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Trump Indicted!

You don't think there's going to be a thorough housecleaning of the DOJ, and an investigation into J6?
(as in how many instigators were fed agents/dem agents etc)

They refile, discovery is gonna be ugly.

There are 2 at least, but those are due to delays in part requested by the defence.
I thought there were others as well, but can't find much (stupid search algorithms, which deservers its own thread), so I seem to be wrong there. oops.
Trump's people couldn't dig up anything substantial to back up their claims of the swing states being "stolen" in 2020, even though they were still in power for 2 and a half months after the election. Even Trump-appointed judges threw these cases out. How exactly do you expect us to believe 1/6 was a false flag?
You're really going to act like 1/6 didn't happen?
Is that what you think is going to happen? I'm just wondering. Because his second term would have expired by then that whatever excuse he has for staying in power won't matter.

But, alright, let's say he'll do "something". Well, what might that something be, how probable is it, and what precedents have their been for it within either US or democratic history for it to happen?
How exactly he does it isn't the point. He has repeatedly expressed, and in the case of 1/6, acted on, a desire to maintain power as long as he wants, not when his term ends.
Is that what you think is going to happen?
Buddy, it happened. It's historical fact. This makes it probable. This exists as precedent.

I'll admit, "but do you think that happened once will happen again" wasn't one of my predictions. Should've been.
But, alright, let's say he'll do "something". Well, what might that something be, how probable is it, and what precedents have their been for it within either US or democratic history for it to happen?
Do you mean to ignore all that he's promised to do, including outright persecution of his enemies as well as packing the courts and trying to quash all trials against him and his followers fellow criminals?
Trump's people couldn't dig up anything substantial to back up their claims of the swing states being "stolen" in 2020, even though they were still in power for 2 and a half months after the election. Even Trump-appointed judges threw these cases out. How exactly do you expect us to believe 1/6 was a false flag?

No idea, hence the discovery aspect.
As for the "stolen" election, no point in arguing about that now. (yes, I think there were shenanigans. Enough to "steal" the election? I believe so. Cannot prove it because as you pointed out, the judges didn't want to hear it. (no standing, it's too early, it's too late, and even if there was, it wasn't enough to change the overall results. (that one bugs me))

J6 was a mostly peaceful protest. (hey, no buildings were burning were they? Unlike other places prior. Oh yes, that's right, it's ok when the left does it. hmph. NOT!)

Do you mean to ignore all that he's promised to do, including outright persecution of his enemies as well as packing the courts and trying to quash all trials against him and his followers fellow criminals?

Prosecution. The 'persecution' was done by the dems to him. (that NY trial was such a farce.. I expect the judge there to vacate the whole thing. I *will* get reversed on appeal)

EVERY prez "packs the court". (in that they appoint to fill vacancies etc etc)

Lotta criminals on the D side. (as we're going to find out)
Not quite.
He's currently sitting at exactly 50.0% with 99.7% of the vote counted. So there is still a chance that he ends up slightly under 50%.
Oh little princelings of the earth.
Oh please... you know damn well that for me its not about it being fast-food or it being cheap. Its about the type/style of food, whether it goes along in some way with the traditional notion/types of Thanksgiving food, the aesthetic, the theme, the presentation. Different families/nationalities/ethnicities do Thanksgiving all different ways with different foods, but the theme/aesthetic has a feel to it. Fast food for Thanksgiving is commonplace. Its fine as long as it holds up to basic Thanksgiving aesthetic/themes.
Seriously? McDonalds?? For Thanksgiving? yer right, it's a no.
(KFC maybee... if the turkey caught fire or something) :p
As I've said previously (in that same conversation/debate I referenced), KFC is perfectly fine on Thanksgiving. You can also use KFC as a supplement for your sides, biscuits, etc. Lots of folks can't cook, or just don't have the time or resources to cook a whole Thanksgiving meal. Boston Market is another good fast food option for folks who can't cook on Thanksgiving. Popeyes fried chicken will actually make you a whole cajun-spiced Turkey if you order in advance. They're arguably better than KFC as a fast food Thanksgiving option.

@Gori the Grey get it right... I didn't say fast food was unacceptable to have for Thanksgiving, see above, I said McDonalds, specifically, was unacceptable to serve your guests on Thanksgiving. You, (the royal you) can eat McDonalds (or whatever the eff you want) on Thanksgiving, if you can find one that's open (you can't):p, or... buy your Mickey D's for Thanksgiving in advance... refrigerate it:dubious:... then microwave it for Thanksgiving :crazyeye: I guess??:confused:... but then at that point, why not just go to the Chinese restaurant for spareribs, chicken wings and maybe even a nice peeking duck? You just don't invite people to your house for Thanksgiving and then serve them McDonalds. :nope: Again, putting aside the fact that McDonalds is not appropriate to serve to Thanksgiving guests in general... to even do that, you'd have to buy the McDonalds in advance to then refrigerate it and microwave it for Thanksgiving, because McD's is not open on Thanksgiving!:lol: So not only would you be serving your guests McDonald's... you'd be serving them old, cold, stale, microwaved McDonald's, for Thanksgiving. :yuck: That's indefensible and preposterous.

So again... No, McDonald's is not appropriate to serve your guests at Thanksgiving and again... put it on my tombstone... in ALL CAPS... in brass/gold lettering, with a dark colored stone so as to make a bright contrast between the stone and the lettering... so that all may see it clearly. Get to work ;)
Neither is gonna be open.

Gas station pizza today baby.
Everybody knows, that if, say... the dog eats the turkey or flips over the dinner table (or you just don't feel like cooking) Chinese is the go to on Christmas or Thanksgiving .
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@Gori the Grey get it right...
The gravestone inscriptions get it right. Both of them use the word "serve." They were composed in the moment. My posts in this thread were working from my vague memory.

That gravestone meme generator seems to have disappeared, by the way. Bummer. The same background image is available on some sites, but not the capacity to get engraved-looking print on the gravestone, just meme-font. I was going to generate a new one.

Here lies Sommer, now dead, but when kickin'
He served turkey, not KFC chicken.
I think the prompt was him saying he would go to his death with the conviction that serving fast food was not appropriate for Thanksgiving.
So no, you did not get it right.:nope: In any case I will admit/remind you that the ultimate context, was that I and others were criticizing Trump serving McDonalds to the National Champions visiting the White House, which was, I will concede, at least a debatable choice. I thought it was unacceptable, and a symptom/metaphor for what was wrong with Trump as a President in general, but lots of folks had thoughtful and persuading disagreements with my take on it. The conversation then morphed into whether it was appropriate to serve McDonalds and then fast food in general IIRC to guests for Thanksgiving. At least that's my recollection of the conversation. It was a fun debate for the most part. I do remember some folks getting deep into their feelings about it, taking offense, etc., but that has chance of happening on these threads no matter what we are talking about, and or how silly/lighthearted it starts out or is intended.
Again, putting aside the fact that McDonalds is not appropriate to serve to Thanksgiving guests in general... to even do that, you'd have to buy the McDonalds in advance to then refrigerate it and microwave it for Thanksgiving, because McD's is not open on Thanksgiving!:lol: So not only would you be serving your guests McDonald's... you'd be serving them old, cold, stale, microwaved McDonald's, for Thanksgiving. :yuck: That's indefensible and preposterous.
Thinking about it... You could break down all the refrigerated McDonalds in their component parts, fries, beef patties, buns, lettuce/tomato, onions, fish filets, nuggets, chicken cutlets, etc., and then re-toast, grill, deep fry, etc as appropriate, then reassemble the sandwiches, and items, re-applying toppings, cheese, etc., as needed. Then the McDonalds would be "fresh" again, or at least fresh tasting. I certainly would be capable of doing that... but that's because I know how to cook, and specifically how to cook McDonalds, because I've worked there, which, as an aside, is part of why I think Trump's McDonald's stunt was pretty inspired. In any case, a person like me, who knows how to cook well enough to restore old McDonald's, isn't going to bother with all that... we're just going to cook a meal.
The gravestone inscriptions get it right. Both of them use the word "serve." They were composed in the moment. My posts in this thread were working from my vague memory.

That gravestone meme generator seems to have disappeared, by the way. Bummer. The same background image is available on some sites, but not the capacity to get engraved-looking print on the gravestone, just meme-font. I was going to generate a new one.

Here lies Sommer, now dead, but when kickin'
He served turkey, not KFC chicken.
Sommerswerd is not impressed :p Now you're just being lazy... I'll have none of your excuses. In fact:

I will be deaf to pleading and excuses.
Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses.
Therefore use none.;)

It's Thanksgiving weekend, you've got plenty of time. I believe in you. You can do it!:yup:
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He's currently sitting at exactly 50.0% with 99.7% of the vote counted. So there is still a chance that he ends up slightly under 50%.

Depending on what source I check, some put him at 50.0%, some at 49.9%, some at 49.8, but they're all differing in exactly how many votes they're saying have been counted yet.
J6 was a mostly peaceful protest. (hey, no buildings were burning were they? Unlike other places prior. Oh yes, that's right, it's ok when the left does it. hmph. NOT!)
Have you seen any footage of it at all? They looted the place, attacked Capitol Police, the whole nine yards, but because they didn't burn the place down, it was "mostly peaceful"? Lmao, you're on another level dude.
Prosecution. The 'persecution' was done by the dems to him.
"Persecution when they do it, prosecution when we do it!" Dude, you are totally shameless. :rotfl:
*Sommer :p
Yikes! Back to work.
For when that tomorrow comes that we speak of Sommer as a grave man:
put it on my tombstone... in ALL CAPS... in brass/gold lettering, with a dark colored stone so as to make a bright contrast between the stone and the lettering... so that all may see it clearly. Get to work ;)
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In an alternate reality, McDonald's is a prestigious, high-end restaurant chain owned by its workers and specialising in serving oven-roasted fowl.
I want a birth certificate on my chicken.

I need to know I'm devouring something that was actualized.
Cannot prove it because as you pointed out, the judges didn't want to hear it.
The judges heard about half the cases. In about 30 cases the evidence was judged.

So that's a lie.

J6 was a mostly peaceful protest.
140 officers were peacefully injured.

"This video may in inapropriate for users who want to hang on to a fantasy version of J6"
Prosecution. The 'persecution' was done by the dems to him. (that NY trial was such a farce..
NY trial wasn't done by "the dems"
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