Hey guys, it’s been awhile since I’ve played HK and I’m trying to get back into it.
Does anyone have good tips on how to keep up with tech pace BESIDES picking a culture that has collective minds/science bonuses? I'd like to not only rely on those features just to learn to keep pace with tech since getting a science culture isn’t always guaranteed. I love a lot of the science cultures though so I do like using them.
like, how do you build your cities to really max out on science and keep up with the costs and all of the other resources? Just feels overwhelming as of now, and honestly any good nation/city building tips would be helpful.
Does anyone have good tips on how to keep up with tech pace BESIDES picking a culture that has collective minds/science bonuses? I'd like to not only rely on those features just to learn to keep pace with tech since getting a science culture isn’t always guaranteed. I love a lot of the science cultures though so I do like using them.
like, how do you build your cities to really max out on science and keep up with the costs and all of the other resources? Just feels overwhelming as of now, and honestly any good nation/city building tips would be helpful.