Trading Military Units


Nov 27, 2001
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to trade military units. Allowing arms trade would add many new strategic options and it really
should not be too difficult to integrate into the existing trade system (after all you can trade workers)!

Any thoughts on this topic?

Great idea. Very often in a game I'm not in a position to go to war against someone but I'd be more than happy to support an ally with units. With the current editor you can have one and only one type of unit that is tradeable. It would be nice if "tradeable" was a unit ability that you could set for each unit type.
If only they allowed us to edit all these things, suggestions like yours would be quick and painless to implement by us all to our liking. Workers obviously have some sort of flag on their unit enabled, and if they made this flag available to other units in the editor then we could easily manipulate what type of units could be easily traded between civs.

Like you said, this would add a whole new twist to negotiations, but it stands to reason that there would have to be some changes to the AI in order to accomodate this type of trading, unless it's already been incorporated by the implementation of worker trading. But this definitely would be a great bonus!

Wish there was a way to make this suggestion heard by the developers. Maybe one of them will happen upon this post :)
Originally posted by Maleficence
Workers obviously have some sort of flag on their unit enabled, and if they made this flag available to other units in the editor then we could easily manipulate what type of units could be easily traded between civs.
Unfortunately not. If was a unit flag we could get to it, even without it appearing in the editor (there are some VERY good hackers on the Forum). The designation is under the general settings tab of the editor. A drop down list where only one unit type can be specified. This unit type is also what comes out when you raze a city.
I was thinking this very same theing the other day... I seem to remember in Civ2 you could only give civs units that were too advanced for them. It would be good to help someones(sp) cause without having to go to war, just like the Americans in WW1 and 2 until they joined. I'm sure it's probably happened in other wars but I don't know any other examples. Whenever I see a civ on the brink of collapse I usually do whatever I can to save them without going to war on their side, it's just more interesting with more civs...:egypt:
the only potential problem is physically getting the units to the destination city. you need a transport or airlift capabilities. this isn't star trek where we can go to the transport room.....
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