TJ02: Lucky DyP

The last autosave is on the server too, but I can't seem to add a link to it here, sorry.

This really is an interesting mod. :thumbsup: Although intimidating at first, it brings back a bit of interest in new thing to discover. I do not think I've even seen half of the possibilties. Maybe we should try a multi-victory to explore the culture/money/production balances some more.

Thanks for playing everybody, once again a pleasure to be a part of such a great team! :)
Well done Space :goodjob:

Apologies to all for disappearing without notice :(

Yes good game everybody.

I think I would quite like to play an AW game of RaR. Maybe deity, but defer the AW bit intil 10AD.

Standard continents map with an agricultural civ.
Always War! If I am going to be mapmaker (which will be better than me playing ATM - trust me :sad: ) then I will need access to the download on or before 21st May. I am on holiday a few days after this.
Yes I have access, I just don't know if there is another release that is imminent.
So are you going to use RaR 1.00 beta or should I wait?
mad-bax said:
Yes good game everybody.

I think I would quite like to play an AW game of RaR. Maybe deity, but defer the AW bit intil 10AD.

Standard continents map with an agricultural civ.

...and of course, no MIL Civ - :eek:
Honestly, that seems not feasible. At least not before all players know every single feature of the mod.

Continents above Emperor are pretty tough (the AI outnumbers you for a long time, and without someone else to fight, they'll pick on you).

AWE is fine, but you will be really backwards already. The odd thing is, it's no problem for a MIL Civ in the beginning, the hard times come exactly around 10AD...

I fully understand 'Wonderless' is no convincing idea for trying a new mod.

I'd go with:
- Deity, mad-bax provides a balanced map. Civ: Either a good AGR Civ on Pangea, or a SEA Civ on Pelago. A standard Continents map is something I hate (Huge is a completely different thing!).
- AWE, with either the MIL/SCI, MIL/AGR or MIL/REL Civ
- Demigod, all random.

I would prefer the Deity Pangea game, either the SCI/AGR or COM/AGR Civ for the trait combo, or MIL/AGR for AGR and the UU.
However, Deity means one thing: About every 3rd game, one or more of your neighbors will simply decide to get rid of you before you even can finish your first Tribal Guard... :rolleyes:
I concur with Greebley. I'd like to have freedom to explore the mod.

How about a Deity Archipelago game with a seafaring/whatever civ? Say, Byzantium (never played).
Deity Pangea also looks good. So, well, whatever... :D
This was a fun read guys, although i'm certain that it wasn't your intent to entertain, thanks anyways. If i can only get this DYP mod to work on my out of the box brand spankin new gold edition i'll be thrilled, i've PM'd Kal-el, i'm sure he'll be able to help. Cheers for now
Or you could wait and see it on the forum... it should be DocT4 (or DocT5?). So you will eventually come upon it. Along with my RaR game, which will either come out this week or next week.
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