Here, in Mozambique, you can feed 27400 persons during 1 year with this kind of money.
If he buys food/water for refugees, it goes up to 35000 people that can be SAVED for a full year.
Tell me now: what kind of respect can you have for sellfish people like this?...
Unfortunately, people go to his movies. It's not like he prints the money himself, people give it to him - they pay him this much. Before we condemn him to hell though, we might want to see how much money he has donated. I'm pretty sure it will be 10m +.
That said.
I know, it's screwed up.
But we need to consider that money used to keep people alive for a year will not solve anything. We've been putting bandages on the wounds for decades, and the bleeding has not abated in the slightest (poverty levels have not significantly changed despite the IMF and World Bank). Until Africans stop the 'brain drain' (because the people want to stay or come back and build a better future), adopts protectionist trade policies, and is swept by democracy, there can be no real development. There will never be enough dollars to bring world class educators and leaders to the common schools of africa. There will never be enough dollars to stop the starvation. There will never be enough dollars to end the tyranny. These things can only be accomplished by people.