Trading AI / of strategic ressources / ...they need for Unique Unit


Jun 22, 2007
Is the AI priorizing the import of strategic ressources they need for their unique unit(s)? If not, this should be changed.

Suryavaman should highly priorize getting ivory for example.


I also noticed: The human player gets ressource requests very rarely. I currently own 3x ivory but I'm getting no ivory request from anyone.

But uranium is being requested everytime.
oh and the AI will never ask for a ressource in exchange for gold or more than 1 other ressource.

1 uranium for 1 fish for example. :lol:
Hmmm ... I'm kind of shocked but there doesn't seem to be any added value for whether the resource enables a unique unit in CvPlayerAI::AI_baseBonusVal. Unique units, particularly those which require resources, are especially valuable.

Is there any reason not to weight it a little extra for a unique unit? I'm not sure it should be a huge shift, but maybe ~33% more value from units since not having the unique unit is a bigger disadvantage.
33% sounds good.

We should change




for horses, ivory and coal. Aluminum should get "20" instead of "10". Oil should get "30" like uranum.
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