Tiny Europe (52x32)


Dec 26, 2006
This is a map for a scenario I'm working on. It's a cut-out of Rhye's map from the RFC mod.


I have also added a version with 7 civs in their historical starting positions.

Playabele civs in historical starting locations:

- Rome
- Carthage
- Greece
- Egypt
- Babylon
- Persia
- Celts

+ Rhye's civ colors and with game options:


Download: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=10189
Eventually I cropped it manually with a text editor. It took me a while, but I have plans for a scenario or 2 with this map.
I played the game on my weak comp. with Carthage and went a good ways in before it got unbearably slow. I found that Brennus and Hammurabi were the powerhouses with their great land, and I as Hannibal had to quickly settle Spain or get my you-know-what handed to me.
I like this map. A lot. I usually just play Earth 18 Civs and go around deleting most of the civilizations in worldbuilder to keep my computer from slowing down. This makes it a whole lot easier.
although, there were some color issues. i dont know if it was on purpose or if it was only my computer screwing up, but the Babylonians were black, the Romans were red, and the Persians were pink. I fixed it in my game no problem, but i suggest you fix that. :)
I used "Rhye's civ colors" as stated in the first post for better contrasting colors. Babylon, is dark blue by the way, if it's black, the barbarians overtook it.
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