
Henri Christophe

Aug 17, 2018
Rio de Janeiro, K11 (Kwanza)
Hi to all,
I'm studying about Toltecs and I just read a book from a Texcocan guy called Hernando Alva Ixtlixóchitl called Historia de la nación chichimeca <History of Chichimeca nation>
Ixtlixóchitl in this book tell the history of his nation from the begining of the world untill the spanish conquest and in the first 3 chapters, he tells the history of Toltecs.
In this chapter I get several names who can be a Toltecs leader in a game as civilization.

First the Toltecs had the first 7 caudillos, Tlacomihua (or Acatl), Chalchúmatz, Ahuécatl, Coatzon, Tzihcóatl, Tlapáhuitz and Huitz.
Then, when the capital city was Tollan, they start to choice kings:

From 510 to 562; Chalchiuhtlanentzin or Chalchiuhtlatónac
From 562 to 613; Tlilquecháhuac Tlalchinoltzin
From 613 to 664; Huetzin
From 664 to 716; Totepeuh
From 716 to 768; Nacázxoch
From 768 to 826; Tlacomihua
From 826 to 830; Xiuhquentzin
From 830 to 882; Iztaccaltzin
Since 882 at least untill 908; Topiltizin

First I want to show out most of theses kings had 52/51 years of governement, what propably isn't true in the way we understand history, but 52 is a important number in mesoamerican math and as Ixtlixóchitl wants to show a kind of mystic in toltec history, they had this kind of regular time of governement.

The first one to have a governemant bigger than 52 years was Tlacomihua, who was a governor of 59 years and the first one who Ixtlixóchitl speak something about the governement then just the name of the king and the time of regime.
Next of Tlacomihua we had Xiuhquentzin, the only queen and also with the lowest time of reign, just 4 years.
The next kings: Iztaccaltzin and Topiltizin, the autor of the book tell more details of their history, aparently Iztaccaltzin had a relationship with a mariage woman called Quetzalxochiltzin (who was married with a noble toltec called Papantzin).
I don't know if the toltecs have the concept of infidelity, but Ixtlixóchitl use this argue to point out that was one of the reasons of the Topiltzin regime be the last one of toltecs.

Topiltizin was the last king, his reing was marked of bad presagious as rabbits with horns and starvation on the field, he only reigns 26 years (half of 52) and this end the toltec history to Ixtlixóchitl and in the next chapter he started to talk about how the chichimeca Xólotl arrive in México.

Whatsoever, others sources say about Topiltizin be the toltec king who promisse to come back from north sea (Atlantic ocean) and was the reason why Montezuma II think was Hernan Cortéz the return of Topiltizin.

I just want to share this knowledge with you of possible toltecs leaders following the narrative of Hernando Alva Ixtlixóchitl.
Do you know more books there can we study more about toltec history?
My teacher just suggest to search about also Tezózomoc.
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One, Ixtlilxóchitl was of Aztec origins, not a Chichimeca. Two, the point of view he wrote from was that of Tetzcoco, one of the cities of the Aztec triple alliance. Different from Tenochtitlan, but still Aztec Nahuatl people.

You’re just found another Aztec source. And we discussed at length how the deliberate destruction of Aztec records by the Aztec rulers « because the people shouldn’t know the pictures » (ie, what the books said) largely render Aztec sources questionable regarding events that happened centuries before they reached the area.

Still no.
I'm not sure if I agree a Texcocan guy as Ixtlixóchitl can be considered an Aztec. I tougth the Aztecs was the people who come from Aztlán and that said it can be only Tenochitilán people, or, maybe, Tlatelolco also, but I guess Texcoco heritage isn't linked with Aztlán, but with Toltec/Chichimec heritage.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

but @Evie, I would like to use your knowledge, if Ixtlixóchitl isn't a realible source to speak about toltecs, do you know if there are some?
If there aren't, do you know more aztecs who talk about Toltecs? I rly want to learn what do we can have about they.
I found some sources outside Ixtlixóchitl, as the Anales de Cauahtitlan, one dude called the Mexican anonimous and Francisco Javier Clavijero.
I'm wonder, who more could talk about toltecs?

And also, if you know modern historians, I would be greatefull, I'm reading a dude called Navarrete, he have several books about Mesoamerica.
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