TSG 250 Announcement


GOTM Staff
Sep 15, 2014
Civilization 5 - Game of the Month Training Series Game 250
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Quick links: Upload submission | Opening actions| After actions
Welcome to the 250th game in the GOTM V Training Series! This Series allows new and old Civilization V fans to try out many features from Civ5's expansions and DLCs in a friendly environment. Participants are encouraged to post questions, stories, advice, tricks and failures in the dedicated game threads (described below). Each game will specify the Civ you will play and the Victory Condition to strive for. You can read more about the GOTM and Training Series concept in this thread.

Our most sacred rule: Do not replay any turns!
If you make a mistake, accept it, and try to recover through game-play. To ensure fair play and prevent results exclusions, please set your Autosaves to "1 turn". In the event of a computer crash while playing, just reload to the previous autosave, then play on the same way you played it the first time. Please let Leif or me know (either in the forums or through Private Message) if you experienced a crash and how many turns you replayed.

TSG 250 Details:
Game Settings:
Player (You): Gustavus Adolphus - Sweden
Victory Condition: Science
(but all VCs are enabled)
Difficulty: Emperor
Map Type/Size: Pangaea/Huge (12 Civs, 24 City-States)
Pace: Standard
Your Unique Characteristics:
UA: Nobel Prize:
Gain 90 Influence with a Great Person gift to a City-State City-State. When declaring friendship, Sweden and their friend gain a +10% boost to Great Person generation.
UB: Carolean: Replaces the Rifleman. Starts with the March promotion
UU: Hakkapeliitta: Replaces the Lancer. 15% combat bonus when sharing a tile with a Great General. Great General moves at rate of this unit if they start the turn stacked on the same tile.
Required DLC: All DLC
Starting Era: Ancient
Required game options: None
Enabled game options: None
(You may turn on/off Quick Combat/Quick Movement using the game options menu at any time during gameplay.)
Game Version: This game was created in Civ5 Brave New World version

Here is where you will start:


The start file is attached below.

Information about threads associated with each individual TSG - Must Read if you are new to the Game of the Month!
Spoiler :

Please note: If you wish to make a video of your game, please do not post any links to it until after the game submission date has passed. This is because of the potential spoilers that are created by posting before the end date. Thank you for your cooperation.

TSG Announcement thread (this one): This thread is used to announce the game and clarify the settings and rules (don't be afraid to ask questions). Its also used to discuss the game before you start, and post problems with opening the save. Please don't post any game-related info once you open and play the save. Instead use the next thread.

Opening Actions thread: This thread is used to discuss the game's opening decisions and strategies through the first 100 or so turns. Here you can post questions related to the game and share your achievements/anger/frustration/victories while you play. We encourage players to use the spoiler tags for screenshots. During the time the game is active, please do not post any information concerning the game outside of the spoiler threads including screen shots, videos, or recorded/live-cast Let's Plays on other websites.

After Actions thread: In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state your victory/loss date (preferably in the post title) and describe your path to glory in this post! Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences. The game will not be closed as such, but after one month, the results will be compiled, and will not necessarily be updated with reports coming in after the finish date.
File Upload System
Spoiler :
We have a game file upload system you can find here. Please use it to upload your completed first attempt by saving the game on the turn after your victory or defeat. (by using the "lemme play one more turn" feature)

Please note: you must submit your game on the turn following Victory. If you continue to play, the game overwrites the data and your submission could be rejected by the submission system.


This game runs through September 1st 2024.


  • TSG250_Start.Civ5Save
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Wow, 250 TSGs already! Time to celebrate!

I think I want the stone circels pantheon. Tradition, or Honor to gift the GGs? For science I think Tradition is much better. Unless we go the conquering route, or we're in a corner with tons of barbarians...

Are the extra GP points from DoF's additive? Meaning, if I have 2 DoFs do I get +20%?
Oh wow, the big map! I've never been able to make Sweden work; their uniques seem so at odds with each other. But I've only tried them on Deity so hopefully I'll fare better on Emperor.

It'll be hard to move away from three 2f1p first ring tiles but I really would like to settle on the Incense. That would probably be really dumb though. I might move around a bit to see if this is truly the best starting spot.
Tradition, or Honor to gift the GGs? For science I think Tradition is much better. Unless we go the conquering route, or we're in a corner with tons of barbarians...

Mostly flat land, and not many good workable tiles early (low production). I’m thinking Liberty start and farm a CS and/or neighbor for XP and early GG to gift (hopefully we find a faith CS nearby), then transition to a wide science game.
Mostly flat land, and not many good workable tiles early (low production). I’m thinking Liberty start and farm a CS and/or neighbor for XP and early GG to gift (hopefully we find a faith CS nearby), then transition to a wide science game.
Huge map should mean liberty play is very easy, unless the resources are scarce. Even if they are I'm hoping for free CS happiness. Patronage should be super useful too. That extra science from CS with rationalism, going through a decent amount of war and gifting GGs to stack more allies should be nice. I never play Sweeden though, and rarely play huge maps and almost never play pangaea
Time to give this one an attempt - hope I finish in time to submit.

Initial Thoughts
Flat grassland - second worst starting land IMO (worst being flat tundra, of course). Compared to jungle, it's faster movement and development, but there's even less production and no science payoff with universities. Hopefully, several expansions can go towards some hills. Low production means no shrines = no pantheon / religion unless I get lucky with early city states. Low production = worker problems and stealing takes longer on Emperor (compared to Deity / Immortal). Emperor = economy and happiness problems (compared to Deity / Immortal) since it's more difficult to rely on AI trades - might need to actively work at least one calendar lux in each city for gold and to slow growth.

Goal is a science victory, so I'll try for some sort of quick science win (I'm about average regarding speed science). I also like to try different approaches - since I'm comfortable with Tradition/Freedom turtle strategy, I'm hoping I can try a Liberty/Order approach. Typically (as noted by dumpstertrash above), huge maps have a lot of room plus unhappiness from number of cities is reduced a bit. However, I still need the luxuries, so I'll only go Liberty if I see several that I can get (at least five unique - hopefully more).

To help the Swedish UAs, maybe I can get a great general against a city state? Maybe I can do a xbow push against an AI neighbor (generals + expand + potential friends with other civs if we can fight the same opponent), but where would I get the hammers to build the army? Regardless, I'm definitely planning to open Aesthetics to generate more artists and hopefully musicians if I can get those guilds build. Will likely need to keep writers though for culture. Also, of course, since I want lots of DoF, I'll want as many Research Agreements as possible. Porcelain Tower would certainly help (as would early Rationalism finisher, but that seems like too much to ask). Oracle would help a Liberty start if I can reach medieval in time to avoid a classical era filler. With Tradition, I suspect the bonus policy would end up as an extra classical or medieval filler (only want the Aesthetics opener).

Turn 0 Plan
Like Raider above, I'd rather not settle in place, but out of the visible tiles, there aren't any better options IMO. I'll move the warrior 2 tiles south, and if I see some more hills that way, I'll T1 settle the triple river tile (Ring 1 deer, wheat, incense). If warrior finds hills and I decide to move the settler (SW to the wheat), there's a possibility I might choose to settle on the incense instead, but the tiles W and SW of the incense would have to be good.
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