All I can say is that if this were the law in Ontario, I would have killed myself by now, either directly or through addiction.Thank you.
In more uplifting news, the state of Florida has just revised its coverage policies for Medicaid (state subsidized health insurance) to declare blockers, hormones, SRS, and "any procedure which alters primary or secondary sex characteristics" to be not covered under the program. In other words, all HRT and gender-affirming treatments will be banned for all trans people, minor and adult, if you are on state-assisted healthcare in Florida (keeping in mind that something like 30% of all trans people fall below the poverty line). It has been clearly demonstrated in study after study after study that HRT dramatically reduces depression and suicidality among trans people, so I am not hyperbolizing when I say that for a state to intentionally deny those treatments to a vulnerable population, fully aware of the consequences of doing so, is genocide. Full stop.
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Moderator Action: Thread split from LGBT News
@Cloud_Strife sparked a good conversation that deserves its own thread. What exactly does it mean to restrict or deny potentially life-saving care to a minority group?
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