Trade suggestions


Jan 16, 2018
Hi there,

It would be great if trading mechanism could be improved to support following functionality:

1. projects to build or produce something for another civilization e.g. Greece asks Romans to make them a millitary complex with barracks in the city of Rhodes. Greece pays gold to Romans if they complete the project within X turns. Roman cities get city project to work on that and are able to complete it quickly as multiple cities could work at the same time on that project for another civilization. We have many examples of this in the real world, where one nation hires another nation to build them something for money.

2. sell millitary units, allowing your ally or city state to buy advanced millitary units that they cannot produce from you. Higher alliance level means lower unit price in gold. If you are not allied then the cost is 5x or 10x times higher etc.

3. allow trading individual fields/hexes, it could resolve some border and pathing issues.

4. trade strategic resources per turn. This used to be possible, but it got removed if I remember correctly.

Thank you for considering this!
1. projects to build or produce something for another civilization e.g. Greece asks Romans to make them a millitary complex with barracks in the city of Rhodes. Greece pays gold to Romans if they complete the project within X turns. Roman cities get city project to work on that and are able to complete it quickly as multiple cities could work at the same time on that project for another civilization. We have many examples of this in the real world, where one nation hires another nation to build them something for money.
I kind of get the idea behind this one, but from a gameplay perspective I'm not sure I understand the advantage either civ would gain from this. If I have the money, why not just buy it myself? The only real advantage I can think of is it might come with a relationship boost.

2. sell millitary units, allowing your ally or city state to buy advanced millitary units that they cannot produce from you. Higher alliance level means lower unit price in gold. If you are not allied then the cost is 5x or 10x times higher etc.
I agree that this would be nice. I miss being able to gift units to city-states when they're getting bullied by civs I'm at peace with.

4. trade strategic resources per turn. This used to be possible, but it got removed if I remember correctly.
Strategic/bonus/luxury resources won't be a thing anymore in Civ7, and trading resources is now done via trade routes instead of diplomacy (which is, IMO, a great change--overall I'm loving the changes they've made to diplomacy--except for the diplomacy screen itself).
Thanks for your comments!

1. you cannot buy a district, canal, dam etc. unless you have a governer that allows you to do that. Constructing any of those can take some time.

4. I did not know that, I will check their videos again, thanks!
I kind of get the idea behind this one, but from a gameplay perspective I'm not sure I understand the advantage either civ would gain from this. If I have the money, why not just buy it myself? The only real advantage I can think of is it might come with a relationship boost.

I agree that this would be nice. I miss being able to gift units to city-states when they're getting bullied by civs I'm at peace with.

Strategic/bonus/luxury resources won't be a thing anymore in Civ7, and trading resources is now done via trade routes instead of diplomacy (which is, IMO, a great change--overall I'm loving the changes they've made to diplomacy--except for the diplomacy screen itself).
So if one sabotage a trade route, it would also steal all the resources on that trade route and deny the receiver end of all its cargo?
How would a blockade work it these terms? Because instantaneous diplomatic resource trading was not just bad... it was horrible...
even burning down all roads to a city capital, said capital could still receive vital resources, build a tank, and come and get you!
I don't know if this new mechanic is solving this basic issue, and I'd be very cautios in calling it great...
back in the days you had to actually send a trade cart to a civ to trade, the furthest away the better the return, would be hard to manage though, but it would be great if the AI did it for you,
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