TJ02: Lucky DyP

Do you think we could twist Kal El's arm to build a map for us?

I would play deity RaR.
By build you mean find a random map whose start is decent right?

To me build means designing a map by hand which is way too much work to ask anyone.

So we want someone to "find decent map for us" right?

I haven't yet had time to download RaR and try it out, bu I think I would also like to wait for a version that Kalel, et. al. were happy with in terms of gameplay. No point starting a game when there will be a superior version a short while later.
Yes, kinda.I think it woudl be good to generate some maps until an interesting one turns up, and then redistribute resources and/or starting positions (with the editor tool that allows this) until the human player has a small chance of surviving 80 turns.

The reason we need someone like Kal El to do it is because only someone like him would know whether a particular position was remotely winnable or not.
The current build is pretty stable. The only thing that would alter it is if Firaxis were to come out with a patch that fixes some of the issues with the way certain "features" of the editor don't work as they should.

As far as making a map for the next game, I would rather not, mainly because I was hoping to jump in on the next one. :)
In my current Deity trial, it's around 0 AD, I'm 3rd in everything important, have 3 WoW (GLib!) in my capital, and didn't fight a single war so far - but I'll soon start attacking myself.

80% land Pangea, wet, 3 billion
Normal Aggression. Mid-Level barbs (that make it easier, since the AI starting units are occupied).
Hand-Picked AI Civs: No AGR. Several IND (need to be able to trade for Masonry ASAP). No EXP (not that important, just because of the huts).
AGR/COM, what guess which Civ has this traits in RaR? Small hint - the Capital is not Jenne ;) .

Decent, but not overpowered start; for example, I have only a single Lux.

So, what we'd need is:
- Iron and Horses.
- Fresh Water, Hills/ Mountains.
- At least one Lux and one Food bonus for the Capital (or at least the obvious second city spot).
- Some kind of 'backyard'.
- No AGR neighbor.

Don't think we're asking for too much...the AI always gets that. :rolleyes:

Civ and World Shape:
Either SEA + Archipelago, or AGR + Pangea. Continents seem the worst choice, fewer Neighbors tend to pick on you early on.
Well, since I am busy with SGOTM now, I could duck out of the game and build a map for you if you like.
Thanks for the offer Madbax :)

After a bit of thought, I don't know that I would want to play a wonderless game as my first RaR game. The point would be to explore the new version and leaving out the wonders would be a shame as I would want to explore them as well.

Any opinions on this?

Doc, would you be running the game?
I just won my 1st Deity RaR game :D !
The AI was quite helpful; permanently fighting, and the 800 pound canary stayed in Fundamentalism all the time, so I could get the tech lead by a small (but crucial) margin.

I'd run a Deity RaR SG, no problem.

So, what do you want:

Pangea - AGR Civ
Pelago - SEA Civ?

Everyone agree with 'cooking' (hand-picked opponents - but of course nothing too unbalanced like Mongols and Zulus on a 80% water Archipelago, and acceptable start)?


Nevertheless, we of course should wait for the final version, and finish this one before ;) .
Maybe I'm confused, but isn't RaR the Conquest version of DyP mod... the one that isn't out yet?;) If so, what do I have to do to try it out? Playing my first DyP game now, so not much exp, but would love to give it ago.
Would someone who's only played the MOD one time, and still working at that first time, be able to be an effective beta tester for the mod?:p I'll probably sign up if I feel I have time and maybe after I finish the DyP I'm on now... but from all the talk from the website, seems like it's going to be a re-start of DyP. Is it like the jump from Civ3 to Conquest, or more like the jump from Civ2 to Civ3?
Ted seems to be missing. Something important probably came up in RL for him. Why don't you just finish this game off? I think we can go peacably to launch from here. If anyone has a hankering they can grab the save and try out warfare themselves.

It shouldn't take long or require much work. Just fortify or automate workers, etc.

If you don't have the time then we can let the next player do it.
Good catch, Greebley, I wasn't aware of that. I don't have time either, I'm still 'away' on vacation, it's only due to circumstance that I'm here now. I will not be able to get at it until Saturday, if nobody has taken it by then, I will.
I was hoping to see you guys use Mobile Infantry:

Civilopedia for Mobile Infantry:

The most advanced infantry unit available, the Mobile Infantry are exceptionally good defenders, able to repel attacks by most enemy units. Mobile Infantry are fast units, moving 10 tiles per turn regardless of terrain, and are able to withdraw from combat if losing the battle (unless fighting another fast unit). They can be used to make [amphibious assaults,] attacking directly from a boat to a land tile or a city and can attack as much as five times in one turn. If that wasn't enough, they can also be airdropped into enemy territory.

I'm not sure of the stats for this unit, but it looks very impressive.
Ya, that does sound like a fun unit. The problem is the AI is so far behind it doesn't make the most exciting SG.

If anyone were so inclined they could take the save after we finish and play the game to conquest and then post a report. I might try it myself if I find I have free time and noone else has already done it.
Space: Are you going to take this? I am playing VoC tonight, but can probably get to this one tomorrow if you are busy. :)

I wonder where Ted is. I miss him :love:
Oh dear, I knew I forgot something. :blush:
I have some time tonight, I think, I'll try to get to it (GOTM31 will have to wait). I miss Ted too and I worry a bit, since it's not like him to rush off without a word.
Not much to do really, I switched some scientists to entertainers to make our people even more insanely happy.

Two new SS parts complete:

1872AD - turn 1
Working.... (I love the engineering animations :lol: )

Egypt and Persia seek solace in each others' company: they sign a MPP.
Civil Liberties -> Pesticides
SS part nr 5 ready.

1874AD - turn 2

Pesticides -> Mass Media
SS part nr 6 ready

1876AD - turn 3

Mass Media -> Data Encryption
The Egyptians guarded out:
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