
Do You Support Transhumanism?

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I voted No because despite what transhumanists like to claim, it would probably be used to primarily benefit the wealthy and privileged, and quite possibly at the expense of the rest of humanity.
Maybe they could use psychopaths as their test subjects.
Check out the following for info.

Obviously humanityplus is an organization that promotes transhumanism, but still, lots of info on it there.
Meh. I don't have a problem with fixing particular deficiencies (Like wearing glasses) but I'm not a fan of modifying human bodies to 'improve' them beyond the human mean, as a general rule. I'm not going to generally say it should be against the law, as long as those participating consent, but I'm not going to participate.
Transhumanism implies Overwatch to me. I prefer posthumanism.
I've voted yes, but I am not quite a fanatic in that sort of things. It's that I wouldn't oppose such thing and probably would take advantage of it myself, would that ever be possible.
I voted No because despite what transhumanists like to claim, it would probably be used to primarily benefit the wealthy and privileged, and quite possibly at the expense of the rest of humanity.
The same be said about other technologies though. TV/movies have the possibility to be used for propaganda purposes, and they have before, but many still watch TV & movies. Vaccines that prevent diseases that used to kill people all the time, are now widely available and easily accessible to many. Jonas Salk didn't stop development of the first safe and effective polio vaccine because of a fear that it could hand up in the hands of the elite only and denied to the average person.

Of course there are risk, many things with great benefits have risk, but does that mean we shouldn't pursue things that may offer humanity as a whole great benefits because of a fear that the technology could end up in the hands of the elite alone? I don't believe so.
The same be said about other technologies though. TV/movies have the possibility to be used for propaganda purposes, and they have before, but many still watch TV & movies. Vaccines that prevent diseases that used to kill people all the time, are now widely available and easily accessible to many. Jonas Salk didn't stop development of the first safe and effective polio vaccine because of a fear that it could hand up in the hands of the elite only and denied to the average person.

Of course there are risk, many things with great benefits have risk, but does that mean we shouldn't pursue things that may offer humanity as a whole great benefits because of a fear that the technology could end up in the hands of the elite alone? I don't believe so.
The difference is in scope. Transhumanism covers a lot of extremely potent things, things that make splitting the atom look like child's play, and I don't think we currently have the wisdom to handle them. The technologies involved in transhumanism aren't just limited to improving lives any more than Alfred Nobel's famous invention was limited to increasing mine productivity.
No, because if we create something that improves the Human body and intellect significantly beyond what we are currently capable of you just know that its going to be used by the rich to get bigger yachts...
sure, eugenics + gattaca + borg sounds like the way to go....

"transhuman" sounds doubleplusgood!!!

I'm ok with transhumanism if it doesn't embrace the above that Bernie14 suggests. If it embraces freedom, liberty and other American values, then I'm ok with it. And throw in responsibility too.
Yes, because it is glorious.

But we must do it thoughtfully with a lot of self-skepticism because if we screw it up we could be in a world of hurt.
I wouldn't underestimate the influence of technology skepticists, romanticists, religions and greens today. We already have strong opposition to stem cell research and even green genetics currently, and in the eyes of the critics, I expect transhumanism to rank even worse.

Correction: EMBRYONIC stem cell research

Adult stem cell research is fine
Taking into account the broad spectrum of groups I've mentioned, you make a bold statement there ;) I'm sure Jehova's Witnesses are against the whole stem cell thingy when they already get problems with blood infusions.

But you're right, the main controversy is about embryonic stem cells.
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