• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

To those with d3dx9_32.dll problems

I'm getting a "setup could not download the file" when trying.

Perhaps it has to do with me running Vista?
You guys do a great job. It's really nice when you have a problem to come to this site and see the problem listed and solved without having to ask. (Though it helps not to be the very first person with the problem!) :)
Now the top download fails to finish for DirectX. Will beyond the sword still work now that Firaxis has ruined my copy of Civ IV or should I just whip warlords into the garbage?
You guys are awesome. For those running Vista, the only way I could get this to work was to download the setup to my local computer using Gyatthar's link in #3 above.
Using another DirectX9 download solved the issue.

Odd, you would expect a DirectX9 game to work when Vista is bundled with DirectX10, but alas it doesn't work retroactively, it seems.
Thanks guys ! YOU made it work :) YOU DID IT !
I must say I'm lucky there's such a bunch of Great People here :p
Thanks guys ! YOU made it work :) YOU DID IT !
I must say I'm lucky there's such a bunch of Great People here :p

I second this! If it weren't for the people in this thread pointing me to the right place, and Gyathaar letting me know to extract the file after it was in place, I'd still be scratching my head... :goodjob:

Now, off to DL the mod for SGOTM5! :p
Thanks so much for this post guys I just did not no what to do to get civ 4 to work until I seen the post thanks

Download from this link and place the file in the civ 4 folder.
Worked for me. :)

This was only a partial fix for me: it solved the first problem of the missing dll file, but then the game startup hangs on the init "Error loading shading libraries"

(I'm running windows XP professional x64 Edition, licensed. Previous attempts to upgrade Direct X both via web validated download and manual download failed due to error: "Sofware failed Windows logo testing." The upgrade claimed to be x64 compatible.)

I'd appreciate any suggestions...
Try searching for d3dx9_ on your hard drive you should get a list of dll-files.
Take the one with the highest number in it like d3dx9_31.dll and make a copy of it in the same directory it is in. Then rename it to d3dx9_32.dll.
Then try to run the game. You use an older version of directx but i don't think that is a problem.
Let us know if it works
Try searching for d3dx9_ on your hard drive you should get a list of dll-files.
Take the one with the highest number in it like d3dx9_31.dll and make a copy of it in the same directory it is in. Then rename it to d3dx9_32.dll.
Then try to run the game. You use an older version of directx but i don't think that is a problem.
Let us know if it works

that made it work for me - thanks a lot!!!
Please Please help me. I can't play my new CIV 4 and I can't figure out what to do about the INIT ERROR.. Does anyone know how to fix this???

NEWTOO:confused: :confused:
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