Tool for converting FLC to animated GIF


Aug 7, 2002
Hi all,
This is a little freeware tool i've made for converting FLC/FLI to animated gif.
The interface is in French, but if you want, the next release it will be multilanguage. (i have put a readme file that explain you how to use this tool).

Flc2Gif v1.1.0.9
Oh yea, I missed that point, multi-lingual would be great, for those of us who aren't gifted enough to speak many languages.
I've put a new version :, multilangage.

For explanation of options :
Merges frames of similar appearance by replacing similar areas with transparency.
Crops unused transparent areas to minimize the size of each frame.
Sort all color maps by usage and remove unused entries.
Originally posted by Random Observer
what about gif to flc? that would be very help full

Paint Shop Pro allows you to convert Gif to Flc and Flc to Gif. :)
Animation shop does the same thing, but it cannot do the same with units (always cuts off the last part of the unit, and Civ3 cannot read the file). Great idea, great tool.

BTW, I started making a unit, and now I have 1 FLC of the unit in each direction (8 total FLCs). Instead of copy/pasting, I would like to see a utility that takes the frames of a FLC and saves them as individual PCXs or BMPS, etc, so that I can then use the SBB to make the unit.

How hard would it be for you to make this kind of utility?

I have Paint Shop Pro 7.04 and Photoshop 7, neither of which seems to let me view the flc files. DOesn't seem to be a supported file type.
any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

rlw33, Animation Shop 3 (and supposedly Paint Shop Pro) can view standard FLCs such as leaderheads. For units, you need to open them in Flicster to view them properly.

p.s. this question is probably better asked in the main C&C forum as it isn't directly related to the Flc2Gif program...
Great program!!! makes it a hell of a lot easier to post quick previews of units. Well for me it does since i dont have a easy way of manually constructing an animated gif.

Thanks cyberbobjr! :goodjob:
How do you convert each gif frame into a flc? As you said before, Paint Shop Pro can convert a gif to a flc. I tried this on PSP8 and it only displays the firt frame! If you can convert gifs into flcs, it is a peice of cake creating new units!
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