I will say this about the gun control issue. While I support a ban on assault rifles, pragmatically I know it will never happen and not because of the NRA or stubborn Republicans but rather the mechanics of enforcing it. More precisely enforcing it when the population is already armed, how does the long-arm of the law seize those now illegal firearms from the uncomplying (who bought it when it was still legal)?
Laws could prevent the sale of any new assault rifles. Less incentives for manufactures to produce them if there are fewer buyers (or outright ban on manufacturers being able to produce them would take care of a most of the new guns....illegally imported guns I suspect are miniscule compared to guns produced inside our country).
Between no new guns being introduced, buy back programs, guns used in crimes being confiscated and destroyed, etc. there will be fewer and fewer of them out there. No one is suggesting door-door raids to confiscate the guns.