TJ02: Double Your Pleasure

Start A. Too much grass, and I don't like starting in the corner of the map. Food bonus after 10 turns, 2 BGs, hill on a river. If this were unmodded I'd pick it.

Start B. Low food start, can't auto-pop the hut through expansion. Near the middle of the map. Hill on a river and access to the coast. The coast may cut us off from access to jungle. The comfort factor of the horse makes it easy to pick. Could be a good start, but could be a really bad start.

Start C. 3 desert, 6 mountain, 3 hills and 1 BG make this a good Dyp start. Since it is a wet map then to the north we are likely to have a large swathe of jungle whereas to the south we will hit the bottom of the land area pretty quick. The hut will autopop without danger of barbs (can't remember the setting). Nice central map location.

Start D. 3 BGs in extended radius and access to the coast. Everything else is bad. Corner of map location, only one mountain, settler not on a hill. It is the only start I would not consider.

Start E. If the settler were on the SW hill tile I'd consider it. Otherwise its all hills and grass. If we moved the settler and got the Mountain into play then maybe. But I am not convinced.

Personally I would go with start B. At face value it's not as good as start C but has more potential (for better or worse). Start C is a safer solid start. Second choice would be C.

As a newbie to DyP I would completely disregard what I have said and take Docs advice.
Once we pick the start, it might be useful to make one of the other starts available for play (i.e. post the start save). The reason is that then a player could play it out and make sure there was nothing wrong further in that would cause problems or forgotten that would cause major issues - like missing a hidden nationality flag on a unit or something like that. It would also be useful for anyone who wanted to get a feel for the game.

As my previous posts may have been unclear:

My vote is for start B.

IIRC the bix is only 50K so I could post the bix file later if you like.

Today's the day guys. Who's UP? What save are we playing?

And what's DyP anyway?

it looks as if the concensus is start C.

I'll post the save this evening and it looks as if Greebley gets the honour of starting :)

Originally posted by Doc Tsiolkovski

TJ, what means 'this evening'? GMT?

And IMHO it would be really better to start a new thread for the game itself.
Yep, GMT

OK, I'll start a new thread and post the link here.

The thread for the game is > here < (including save & modified bix).

Please sign in (so that I know who to PM :))

I am curious why people do not consider the Pyramids a must have wonder. I always go for it. The free culture is a huge advantage, IMO. It means your cities borders will expand in 10 turns allowing you greater freedom in city placement. Obviously the GL is a must have, but the Pyramids is definitely high on the list.
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