[BTS] Treasury


Rock N Roller
Sep 17, 2010
Can you help me figure out how much :gold: Mansa has? I know there is a formula floating around somewhere, but don't recall where it was, and the search function isn't exactly great.

Mansa just has the one city, and this is on Marathon speed. Not sure if this matters, but:
* We have trade connection
* Are in the same religion (Hinduism)
* But my capital doesn't have Hinduism (he requested a change, and I obliged)


For others reading, this may be considered a :devil: Hot Tip:
When an AI has just one city left, and you have enough :espionage: points, you can steal ALL their gold.

That's not really what I have in mind here, as I'd lose tech view for a very long time.
Found something in the War Academy, which hopefully still applies.

The mission cost is then = iCost * amountOfGoldStolen / 100
Note: iCost is normally defined as 300

This that should then mean (when there is only one city, so the ratio goes out the window):
863/300 = 287 :gold:

Please let me know if this is incorrect.
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