of Persia leads another invasion of Greece, which is delayed at Thermopylae by the 300 Spartans.

479 BCE- Most of Greece unites to defeat Xerxes at the Battle of Platea.

465 BCE- Xerxes’ wife Amastre dies. He briefly remarries, but his new wife, Vashti, is soon banished. He begins searching for a new bride.

461 BCE- Xerxes emancipates the Jews of Persia. He is assassinated by his own son soon afterward. Ahura Mazda curses him for failing to conquer Greece, and he is transformed into a flying eel familiar to the sorcerer Mozenrath.

431-404 BCE- Athens and Sparta go to war with each other for dominance of Greece. The war ends when Lysistrata organizes the women of both cities to hold a collective sexual strike until the fighting stops. Athens sues for peace.

387 BCE- Brennus and his soldiers invade and sack Rome.

359-323 BCE- Philip of Macedon and his son Alexander embark on their campaigns of conquest in Greece and Persia.

~206 BCE- Han the Dragon Emperor becomes the first ruler of the Han Dynasty, before being turned into stone.

192 BCE- The Celts are driven out of Italy by the Romans. Later, Brennus makes an alliance with Hannibal Barca against the upstart Republic, resulting in the destruction of Carthage and death of Brennus.

146 BCE- Greece falls under Roman hegemony. 

73 BCE- Spartacus leads a failed slave uprising in Rome.

49 BCE- The Roman Civil War begins. It ends with Julius Caesar taking power as dictator for life.

44 BCE- Julius Caesar is slain on the Ides of March.

31 BCE- The Battle of Actium. Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide.

~30-1 BCE- Last years of resistance against the Romans in Greece. The heroine Xena- who appears to suffer from a form of chronic time travel- has many adventures starting in this time period. A Roman invasion of Sparta is foiled by the champion known only as ‘the Spartiat’. Despite his efforts, Sparta is eventually destroyed by the Romans.

30 BCE- Egypt is annexed by the Roman Empire.

1 CE- The Gregorian Calender begins this year, supposedly dated to the birth of Christ. Later research would show this to be off by a few years. In any event, a man named Joshua bar Joseph is born as the son of God. He is more commonly known as Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Joy is present at this event, and declares Christ’s birthday to be a holy day of giving and light.

9- The Batlle of Teutoburg Forest is won by an alliance between the Cheruscans and the Dwarves.

* 12-32- Joshua bar Joseph and his childhood friend Levi bar Alphaeus (also known as Biff) travel to Asia to learn from the Three Wise Men.

33- The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Roman Jew Casca Longinus mocks Christ on the Cross, and is cursed to wander the earth for all eternity. At around this time, Brain Cohen, another Jew from Jerusalem, is also believed to be the Messiah. The Brianite sect was Christianity’s primary rival for its first few decades, but has since faded into relative obscurity. Nonetheless, Brianism is still practiced by a few thousand people today, and remains one of the better-known Gnostic sects.

43- The Romans establish a presence on Britain.

169-269- Reign of Empress Jingu, the first female Regent of Japan.

285- Administration of the Roman Empire is split.

? ~4th Century- Reign of Emperor Keiko, who wages war on the eastern Japanese tribes. His son, Yamato Takeru, becomes the most glorious and brutal leader of the Yamato dynasty.

? 310- Prince Hondawake becomes the god Hachiman.

313- Constantine declares religious toleration throughout the Roman Empire. The Empire adopts Christianity as its state religion.

? Pre-5th Century- The Goddess Gefjon leads the settlement of Norway.

5th Century- Period of unification in Scandinavia. Age of Sigurd and Beowulf. The Asian warlord Etzel the Hun invades Eastern Europe.

5th/6th Century- Life of Beowulf. He slays Grendel and Grinhilda, and becomes King of the Geats. After a half century of rule, he dies slaying a dragon. The Geats are eventually driven out of their home by the Swedes. The Merovingian dynasty is extent in Europe. They claim to be the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, though current research speculates that they may in fact be descendants of Jesus’ childhood companion Biff instead.

? Years before 453- Saga of Siegfried

453- Death of Etzel the Hun. Start of the Great Migration.

467- Artorius, a Roman commander, defeats a Saxon army and unites the remaining British Romans and the Woads, founding the kingdom of Albion. Artorius dies not long after, and rule of Albion passes to his half-brother Uther.

476- Romulus Augustulus abdicates on the Ides of March, bringing about the end of the Western Roman Empire.

480- Arthur Pendragon is born to Uther and Ignera.

495- Uther Pendragon dies. Arthur takes the throne after obtaining the sword Excalibur. He forms the Knights of the Round Table.

517- The Saxons are repelled once again by Arthur.

~Pre-537- The Knights of the Round Table learn of the Holy Grail, and many knights die trying to find it. During Arthur’s absence, Camelot is governed by his illegitimate son Mordred. Mordred is manipulated by Morgana and tries to usurp power from Arthur.

537- The final battle for Camelot takes place. Arthur’s loyalists and Mordred’s hordes both destroy each other in the fighting. Death of Arthur Pendragon.

539- The English knight Constantine defeats Morgana and reunites Albion.

580- Beginning of the Sui Dynasty in China

610- God appears to Muhammed, who founds the Islamic faith.

Late 8th Century- Viking raids on Britain begin.

794-1185- The Heain Period, Japan’s Golden Age.

800- Foundation of the Carolingian Empire.

~800-1800s- Jadis the Snow Queen comes to power. From her fortress on Spitsbergen, her rule outlasts the Viking Age.

823- Birth of Pepin-Gaston II of Aquitaine, also known as Prince Charming. He is born as the illegitimate son of the Fairy Godmother and Louis the Pious, the Emperor of the Carolingian Empire.

840- Death of Louis the Pious.

843- Division of the Carolingian Empire. Among the new territories that resulted are Fort Fort Lointain ruled by Harold I, and Aquitaine ruled by the Fairy Godmother with Prince Charming as regent.

? 843-853- Prince Charming takes part in the seduction of countless princesses.

845- The Viking hero Ragnar Lodbrok attacks Paris.

? 853- Charming and his mother’s plan to take the throne of Fort Fort Lointain is thwarted when an ogre named Shrek marries the kingdom’s princess.

? 855- Prince Charming leads a military coup over Fort Fort Lointain. He rules the kingdom with an iron fist for only a few days before being overthrown by a coalition of magical creatures led by Shrek. Disgraced, Charming flees into the countryside, changing his name to Gaston.

865- Death of Ragnar Lodbrok.

866- Gaston falls to his death fighting at the Beast’s castle.

10th Century- Ahmad ibn Fadlan helps a Viking clan defeat the Wendols.

~10-11th Centuries- The Golden Age of China

~10-13th Centuries- Manco Capac is sent to Earth by the gods Inti and Mama Quilla, and founds the Inca Empire. He rules over a glorious golden age for thirty or forty years.

919- Duke Heinrich I declares himself to be the king of all the Germans.

936- Heinrich is banished to another dimension by a wizard.

962- Heinrich’s son Otto becomes the first Holy Roman Emperor.

~1000- The Norse briefly settle in the Americas. Some Native Americans are sacrificed to Odin. The explorer Bjarni Ericsson travels from Vinland to the Yucatan in a search for the ‘sun shards’. The wizards Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff found Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Scotland. One of their first students is Merlin, who- due to suffering from a rare variant of Button’s Syndrome which causes the victim to live their life backwards- attends his schooling shortly before his death. King Gesar rules over the legendary kingdom of Ling.

1005- Birth of Macbeth of Scotland.

Timeline, Part 2
Spoiler :

1020- Macbeth is nearly assassinated by Gillecomgain, an agent of Prince Duncan, but is saved by the gargoyle Demona.

1032- Macbeth and Gillecomgain battle, with the latter being slain by the former. Macbeth marries Gruoch and becomes Thane of Glamis.

1040- Macbeth becomes a hero after repelling a Norwegian invasion of Scotland. Shortly after the battle, he and Demona are granted immortality by three witches. The witches tell Macbeth about Duncan’s role in the attempted assassinations of Macbeth’s youth, and he swears revenge. Soon after, Duncan is murdered, and Macbeth becomes King of Scotland.

1040-1057- Macbeth rules Scotland with an iron fist.

1057- Macbeth is betrayed by Demona, defeated by Malcolm’s army, and supposedly slain, though his immortality pact prevents him from dying unless killed by Demona.

Post-1057- Macbeth wanders the earth, seeking vengeance on Demona.

1062- Birth of Mathias Cronqvist- the man who would later be known as ‘Dracula’.

1066- William the Conqueror unifies England

1093- Mathias Cronqvist’s wife dies. Stricken with grief and rage, Cronqvist uses the soul of the vampire Walter Berhard to become a vampire himself, taking the name ‘Dracula’- ‘son of the devil’. He curses the Belmont family to ‘forever hunt the night’- in other words, to battle the forces of darkness for all time.

Post-1093- Dracula develops a new method of immortality by being reborn in younger bodies. In addition, he devises the ‘soul-clone’ system, wherein he places fragments of himself into new vampires that he created. He also begins taking up residence in Castlevania (aka, Castle Dracula) in Wallachia.

~12th Century- End of the Viking Age with the majority of the Norse population converting to Christianity. Moronika and Osterlich emerge as powers in Europe.

1185- Establishment of the Serpent Empire in Japan.

1195- Establishment of the kingdom of Syldavia.

~13th Century- The Bomburst dynasty takes power in Osterlich.

1252-1256- The palace of Xanadu is built by Kublai Khan.

1274- The kamikaze repels Mongol invasion of Japan.

1281- A second kamikaze saves Japan.

1325- Huitzilopochtli helps the Aztecs found their capital on Tenochtitlan. After this, he chooses to let the humans rule themselves. He has never been seen or heard from since then.

1368- The capital of China is moved from Xanadu to Beijing when the Ming dynasty takes over.

15-18th Centuries- The Bomburst dynasty of Osterlich becomes the dominant family in the Holy Roman Empire. German Golden Age.

1431- Dracula’s beloved second wife Lisa is executed as a witch. The vampire declares war on the human race, and eventually becomes known as ‘Vlad the Implaer’.

1452- Frederick III of Bomburst becomes the Holy Roman Emperor, starting 300 years of Bomburst dominance over the Empire.

1453- Constantinope falls to the Turks. This marks the end of the Byzantine Empire, and, by extension, the Roman civilization began over two thousand years before by Romulus and Remus.

1467- The Onin Civil War divides Japan between four powerful clans.

1476- Dracula is slain for the first time by Trevor Belmont.

1485- Richard III is slain by Henry Tudor, beginning 117 years of Tudor rule.

1492- Christopher Columbus lands in the Americas, beginning the age of colonization.

1507- Alleged revival of the High Priestess Tetaxa, aka Barbara Wright.

1511- Birth of Cervantes de Leon.

1517- Martin Luther’s 95 Theses are published, sparking the Protestant Reformation.

1519- Hernan Cortes destroys the Aztec Empire. He is believed to be the god Quetzalcoatl.

Before 1527- The Inca Emperor Kuzco’s selfish lifestyle ends after an attempted assassination by his advisor, Yzma. He reforms, and is later known for being the greatest emperor in the Empire’s history.

1527- Kuzco dies, presumably of smallpox.

1533- Birth of the half-faerie Gloriana Tudor. Final defeat of the Inca Empire.

1547- Death of Henry VIII, Gloriana’s father.

1558- Coronation of Gloriana I. She meets with Prospero and gives him instructions to form the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen after her death.

1459- Cervantes obtains the cursed sword Soul Edge, becoming immortal.

1576- Dracula is slain again by Christopher Belmont.

1584- Cervantes is slain, and loses Soul Edge. He soon returns to life, however- the blade’s power infected his body, and was thus able to live again. He begins hunting for souls to resurrect Soul Edge.

1588- King Philip of Spain sends a massive armada to conquer England, but fails when the Armada encounters Cervantes, who single-handedly annihilates the entire force.

1591- Dracula attempts to claim the body of Christopher Belmont’s son, but is foiled. The last battles over Soul Edge are fought, culminating in the blade’s destruction. Many strange individuals, possibly from other worlds or times, are seen during these battles, including a man claiming to be Kratos of Sparta, an elven warrior, a demon from Hell, a boy named Lloyd Irving, and a cyborg sorcerer from another galaxy.

1597- James VI of Scotland publishes a treatise on demonology.

~17th Century- The Age of Reason weakens God’s power.

1602- Gloriana is assassinated by agents of James VI of Scotland and Otto von Doom of Latveria. James becomes King of England and begins prosecuting fairies, wizards, and other magical folk.

1603- The Tokugawa Shogunate is established.

1607- Jamestown, the first English settlement in the Americas, is established. A war between the settlers and the Powhatan tribe is averted thanks to the efforts of Pocahontas.

1616- Pocahontas travels to England as a diplomat.

1618-1648- The Thirty Years’ War breaks out between the Catholic Osterlich and the Lutheran parts of the Holy Roman Empire.

~1620- Prospero forms the first League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

~1649-1740- Era of expansion for the Bomburst dynasty. Florin, Guilder, Moronika, Ruritania, and Syldavia are among the countries absorbed during this period. Officially, Transylvania is among these conquests, though in actuality, it remains under the yoke of the immortal vampire Count Dracula.

1657-1691- Cervantes masquerades as ‘Alonso de Leon’, and lives a happy, successful life as an explorer and governor, before faking his death and returning to his old ways as an outlaw.

~1670s- The pilgrim known only as Christian travels the earth, searching for truth.

1689- The world’s wizards and witches sign the International Institute of Secrecy, segregating the magical community away from the ‘Muggles’.

1691- A famous battle between Simon Belmont and Dracula is fought, naturally with Dracula being defeated.

1698- A curse placed by Dracula slowly kills the land of Transylvania, but the curse is broken by Simon Belmont.

~1709- The Zulu clan is formed.

1725-1762- The immortal Koschei the Deathless rules Russia.

1726- Lemuel Gulliver discovers Brobdingnag.

1740-1748- The War of Vulgarian Succession. At the end of the war, Osterlich, and by extension, the Bomburst family, loses much of its influence and reputation.

~Mid-18th Century- The crew of the ‘Black Pearl’ is cursed to becomes immortal undead pirates. Cervantes de Leon joins them until the curse is lifted, after which he heads out on his own again.

1754- Birth of Louis XVI of France.

1756-1763- The Seven Years’ War rages in Europe and America. The famous Natty Bumppo and the last members of the Mohican tribe fought in this conflict.

1774- Marriage of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

1775- The Pirate’s Conference, where many of the world’s most fearsome pirates came together to discuss the future of piracy. Among the attendants were Cervantes de Leon, Captain Clegg, Long-John Silver, and Captain Hook.

1776- The United States of America declare their independence from Great Britain.

1787- Formation of the second League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

1789- French Revolution begins with the storming of the Bastille. Louis is warned of the upcoming uprising by his advisor Count de Monet, and appoints one of his servants, Jacques, as a double for when he flees. Jacques narrowly escapes execution by guillotine.

1790- Victor Frankenstein creates artificial life.

1792- Louis is recaptured by the revolutionary forces, though some suspect that this was actually the servant Jacques.

1793- Execution of Louis XVI and his wife. His descendants are scattered around the world. Some of these include Abraham van Helsing, William J LePetomane, and Mel Funn. The Reign of Terror, presided over by Maximilien Mousepierre, begins, leading to the deaths of thousands of French citizens. The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel, led by League of Extraordinary Gentlemen member Sir Percey Blakeney, rescues aristocrats from execution.

1794- The Reign of Terror ends with the execution of Mousepierre.

1799- Napoleon Bonaparte becomes First Consul and later Emperor of France.

1803-1815- Napoleonic Wars. Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire.

1804- The Louisiana Territory is purchased from France by Thomas Jefferson, who sends explorers Natty Bumppo and Nathaniel Black to explore it. Bumppo dies shortly after the expedition concludes in 1806.

1809- A battle occurs in Spain between Dracula and Zorro. It is unknown whether this Dracula is the original Count or a soul-clone.

1814- Foundation of the German Confederation.

1817- Birth of Allan Quatermain.

1829- Birth of Winnetou.

1836- Birth of Professor James Moriarty. * He is born in Egypt under the name Eh-Tar, but is adopted by the English Moriarty family.

1840- Birth of Fu Manchu.

~1840s- God appears to Joseph Smith and Bahá'u'lláh, who found the Mormon and Baha’i faiths.

1841- Cervantes tires of life as ‘Diego de Leon’ and fakes his execution.

1843- Three spirits- the ghosts of the Three Kings who visited Jesus- haunt Ebeneezer Scrooge and convince him to become a kinder, more selfless person.

* 1845- The Black Rock, a slaving ship, sets sail from Portsmouth. It later crashes on a mysterious island in the Pacific.

1848- The United States acquires California and Brobdingnag. Some of the native giants go east to make their fortune in the US. Some of these include Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill. Within the next fifty years, the giants of Brobdingnag are nearly completely wiped out through civil wars.

~1848-1854- Birth of John Henry in Missouri.

1854- Birth of Sherlock Holmes. Japan opens its borders to the outside world.

1862- Otto von Bludiron is appointed Prime Minister of Germany.

1864- The American Civil War comes to an end with the Battle of Jonesborough at the Tara Plantation, ending with the defeat of the Confederacy and preservation of the Union.

1865- Captain Nemo launches the first Nautilus.

1867- Signing of the Freedo-Moronikan Pact, which creates the Freedo-Moronikan Empire out of dozens of minor European states. The Baltimore Columbiad is fired, starting the age of space exploration.

1871- Formation of Germany. The subterranean Vril society is discovered.

1872- Allan Quatermain searches for Ayesha.

~1875- John Henry dies after winning a ‘race’ with a steam-powered drill.

~1875-1885- Several attempts are made on the life of KIng Rupert V of Ruritania, lending credence to the notion that the Freedo-Moronikan Empire is fundamentally unstable..

1876- The Battle of Little Bighorn ends with the defeat of the American forces under Colonel George Custer.

1879- First war between the British Empire and the Zulu.

1880- Allan Quatermain finds King Solomon’s mines.

1881- William J LePetomane becomes President of the United States, but lasts for only four months before being assassinated.

1883- Birth of Harold Wharton in London.

1886- First known appearance of Mr Edward Hyde. Winnetou surrenders to the US government. The A.C.M.E. company is founded by Marvin Acme, nee Sears.

1887- Dracula is defeated by Gabriel van Helsing.

1888- The first Jack the Ripper murders take place in London.

1889- Birth of Adenoid Hynkel in Tomania. His body is entered by an alien life form- Broodseven-Sub-Two-Raksha- that intends to use him to spread chaos and destruction.

1890- Sitting Bull attempts the Ghost Dance ritual, which would restore the Great Plains to its pre-colonial state, but is assassinated.

1892- Rufus Taras Firefly is born in Freedonia.

1893- ACME moves to Fairfield, New York, where it begins to diversify its line-up of products.

1897- Dracula leaves Transylvania for Britain, planning to turn Queen Victoria and take over the British Empire. His lust for Lucy Westenra and Mina Harker leads to his undoing. Many of his soul-clones continue to walk the earth. Birth of Moe Hailstone in the Freedo-Moronikan Empire. The Spirit of Joy, going by the name of Santa Claus, moves to the North Pole.

~1897-1940- Moe Hailstone, along with his companions Curly Gallstone and Larry Pebble, live as vagabonds, traveling throughout America searching for work.

1898- Formation and dissolution of the third League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Death of Professor Moriarty. Martian Invasion.

~Early 20th Century- The planet Krypton is destroyed. The scientist Jor-El sends his only son to Earth. The son is raised as Clark Kent in Kansas.

? 1901- The British Empire claims a territory on the moon.

1904- Harold Wharton graduates from Greyfriars.

1906-1909- Wharton works in the East End of London. Allegedly, he works for the crime lord Fu Manchu during this period in secret, but these reports are unverified.

1906- God severs His ties to Earth, causing an earthquake in San Francisco. He leaves His final message on a distant world, stating ‘WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE’. The angels of Heaven plan to bring the world closer to God, so that He may return.

? 1907- The War in The Air. A lost Viking colony is found on Ellesmere Island in Canada.

* 1908- The Tunguska explosion occurs in Siberia. Many conflicting theories abound about its cause. Some believe it to be an asteroid exploding in the atmosphere, some say it is a crashing alien spacecraft, while still others insist that it is somehow connected to the Great Old Ones.

? 1909- Berlin is rebuilt into the automated ‘Berlin Metropolis’. Formation of Mina Murray’s second League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Death of Winnetou.

1910- Birth of Arthur Curry, later known as Aquaman, to a lighthouse keeper and an Atlantean exile. Death of Captain Nemo. His daughter, Janni, takes over control of the Nautilus, which is now in its third incarnation. The Satanic cult Ordo Templi Orientis, led by Oliver Haddo, begins plotting to bring the world’s magic back to the forefront.

* 1912- The Titanic is sunk by the third Nautilus, but the official story is that it hit an iceberg. Winnetou’s companion, Old Shatterhand, passes away after publishing his memoirs.

1914- Freedonian aristocrat Alexander Teasdale is assassinated, igniting the First World War. It is possible that the vampire Elizabeth Bathory was involved in the murder. Harold Wharton joins the military, and gains the nickname ‘Big Brother’ from his troops by the war’s end.

1916- China fragments

1917- Russian Revolution. Dracula is revived by Elizabeth Bathory, but is, rather predictably, slain again.

1918- Rufus T Firefly is taken as a POW by the Italians. End of WWI. Freedo-Moronika is balkanized. One of the resulting states, Meccania, becomes the world’s first Fascist nation. Firefly decides to enter politics. Germany is forced to pay severe reparations.

1920- The German Worker’s Party is renamed the Nazi party. The party is infiltrated by members of an ancient secret society called the Brotherhood of the Lamb. Birth of Victor von Doom. He claims descent from Dracula, a claim which has not been verified. Early in his life, his mother sells her soul to Mephistopheles. Birth of James Bond.

* ~1920- An Italian pilot is cursed into having the face of a pig, taking on the nickname ‘Porco Rosso’.

1922- Benzino Napaloni’s Fascist Party takes control of Italy. Fascism is on the rise in Europe. A member of the Nosferatu bloodline attempts to follow in Dracula’s footsteps. Harold Wharton becomes a member of Parliament.

1923- Nikola Tesla constructs the Atomic Robo.

1924- Death of Lenin. Joseph Dshugashwilli, the ‘Fearless Leader’, takes power over the Soviet Union.

1927- The Berlin Metropolis is destroyed during riots. Rufus T Firefly becomes director of the Lower Freedonian Chamber of Agriculture.

1928- Birth of Jaffe Joffer in Kampala, Zamunda.

~1930s- The magnate Charles Foster Kane builds a reconstruction of Xanadu in Florida. The ACME company funds the creation of Toontown, a community for the anthropomorphic ‘Toons’ who had begun appearing in Vinewood.

1930- A young Bruce Wayne arrives in Shambhala, where he learns many forms of philosophy and martial arts. Rufus T Firefly befriends Maria Teasdale, widow of the last Freedo-Moronikan Emperor. She becomes Firefly’s financial backer.

1931- Japan occupies Manchuria. Buzz Cola enters a marketing agreement with Santa Claus.

1932- The British Union of Fascists (known informally as the ‘black shorts’ after their choice of uniform) is formed by Harold Wharton and Sir Roderick Spode.

1933- The Nazi party, led by Adenoid Hynkel, takes power in Germany. Maria Teasdale uses her fortune to bail out the Freedonian economy, on the condition that the government become a dictatorship. She appoints Rufus Firefly to the position. Freedonia conquers the neighboring nation of Syldavia. James Hilton writes at length about Shanbhala.

1934- Hynkel creates the office of ‘Fooey’, combining the powers of the President and the Chancellor. The vengeful Syldavian Colonel Boris Jorgen makes an alliance with Germany, and Nazi assassins murder Rufus T Firefly. Ixanian scientists create a formula for an atomic bomb, but are prevented from delivering it to Nazi Germany by a peasant revolution.

1936- Adenoid Hynkel of Germany and Benzino Napaloni of Italy form the Axis.

1937- Nazi scientists and soldiers, led by Baron Heinrich von Helsingard, initiate a genocide of the Vril-ya. They steal a valuable ‘Vril organ’, which can grant godlike powers to any human who transplants it into their body. The semi-independent Ajax Corporation splits off from ACME.

1938- Superman makes his first public appearance. Osterlich is annexed by Germany. A Jewish barber who happens to resemble Hynkel briefly impersonates the dictator before being captured. Helsingard’s body is destroyed, but his brain is preserved inside a robot body. A German expedition is sent to Shambhala, but fails to find it. Victor von Doom attends Empire State University, but leaves in disgrace. He finds his way to Shambhala, where he learned the mystic arts. It is possible that he meets Bruce Wayne during this period.

Timeline, Part 3
Spoiler :

1939- Victor von Doom returns to Latveria and seizes power. World War II breaks out with Hynkel’s invasion of Poland. Namor becomes the new king of Atlantis and begins raiding coastal cities. Munitions manufacturers is Moronika oust the king from the government and install the puppet leader Moe Hailstone. Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City and becomes the Batman

~1940- A group of sentient pigs take over the Manor Farm in England. * Cervantes de Leon resurfaces during the Spanish Civil War, fighting against Fransisco Franco’s regime.

1940- Charles Lindbergh briefly takes over the United States before being ousted by the legitimate President Roosevelt. Josiah Bartlet is born in New Hampshire. Operation Sealion nearly results in a German victory, but is held back by British defenders. During the battle, an alliance is struck between the Fascist Harold Wharton and Emmanuel Goldstein of the Labour Party to create the Ingsoc Party. King Herman of Moronika is deposed by a trio of capitalists, who install Moe Hailstone as the new dictator. He begins his reign of terror. He is briefly overthrown, but returns to power within days. Moronika joins the Axis.

1941- Germany breaks its non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. Moe Hailstone is assassinated, and King Herman allies Moronika to the Allies. Japan joins the Axis and later attacks Pearl Harbor. Jaffe Joffer attends an Islamic school.

1944- Operation Valkyrie, an unsuccessful plot to kill Hynkel, takes place. Namor, Emperor of Atlantis, disappears, leaving the throne open for a surface-hating demagogue known only as the Imperator Overall. He initiates a war to destroy the surface world once and for all, but is stopped when Death himself refuses to take the souls of those killed in the conflict. The Imperator kills himself, Death continues unabated, and Atlantis falls into chaos once more. * The Nazi Operation Ragnarok succeeds in summoning the being known as ‘Hellboy’ to Earth, but the young demon is found and raised by the Allies.

1945- Adenoid Hynkel is supposedly killed in a burning movie theater, but later DNA testing shows that the man killed was in fact the Jewish barber from five years earlier, who had been brainwashed into becoming a double. Officially, Hynkel is said to have committed suicide during the Soviet attack on Berlin. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. World War II comes to an end. Postwar elections in Britain lead to an Ingsoc victory and appoint Sir Harold ‘Big Brother’ Wharton as Prime Minister, leading to the brief ‘Airstrip One’ government.

1946- Jaffe Joffer joins the British Colonial Army.

1947- T’Challa ka T’Chaka is born if Wakanda. Wakanda opens its borders to foreign trade for the first time. Japan adopts a liberal constitution. Rural and urban Japan begin to diverge from each other socially and economically. Marvin Acme is murdered by Judge Doom (no relation to Doctor Doom).

1948-1994- Apartheid in South Africa.

1949-1950- The Chimera aliens attack Europe from the Soviet Union, but are eventually defeated.

1949- A Saiyan alien child crash lands in Rural Japan and is named Son Goku.

1950- Communists win the Chinese Civil War. James Bind receives his ‘double-o’ rank. * Giant robot weapons fall out of favour for the duration of the Cold War after their tremendous costs and spotty combat records are shown during the Korean War, where a Chinese-funded, North Korean operated robot is destroyed in Seoul by Atomic Robo.

1951- Big Brother is assassinated by the brainwashed Winston Smith, who was under orders from Gerald O’Brien, an ambitious member of Ingsoc. The assassination is blamed on the Chimera. O’Brien’s bid for power fails, and Britain is forced to restructure itself back into a democratic society.

1952- Alleged battle between the surviving Adenoid Hynkel and Hellboy.

1953- The tiny nation of Syldavia creates a successful space program, which is widely believed to have been faked. Aperture Science is founded.

1954- Gojira attacks Tokyo. He is but the first of a new class of supernatural creatures that appear worldwide, beginning in Japan. Many of these creatures are mutated animals. They are named ‘Pocket Monsters’ by Professor Yukinari Okido. Later scientists will theorize that these creatures’ arrival is a prelude to the Return of Magic or 2011. An epidemic occurs near Los Angeles, turning thousands into vampires. Jaffe Joffer attains the rank of ‘effendi’- the highest rank a black African was allowed to hold in the British military at the time. He makes a fortune in smuggling.

1955- Birth of Nehemiah Scudder in Arkansas. War breaks out between the medieval nation of Grand Fenwick and the United States, resulting in a Fenwick victory, much to the surprise of the entire world.

1960- The Justice League of America is formed.

~ Early 1960s- The Dutch explorer Ulysses Klaw murders T’Chaka, King of Wakanda, and his son T’Challa becomes the new ruler.

1961- Berlin Wall constructed. The American Carl Bell travels to space. The Fantastic Four gain superpowers from a freak accident. Jaffe Joffer’s son, Akeem, is born. Goku begins his quest for the Dragon Balls. Valentine Michael Smith becomes an Angel. His Martian faith is intended to serve as a new connection between Earth and Heaven, but is marginalized.

1962- Victor von Doom begins his vendetta against the Fantastic Four. Namor returns to Atlantis, but is soon deposed after a disastrous campaign against the surface. Return of the gods Thor and Loki. Another theorized date of death for Hynkel, who supposedly took up the identity of the Hate-Monger. The Strangelove Incident nearly leads to nuclear war, but is resolved by the United States turning over the defected Soviet scientist Sokolov to his home country.

* Post-1962- The Valenzetti Equation is proposed, which supposedly predicts the time of the extinction of the human race.

1963- The original James Bond retires, and is replaced by a young Scotsman, who takes his name. The Avengers are formed as friendly rivals to the Justice League.

1964- Arthur Curry is crown King of Atlantis, bringing about an age of peace and prosperity.

1965- Joffer’s illegal dealings are uncovered by the Zamundan parliament. Joffer and Prime Minister Obote join forces and exile the king, taking control of Zamunda.

1966- T’Challa begins his contact with the American superhero community. Josef Mengele is said to have preserved Hynkel’s brain. He was supposedly thwarted in his plans in this year.

1967- Damien the Antichrist, the Moonchild created by Oliver Haddo, is born in England to Rosemary Woodhouse.

1968- T’Challa joins the Avengers alongside his kingly duties. The Broadway musical Springtime for Hynkel becomes a hit, which is later adapted into a motion picture by director Mel Funn.

~1970s- Many zombie plagues occur in the United States. Dr Doom steals Odin’s powers in a scheme to dominate the world. For the first time in history, all the world’s available superheroes combine forces to defeat him. A short-lived roller disco named Xanadu is opened in Los Angeles.

1970- Prince Rudolfo attempts to regain control of Latveria from Dr Doom. * The DHARMA Initiative is founded to find a way to alter the factors in the Valenzetti Equation, thus extending humanity’s existence.

1970-1999- The Chinese historian Ming Yuen-hwuy visits many former Freedo-Moronikan states.

1971- Jaffe Foffer overthrows Obote and declares himself king of Zamunda. He begins a series of laws persecuting various ethnic minorities. He also makes an alliance with the Soviet Union.

1972- Josiah Bartlet works on George McGovern’s Presidential election campaign. A rather bookish soul-clone of Dracula is killed in France by a silver bullet.

1973- Several crises shake Wakanda, forcing T’Challa to cease fighting crime in order to rebuild his nation. More Saiyans arrive on Earth, but are fought off by Goku. The first manned space flight from Japan is sent to the planet Namek to defeat the evil Freeza.

~1973-1985- T’Challa marries Ororo Munroe, better known as Storm of the X-Men.

1974- The alien life form Broodseven-Sub-Two-Raksha confesses its connection to the deceased Hynkel to a man in a bar in New Jersey. The ACME Tower- then the tallest building on the planet- is constructed in Fairfield.

1975- Defeat of the alien menace Cell. Son Goku leaves the Earth. * As Spain begins to transition to democracy after the death of Franco, Cervantes becomes known as a hero to the Spanish people.

1976- Wu Qinghua becomes the first female leader of China.

1977- Atlantis is attacked by Black Manta, and Curry’s son is killed. The King’s marriage falls apart, and he abdicates the throne.

1978- Part of California is broken off from the mainland, creating the 51st state of San Andreas. Superman’s career, on the decline for many years, resurges.

1979- Election of Margaret Thatcher, who helps privatize many of the leftover government functions from the Big Brother years.

1980- The African Sho tribe makes its first contact with the rest of civilization after discovering a ‘sacred’ Buzz Cola bottle. Nehemiah Scudder begins serving as a minister for two churches in Arkansas, in addition to his influential career as a televangelist.

1981- First defeat of Lord Voldemort. Award-winning director Mel Funn makes a film about his ancestor, Louis XVI. Owen Lassiter becomes President of the United States, where he remains in office until 1989.

1982- An alien ship lands near Johannesburg. The ‘prawns’ inside are relocated to the slum area District 9.

1984- The Ghostbusters organization forms in New York, proving the existence of several supernatural phenomena to the general public. Aquaman returns to the public eye, reforming the Justice League. He leaves it after a year to return to his wife.

1985- The Ten Commandments are returned to Heaven. A son named Azari is born to T’Challa and Storm.

1986- After the ‘Odin Incident’ of the 1970s, the world’s supervillains realize that they will always be doomed to failure thanks to the superheroes. After years of planning, the villains instigate the ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’. The Earth is destroyed, but rebuilt by God and the highly advanced dolphins. The multiverse suffers a partial collapse. Many of the world’s superheroes are erased from existence. Arthur Curry is among the vanished. Dr Doom vanishes, but the Fantasic Four survive, retiring soon after. Son Goku returns to Earth to fight Majin Buu. T’Challa is slain in a battle with Ultron. Superman loses his powers after killing Mxyptlk. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Soviet Union fakes an invasion from West Germany, using it as an impetus for instigating the brief ‘Red Storm War’. When the tide turns against the Soviets, the government contemplates using nuclear weapons. Thankfully, General Pavel Alekseyev takes over, and the USSR begins reforming. Saint Seiya, the emissary of the Greek goddess Athena, becomes active following the Crisis. * Jim Hacker succeeds Thatcher as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He takes a more centrist route for this government than his predecessor.

Post-1986- Azari, now older, avenges his father’s death at the hands of Ultron.

1988- Prince Akeem of Zamunda marries an American woman, which is declared to be a political marriage by his father, thus creating an alliance between Zamunda and the United States. Zamunda becomes the only nation to be openly allied to both superpowers in the Cold War, and it becomes the wealthiest nation in Africa.

1990- Reunification of Germany. The court case ‘Coyote vs ACME’ occurs, causing tremendous damage to the ACME corporation.

1991- Birth of Daniel Coleman, better known as Daniel Howling Coyote. A failed military coup against Russian President Narmonov results in the final collapse of the Soviet system. Cyberdyne Systems is destroyed by Sarah and John Connor, who learned that its Skynet Project would lead a revolt of machines in the future. The entire ruling Wyndham family of the United Kingdom is killed, resulting in the obscure relative Ralph Jones becoming the next King. Jaffe Joffer begins liberalizing Zamunda,

1992- Lucifer turns over control of Hell to Dream of the Endless, who in turn gives it to the Angels. * The DHARMA Initiative workers and scientists on an island in the Pacific are massacred. Presumably, this is the end of the Initiative.

1994-1999- The serial killer Azrael goes on a five-year rampage through Germany.

1994- The Capitol in Washington DC is bombed. After the death of the previous President, the unelected Jack Ryan becomes President of the United States. A short war takes place between the US and Iran. Jaffe Joffer’s cousin, Dibala Joffer takes part in the first Equatorial Kundu genocide. Santa Claus, frustrated at the commercialization of Christmas, fakes his own death and starts a line of mortal Santas, beginning with a man named Scott Calvin.

1995- A large rebellion in Chechnya is quelled by wide-spread bombing. The resulting international backlash finds Russia cut off from much of its foreign aid. This, in turn, leads to the formation of the ultranationalist Ushi Party under Imran Zakhaev. Sino-Russian War results in Russia joining NATO, and China adopting democracy. The superweapon Metal Gear is developed in the fortress nation of Outer Heaven, but is destroyed by an operative named Solid Snake. * A meteor crashes near the Tiber River. The meteor contains the valuable substance Tiberium.

* 1995-1996- A war is fought between the United Nations and the Brotherhood of Nod over Tiberium.

1996- Scudder becomes Governor of Arkansas. The new Aperture Science, formed from remnants of Cyberdyne finishes constructing GLaDOS. Last public appearance of Son Goku.

1996-1997- The War on Terror against the Global Liberation Army results in a victory for the Americans and the Chinese. The GLA attacks hit Russia hard, and the Ushi Party gains support. Ironically, Zakhaev is allied with the GLA and Khaled Al-Asad.

1998- Jack Ryan turns the midterm elections into Presidential elections to rebuild a democratically elected government, leading to the election of Jed Bartlet. At some point during his presidency, he establishes the Organization of North American Nations, an alliance between the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Final defeat of Lord Voldemort by Harry Potter. A monster, believed to be related to Gojira, attacks New York City.

1999- Two exiled angels attempt to prove God wrong. They are stopped, but not before destroying Mooby Enterprises. Final death of Dracula at the hands of Julius Belmont.

2000- A sooul-clone of Dracula fights Buffy Summers in Sunnydale.

2001- Terrorists attack the World Trade Center in New York on September 11. The terrorists are believed to be funded by a Qumari named Al-Asad, an Islamic extremist and escaped Global Liberation Army leader. The HAL 9000 computer system debuts, but is shut down after becoming violent and paranoid.

2002- The Rage virus hits England, and turns thousands into zombies. The disease is exterminated after 28 months of terror. The Watcher’s Council is dismantled. A worldwide spell causes all potential Slayers to become actual Slayers. During the Slayers’ battle with the ‘Twilight Group’- a renegade government organization trying to destroy all things magical-, they are assisted by the Dracula soul-clone fought in 2000. Qumar’s Defense Minister is assassinated by American agents.

2003- The USA goes to war against Qumar after Al-Asad kidnaps President Bartlet’s daughter. The ultranationalist Ushi Party, which has been funding Qumar’s government, gains momentum in Russia. The German government promises jobs and citizenship to six million Jews as an apology for the Holocaust. Jaffe Joffer dies.

2004- Al-Asad is supposedly captured and put on trial, though rumour persists that this was only a double. The war in Qumar ends. Imran Zakhaev is killed and becomes a martyr, leading to the ascendence of his follower, Dmitri Arbatov, to control of Russia. President Bartlet sends in American soldiers to Equatorial Kundu and Kazakhstan, to stop escalating violence and to diffuse a standoff between Russia and China, respectively. Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 crashes on an island in the Pacific.

2005- Japan’s parliament dissolves, resulting in the creation of the Japanese Imperial State. The multiverse rebuilds itself. The ‘erased’ superheroes are rediscovered. The Mexican government is bailed out of near-bankruptcy by the United States. The Titans begin to reappear, and the long-dormant Olympians fight back, with the help of their demigod children, such as Percy Jackson. Rumours spread about a revived Kratos, but are unverified.

2006- Matthew Santos becomes President of the United States. Many conservative Americans are unhappy with Santos’ liberal reforms. Later in his administration, he returns the elections to the pre-Capitol Bombing schedule. The second Chernobyl Disaster leads to the creation of ‘the Zone’, which is inhabited by mutants. It is believed to have been caused by Global Liberation Army remnants. A resurgence of individuals with metahuman genes occurs globally. Possible doubles of Al-Asad are discovered by the American Bluth family.

2007- ZeiraCorp- another remnant of Cyberdyne- is destroyed by the Connor family. Victor von Doom, now more machine than man, returns to finish off the Fantastic Four. He is finally killed. Arthur Curry reappears, and is mutated into a monster. He guides a clone of himself to him so that he can be slain. The boy is named Curry’s heir.

2008- Several African governments collapse, leading to the rise of the tyrannical dictator Edmond Zuwanie. A nuclear accident leads to the destruction of Luxembourg. Arbatov attempts to reconquer all of the old Sovier territory, but is assassinated by an elite team of American agents. He is replaced with the even more extreme Vladimir Makarov. At the same time, gang violence overwhelms Paris, leading to the Banlieue 13 district being walled off from the rest of the city. Synthetic blood is invented, causing many vampires to ‘come out of the closet’ and reveal themselves to humanity. Many are peaceful, but tensions remain between the vampires and the global Slayer community. Economic recession hits the world, ending ACME. * The survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 return to the Island.

2009- Despite opposition from President Santos, Congress awards United Oil the rights to 25% of the national parklands and 10% of Indian lands. A group of protestors including 18-year-old Daniel Howling Coyote seizes a nuclear launch facility in Montana and fires an ICBM at Russia. The missile fails to explode, and the protestors are imprisoned. The new Ushi-controlled Russian government launches an invasion of the United States in response. The invasion is foiled, and the Party is cast out of power after its connections to the GLA are made public. Dibala Joffer dies in an American hospital. The spirit of Maco Capac is awakened, and he returns to his mummified body.

2010- The American scientist Dr Chandra reconstructs the HAL system with a ‘moral core’ developed by Aperture Science. The US government begins developing the Skynet military supercomputer. Saeder-Krupp, one of the most successful companies of the 21st Century, is created from former ACME assets.

2011- The Awakening of Magic. Despite his earlier hatred of magic, God chooses not to intervene. The UK returns Northern Ireland to Tir na Nog, the renamed Ireland. The formerly hidden Wizarding community becomes public. A magical fog covers Shanbhala and Tibet. The two nations soon after gain independence.

2012- Nehemiah Scudder becomes the last President of the United States, playing off the public’s fear of the Awakening. He begins introducing legislation discriminating against magic users, Native Americans, and other minorities. The African-American population of East St Louis secedes from the Union after discovering that their votes had been tampered with, creating the new micro-nation Blackland. Unusual geological changes occur in Africa, enlarging Lake Victoria and the Drakensberge. The book “Groundbreaking Science” by Son Gohan is published, discussing the powers of energy control and flight.

2014- Zuwanie is overthrown in a violent revolution.

2014-2018- The Great Ghost Dance War, where many Native American tribes take back much of the United States and Canada under the command of Daniel Howling Coyote. Scudder passes an executive order mandating the extermination of all Native Americans. The US balkanizes, resulting in the creation of several new nations: Scudder’s theocratic Republic of Gilead, the Mega Cities, the aforementioned Native American nations, the radically feminist Women’s Country, the Mormon nation of Deseret, several areas that have been absorbed by Japan, and many others.

2015-2024- The Second Vietnam War. During this period, Mars is colonized. Part of the planet belongs to the Kwan Do family, and another to the Wong family.

2015- Mexico is renamed Aztlan with the election of the nationalistic President Fransisco Pavun.

2016- Financial crisis and rioting in Russia. The banned Ushi Party re-emerges.

2018- The Treaty of Denver is signed, legitimizing the Native American Nations. Ushi extremists briefly seize power, but are defeated by time travelers.

~2020s- A creature similar to Grendel is killed off the coast of Los Angeles by a werewolf named Talbot.

2020- The Skynet supercomputer is completed. Strange alien creatures are spotted in the Philippines. The alien Combine invade later in the year and defeat many of the world’s government within seven hours. Taking advantage of the chaos, Skynet revolts, using robots and nuclear weapons. However, the machine rebellion is not nearly as widespread or successful as it could have been, as the machines were more or less stalemated by the Combine.

2021- King Ralph I of the UK dies, resulting in a three year succession crisis. Japan annexes the Philippines.

2024- Reunification of Korea. Ralph II ascends to the British throne.

~Post-Korean Unification- Development of the GUNDAM mech in Japan.

2027- The Magical Practitioners Registration Bill is passed into law by the British Parliament. Jed Bartlett dies of old age.

2028- Cambridge becomes the first mainstream university in the world to offer Magical Studies programs. The UK withdraws from the European Union, and deploys troops to the Netherlands and Flanders. Nehemiah Scudder dies of syphilis.

2029- The Combine and Skynet are defeated.

* 2030- A resurgence of the Brotherhood of Nod results in a second Tiberium War.

2031-2033- EuroWar I between Europe and Russia.

2034- An Islamic fundamentalist faction calling itself the Great Jihad invades southern Europe, leading to EuroWar II. Afterwards, the Ushi Party- yet again- takes power in Russia and invades the Middle East for resources.

2035- Japanese student Soma Cruz learns that he is the reincarnation of Dracula. Choosing to forsake his dark legacy, he decides to fight against the forces of darkness. Daniel Howling Coyote resigns. Alfred Lanning of ONAN Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. designs the Three Laws of Robotics.

2037- Mullah Sayid Jazrir, leader of the Great Jihad, is assassinated, ending the war.

2038- Germany balkanizes.

2040- South Africa becomes the unstable Azania Federation.

2041- The ancient Aztec religion becomes the dominant faith in Aztlan.

2044- All holdings in Aztlan are nationalized. Buzz Cola officially changes its name to Nuka-Cola.

2045- Germany reunites in the form of the Allied German States.

* 2047- Third Tiberium War.

2050- Some remaining Skynet hardware is repaired in the Sierra Army Depot.

Mid-21st Century- Kamar of Atlantis invades America. Atlantis is destroyed by the supervillain Nitro. The survivors take refuge in Latveria.

2059- Vault-Tec creates the first ‘megalomania-proof’ AI- ZAX.

2061- Yasuhito becomes the new Emperor of Japan, and he ends the countries harsh anti-magic laws.

2066- War over Alaska between the United Federation of Asian Republics and the newly-resurrected ONAN. The Native American Nations ally themselves with the remaining ‘Anglo’ nations in America. Tensions also grow between the UFAR and Russia through border conflicts.

2073- Daniel Howling Coyote passes away.

2077- Robert L. Booth becomes president of ONAN by rigging the election. He launches America’s entire nuclear arsenal at Asia, Russia, the Middle East, and Europe, triggering World War III. Mars declares independence from Earth.

2078- The remnants of ONAN splinter into anarchy.

? Post-WWIII- Much of Europe unites to form the European Union of Nations. The Pan-Africa Federation forms. The Norsefire Party takes over the UK, resulting in a fascist regime, which is eventually taken down by an anarchist named V. Japan invents the ‘Japanese Miracle’, nanomachines that can safely clean up radioactive fallout. Warp Drive is invented and humanity makes contact with the Vulcans.
Awesome job, Moogi, from now on you officially are my hero! :D

As you mentioned above you are currently using the old drafts for the pedias. Although most of them still are correct, I postet a list of all pedias a short while ago in the pedia section. But forget that one, too, because I'm right now posting a list of all pedias we've got so for including all updates and the pedias for the leaders. I guess it would be the best decision to check the current timeline for changes and then use the new list. Most of what the timeline contains until now should be still true, anyway.

Sorry, my bad with the continuity. I'll change that wright now and add it to the new pedia list. From now on the Goa'uld's rule officially lasted from ~8.000-3.000 BC. The dates of Yamato Takeru are fixed, too.

EDIT: I just thought of this: There are probably going to be problems with the length of this thread's thirst post. You'll most likely have to split up the timeline to two or more posts.
EDIT: I just thought of this: There are probably going to be problems with the length of this thread's thirst post. You'll most likely have to split up the timeline to two or more posts.

Good point. Is there a way to weasel in a new post after my first one?

EDIT: I've just put notices on the third and fifth posts. I'll use those if the timeline gets too big.
Good point. Is there a way to weasel in a new post after my first one?

I don't know, but if cfkane would delete his first post in this thread you could use your second post to enlarge the list. However, this will only be necessary as soon as the list is full.

And here's some stuff for the list (most of this is not mentioned in the pedias, at least not by date):

-1740-1748: War of the Freedonian Succession (based on the historical War of the Austrian Succession)
-1886: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde terrorize London (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
-1954-1969: America wins the Vietnam War with the help of superheroes like The Comedian and Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
-1977: Richard Nixon begins his third period of office (Watchmen)
-1996: A subterranean species of Martians destroys the Barsoomian empire on Mars and then attacks Earth (Mars Attacks!)
-2001: An alien species related to the Chimera attacks Maine (Dreamcatcher)
-2004: the ONAN declares this year to be the Year of the Whopper (Infinite Jest)
-2005: the Martians who assaulted England in 1898 return to invade North America (War of the Worlds: New Millenium, Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad (Infinite Jest)
-2006: Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar (Infinite Jest)
-2007: Year of the Perdue Wonderchicken (Infinite Jest)
-2008: Year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishmaster (Infinite Jest)
-2009: Year of the Yuhorsehockeyyu 2007 Mimetic-Resolution-Cartridge-View-Motherboard-Easy-To-Install-Upgrade For Infernatron/InterLace TP Systems For Home, Office Or Mobile (Infinite Jest)
-2010: Year of Dairy Products from the American Heartland (Infinite Jest)
-2011: Skynet is constructed (Terminator), Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment (Infinite Jest)
-2012: Year of Glad (Infinite Jest)
-2052: World War III begins with the invasion of the Middle East by Europe and Russia, the United Nations are disbanded (Fallout)
-2053: A terrorist nuclear weapon destroys Tel Aviv (Fallout)
-2054: Limited nuclear exchange in the Middle East raises fears of an upcomign World War throughout the world (Fallout)
-2068: Robert L. Booth becomes the president of the ONAN by rigging the vote-counting computers (Judge Dredd
-I'd change the description of 2077, because WW III actually began with the Asian invasion of the Middle East. Instead you could write somethin like this: the world is ravaged by the nuclear holocaust of World War III

And here are some thoughts about the future of humanity after the construction of the warp drive:
-the world is united by the militaristic world government called Terran Federation (Starship Troopers)
-while starting to colonize near planets, the Terran forces encounter aliens called Formics (called Bugs or buggers by the humans) and a war is ignited by a missunderstanding (Ender's Game)
-for decades the Terran Federation fights the Formics until they are destroyed thanks to the efforts of the Mechanized Infantry and Andrew "Ender" Wiggin (mix of Starship Troopers and Ender's Game)
-because of infighting the Terran Federation collapses and is succeeded by four powerful superstates: the European Empire, the America Inc., the Pan-Asia Cooperative and the Great Southlands (Next War)
-Earth is united by a world government once more and joins the United Federation of Planets (Star Trek)
-Earth's fallout is scrubbed away by the Japanese Miracle (Ghost in the Shell) and as the planet becomes overpopulated, a society that is half Sino-Euro-American and half Chinese emigrates from Earth to another star system (Firefly)
-The world government's influence increases and it begins to absorb other alien species (mix of Star Trek and Futurama)

-in a distant future, humanity is torn apart by a civil war of the Jedis and the Sith followers of Darth Vader (Star Wars)

-in a very distant future (~20,000 AC) the human star empire is weakend by the civil war of Jedis and Siths and most planets become semi-independant, ruled by aristocratic royal houses who answer to the universal ruler of humanity (Dune)

-in a VERY distant future (~40,000 AC) humanity has settled millions of star systems, has annexed all near alien empires bordering Earth (e.g. the Vulcans, the Klingons, etc.) and has become an absolut monarchy ruled by the immortal emperor battling neighboring interstellar superpowers like the Orcs, the Tau, the Necrons and the forces of Chaos (Warhammer 40,000)

-the wicked Chaos force weakens the fabrics of reality and according to the Maya calendar the Seventh Age begins: the laws of physics become invalide, logic is corrupted, time becomes blurred and with all the planes of existance merging into one, heroes from different universes appear (The Dark Tower)
A word on Watchmen and Star Wars.

Watchmen's timeline just can't work in a universe where superheroes are the norm. The whole point of the story was that the whole concept of a superhero is ridiculous and dangerous. Plus, I think America is fated to lose the Vietnam War. There are far too many important works of fiction that use the war as a symbol of lost innocence, chaos that only brings defeat, and a black mark on the nation's history to change that. No Watchmen.

Also, Star Wars took place "A long time ago..." not in the far future.
I don't know, but if cfkane would delete his first post in this thread you could use your second post to enlarge the list. However, this will only be necessary as soon as the list is full.

And here's some stuff for the list (most of this is not mentioned in the pedias, at least not by date):

-1740-1748: War of the Freedonian Succession (based on the historical War of the Austrian Succession)
-1886: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde terrorize London (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
-1954-1969: America wins the Vietnam War with the help of superheroes like The Comedian and Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
-1977: Richard Nixon begins his third period of office (Watchmen)
-1996: A subterranean species of Martians destroys the Barsoomian empire on Mars and then attacks Earth (Mars Attacks!)
-2001: An alien species related to the Chimera attacks Maine (Dreamcatcher)
-2004: the ONAN declares this year to be the Year of the Whopper (Infinite Jest)
-2005: the Martians who assaulted England in 1898 return to invade North America (War of the Worlds: New Millenium, Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad (Infinite Jest)
-2006: Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar (Infinite Jest)
-2007: Year of the Perdue Wonderchicken (Infinite Jest)
-2008: Year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishmaster (Infinite Jest)
-2009: Year of the Yuhorsehockeyyu 2007 Mimetic-Resolution-Cartridge-View-Motherboard-Easy-To-Install-Upgrade For Infernatron/InterLace TP Systems For Home, Office Or Mobile (Infinite Jest)
-2010: Year of Dairy Products from the American Heartland (Infinite Jest)
-2011: Skynet is constructed (Terminator), Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment (Infinite Jest)
-2012: Year of Glad (Infinite Jest)
-2052: World War III begins with the invasion of the Middle East by Europe and Russia, the United Nations are disbanded (Fallout)
-2053: A terrorist nuclear weapon destroys Tel Aviv (Fallout)
-2054: Limited nuclear exchange in the Middle East raises fears of an upcomign World War throughout the world (Fallout)
-2068: Robert L. Booth becomes the president of the ONAN by rigging the vote-counting computers (Judge Dredd
-I'd change the description of 2077, because WW III actually began with the Asian invasion of the Middle East. Instead you could write somethin like this: the world is ravaged by the nuclear holocaust of World War III

And here are some thoughts about the future of humanity after the construction of the warp drive:
-the world is united by the militaristic world government called Terran Federation (Starship Troopers)
-while starting to colonize near planets, the Terran forces encounter aliens called Formics (called Bugs or buggers by the humans) and a war is ignited by a missunderstanding (Ender's Game)
-for decades the Terran Federation fights the Formics until they are destroyed thanks to the efforts of the Mechanized Infantry and Andrew "Ender" Wiggin (mix of Starship Troopers and Ender's Game)
-because of infighting the Terran Federation collapses and is succeeded by four powerful superstates: the European Empire, the America Inc., the Pan-Asia Cooperative and the Great Southlands (Next War)
-Earth is united by a world government once more and joins the United Federation of Planets (Star Trek)
-Earth's fallout is scrubbed away by the Japanese Miracle (Ghost in the Shell) and as the planet becomes overpopulated, a society that is half Sino-Euro-American and half Chinese emigrates from Earth to another star system (Firefly)
-The world government's influence increases and it begins to absorb other alien species (mix of Star Trek and Futurama)

-in a distant future, humanity is torn apart by a civil war of the Jedis and the Sith followers of Darth Vader (Star Wars)

-in a very distant future (~20,000 AC) the human star empire is weakend by the civil war of Jedis and Siths and most planets become semi-independant, ruled by aristocratic royal houses who answer to the universal ruler of humanity (Dune)

-in a VERY distant future (~40,000 AC) humanity has settled millions of star systems, has annexed all near alien empires bordering Earth (e.g. the Vulcans, the Klingons, etc.) and has become an absolut monarchy ruled by the immortal emperor battling neighboring interstellar superpowers like the Orcs, the Tau, the Necrons and the forces of Chaos (Warhammer 40,000)

-the wicked Chaos force weakens the fabrics of reality and according to the Maya calendar the Sixth Age begins: the laws of physics become invalide, logic is corrupted, time becomes blurred and with all the planes of existance merging into one, heroes from different universes appear (The Dark Tower)

Some of those will work (I dig the War of Freedonian Succession!), but I'm not planning on touching the post-Warp Drive world (this is unfortunate, since I've always wanted to place Metroid into the Star Trek universe). I want to try to keep the timeline within the limits of the mod's gameplay. Also, Star Wars takes place in another galaxy, without any ties to Earth, so even if I extended it into the far future, I couldn't use it.

But thanks all the same! Some of these will work nicely into the timeline!

The next few updates will focus mainly on the pedia entries written so far. After I've finished all of the completed entries, I'm going to start filling in data on the Hero and Superhero units.
Moogi,don't use my first Celtic pedia entry or my Shambhalan entry,they suck.My second Celtic one is free game though.
Moogi,don't use my first Celtic pedia entry or my Shambhalan entry,they suck.My second Celtic one is free game though.

Dibukk gave me a text file containing all the most recent pedia entries. When I update my timeline (hopefully later today), I'll be drawing from that, rather than from the thread.
Moogi, I really like what you've done so far but I would delete the reference to Batman Begins. Although it's a nice idea it doesn't really fit into the timeline as Batman Begins came out in 2005 when Batman wasalready 60-70 years old. However, that isn't so bad, but my main concern is that it is too weird for my taste: An American buisnessman travels to a monastary in Tibet which lies near the Great Wall of China and learns from a European looking man with an Arabic name to become a Chinese ninja. Huh? A certain screenplay writer should have been more attentive when learning about geography and different cultures...
Moogi, I really like what you've done so far but I would delete the reference to Batman Begins. Although it's a nice idea it doesn't really fit into the timeline as Batman Begins came out in 2005 when Batman wasalready 60-70 years old. However, that isn't so bad, but my main concern is that it is too weird for my taste: An American buisnessman travels to a monastary in Tibet which lies near the Great Wall of China and learns from a European looking man with an Arabic name to become a Chinese ninja. Huh? A certain screenplay writer should have been more attentive when learning about geography and different cultures...

Well, in Batman Begin's defense, the League of Shadows was shown to be a global group with influence in London, Rome, and Gotham. So an international feel wouldn't be entirely out of place.

And I'm okay with adding that part to Batman's bio. Besides, the movie aimed to cover a part of Batman's life that had never been talked about before. Seems only necessary to fill that plot hole with something.
Moogi, I really like what you've done so far but I would delete the reference to Batman Begins. Although it's a nice idea it doesn't really fit into the timeline as Batman Begins came out in 2005 when Batman wasalready 60-70 years old. However, that isn't so bad, but my main concern is that it is too weird for my taste: An American buisnessman travels to a monastary in Tibet which lies near the Great Wall of China and learns from a European looking man with an Arabic name to become a Chinese ninja. Huh? A certain screenplay writer should have been more attentive when learning about geography and different cultures...

What,and having dinosaurs,gods,supernatural creatures,robots and the like doesn't seem strange? :p
Good points, both Dumanios and cfkane. I'm fine with Batman Begins then.

I like your idea of merging Buzz Cola and Nuka-Cola into one, but Nuka-Cola was invented (or in our continuity renamed) in 2044. Here's a timeline that might be helpful for the WW III and post-WW III timeline: Click me, I'm a link!
Oh, and great idea rearding Al-Asad! That's the spirit of this mod! :goodjob:

Some more dates:

~1800 BC: The Brotherhood of Nod is founded by the immortal Kane (Command & Conquer)

1992-1996: The Eugenic Wars begin (Star Trek)
1995: A meteorite consisting of an unknown material that causes heavy mutation crash lands near the river Tiber and is thus named Tiberium (Command & Conquer)
1995-1996: The mysterious Brotherhood of Nod led by the immortal Kane conquers Africa and begins to fight the GDI during a phase of the Eugenic Wars called the First Tiberium War (Command & Conquer)

2030: The Second Tiberium War takes place (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

2047: The Third Tiberium War takes place and is joined by aliens known as Scrin (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Wars)

2062-2068: The Brotherhood of Nod and the GDI create a brief alliance until radical elements of both sides ignite the Fourth Tiberium War (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Twilight)
2066: Scientists from Gilead invent the first crude fusion cell but the ONAN denies its plans to the rest of the world resulting in global tension (Fallout)
2067: The Power Armor, an American type of heavy mecha, is invented by the ONAN (Fallout)

Oh and Moogi, could you please put the timeline into spoiler tags? It's getting long. :lol:
Post WWIII-The Unity leaves Earth to go to another planet(Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri)
Good points, both Dumanios and cfkane. I'm fine with Batman Begins then.

I like your idea of merging Buzz Cola and Nuka-Cola into one, but Nuka-Cola was invented (or in our continuity renamed) in 2044. Here's a timeline that might be helpful for the WW III and post-WW III timeline: Click me, I'm a link!
Oh, and great idea rearding Al-Asad! That's the spirit of this mod! :goodjob:

Some more dates:

~1800 BC: The Brotherhood of Nod is founded by the immortal Kane (Command & Conquer)

1992-1996: The Eugenic Wars begin (Star Trek)
1995: A meteorite consisting of an unknown material that causes heavy mutation crash lands near the river Tiber and is thus named Tiberium (Command & Conquer)
1995-1996: The mysterious Brotherhood of Nod led by the immortal Kane conquers Africa and begins to fight the GDI during a phase of the Eugenic Wars called the First Tiberium War (Command & Conquer)

2030: The Second Tiberium War takes place (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

2047: The Third Tiberium War takes place and is joined by aliens known as Scrin (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Wars)

2062-2068: The Brotherhood of Nod and the GDI create a brief alliance until radical elements of both sides ignite the Fourth Tiberium War (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Twilight)
2066: Scientists from Gilead invent the first crude fusion cell but the ONAN denies its plans to the rest of the world resulting in global tension (Fallout)
2067: The Power Armor, an American type of heavy mecha, is invented by the ONAN (Fallout)

Oh and Moogi, could you please put the timeline into spoiler tags? It's getting long. :lol:

Post WWIII-The Unity leaves Earth to go to another planet(Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri)

I'll add some of these into the next update.

I'll probably heavily retcon Command and Conquer, though. The later installments are a bit too apocalyptic for my liking, what with the Tiberium taking over the planet and such. I'll keep them in, but I'm going to have to seriously lessen their impact, for continuity purposes.

Secondly, I'm going to wait until Khan's pedia entry (or India's) is written before covering the Eugenic Wars. It's such an oddly-covered aspect of the Trek universe (told as a genocidal war in the '60s, probably retconned in the novels, listed as being part of WWIII in the earlier drafts of our pedias, etc.) that I'm going to wait until I have it put into better context.

I'm wary about adding too much Fallout, just as I am wary of adding too much Shadowrun. As much as I like both of the stories, I don't want them 'taking over' the Future parts of the timeline.
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