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TLO-02 Mansa Musa la Pizzeria!


Jan 17, 2007
Hello. This is another SG and yes the title might be weird, but that sentence got stuck in my head and i can't get it out. So i decided to dedicate an SG to it.

Leader: Mansa Musa
civ: Mali
Map: Pangea
Opposition: does anyone want to hand pick the opposition? also how many opposing ai's will we be facing? i'd say 6.
Size: ??? i wanted the group to figure which is the most approprite.
Speed: ??? Same as above


1. We MUST win through Conquest OR Domonition.
2. at the end of every 10 turns we must give away all the techs we have researched to every singal AI.
3. The use of spy's is banned. Great Spy's will have to be disbanded.
4. we MUST swap atleast 1 civic at the end of each turnset. (religions count as well)

Each turnset will contain 10 turns to go with the give techs away every 10 turns thing. Just to make things easier. So basically at the end of everyone's turnset, they must give there techs away to the ai's and swap a civic/religion.

if we have no civics to change to(usually at the biggining of the game) then you don't have to change civics.

If we have no other religion to convert to, then we don't need to swap religions.

if we don't have alphabet then we don't need to give away our techs.

easy to understand? i hope so.

there are some things we have to decide upon as a group however.

1. how much enemy AI's do we want? i think 5 is a good number.
2. Do we want to handpick the opposition?
3. What size and speed do you guys want?
4. do we want barbs or not?

1. Thelastone36
3. Civman123
4. Arlborn
5. azaris
Do you have to change back to the default civics? Like from HR to despotism? Or slavery to tribalism? Would changing from state religion to no state religion count?

Can you trade/sell techs before your round is up and you go to Red Hot Chili Peppers (Give It Away Now) Mode?

Good point i didn't think about that.

We are a spiritual Leader. We can change civics without anarchy. at the end of the turn you have to switch back to despot for example. and at the beggining of the next turnset the player could switch again.

Switching to non-state religion does not count. (enless people really want it to count i could bend the rules a bit)

i don't udnerstand the tech question. If it means can youtrade techs before the end of your turnset then yes you can.
There's a waiting period from when you switch until when you can switch again. Like you couldn't change civics every turn, maybe every 3 turns on normal? I haven't played spiritual in a while. Switching out of slavery at the end of your round, next player switches back in ASAP seems like a good way to handle it, though I'm not sure if it's in the spirit of your ruleset.

The tech trading question boils down to is it ok to trade techs for whatever you can get for them (techs or gold) before you have to give them away for free.
There's a waiting period from when you switch until when you can switch again. Like you couldn't change civics every turn, maybe every 3 turns on normal? I haven't played spiritual in a while. Switching out of slavery at the end of your round, next player switches back in ASAP seems like a good way to handle it, though I'm not sure if it's in the spirit of your ruleset.

The tech trading question boils down to is it ok to trade techs for whatever you can get for them (techs or gold) before you have to give them away for free.

i didn't say you could trade away techs for free. You could trade it for gold, or another tech. (note if you trade it for another tech then you have to trade away that one to)

and nice eye's with that waiting period forgot about that. i'll think about that.
Is this one still up ?

The idea seems weird but I would like to give it a try if we have a go.
Still up, but i'm saving it for when i finish my other 2 sgs, which will happen shortly.

Edit: Infact forget that, i can handle 3 SG's, i just finished many leaders game. So let's start this one.
I'll give this one a skip, too busy with other games, but I'd noticed that I couldn't see what level you were playing.
I play this one if you'll take me. Noble or Prince seems good, but not monarch (that might be a bit hard)
I'm in if you want me on the roster :) I like the idea of Mansa, the universal tech give-away, getting friendly with everyone around but having to win as a warmonger.

I am comfortable with these settings on Noble & Prince.
Do we select AIs ?
For map/time settings, I would go for large/epic.
I can go on this one! If it is OK that being my first time OFC...Yes, I already did read tons of SGs...
As long as we don't mention the word Poland here...Oh I just mentioned it. Ah well.
But uh, is playing on 3.02 OK?

And I prefer Prince with standard map and number of CIVs. You said Pangea? It is OK I guess, although I would love to use colonies around in a SG...Ah well. Speed would probably be normal to don't get boring!

That is, if you accept me! :)
3.02 is compatable with both 3.03 and 3.02 saves so yeah it's all right.

Great! Now let's just see what TheLastOne36 has to say!
By the way, I think I remember TheLastOne36 with around 200 posts about 1(?) month ago! Am I insane? :crazyeye:
Great! Now let's just see what TheLastOne36 has to say!
By the way, I think I remember TheLastOne36 with around 200 posts about 1(?) month ago! Am I insane? :crazyeye:

i had only 50 posts in april...

Anyway, i'll organize everything in a bit. University comes 1st i'm afraid, and the work i get there seems endless, so ounce i'm done with the work i get today, i'll start organizing things.
From the Suggestians i think that Prince is a good level that ain't to hard but still challenginge.

What about AIs that refuse to talk to us? Is it considered an exploit to annoy an AI so badly that they refuse to talk to us so that we don't have to give them our tech?

I'll leave that to the group to decide along the way if we ever get in a situation like that. we could go on the worldbuilder and manually give the techs away, or we could just ignore the civ. As for the Exploit, However, kills the point of the SG. So i'd say a no to that. Another problem is if we attack an enemy civ and can't speak to them cause there angry. Ounce again i'll let the group decide if we just ignore the civ or give the techs away through worldbuilder.

as for the other rules, how does this sound:

Difficulty: Prince
Map: Pangea (any other suggestians? i'm fine with big and small/medium and small)
Size: Large?
Speed: Normal-Epic (decide now, as i'd like to kick this SG out as soon as possible.)

Things group hasn't decided:
Do we want barbs or not?
How much enemy AI's do we want? (since we might be doing Large, maybe 7?)

I say just put the Ai's at random. It's not something like cultural conquest which might need some handpicked ai's.

1. Thelastone36
2. pawelo
3. Civman123
4. Arlborn
5. azaris

I say wait a day or two for Fireaxis to release the latest Patch before we put this game to a start. Fine with everyone?
Big and medium is not bad also. It is bad for a military effort, sure, but that only makes it more challenging! Anyway, it might even help us if we don't see an AI for long, so this AI can't take full advantage of our techs until we meet them!

If it goes as big and medium/small map, I would consider barbarians, because they won't be that big of a problem in that map, and they may settle some nice cities for us/AI in some islands!

Standard or large map is fine by me, with the default number of AIs for that map!

And by the way, the quality of the report will be taken more serious than the quality of the play itself, surely..Ehm, right? I hope..? Please? :mischief:


PS: I am a shameless wonder-whor3, so cut my wings any time that it is necessary!

And I would already suggest waiting a few days for the patch. I am also waiting for the patch to try to start my own SG with a funny/challenging idea! Or at least it is for me. :p
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