Turn 189 'culture' victory.
I started my wars on turn 132. Although I wanted to get to Siam quickly, I first needed to deal with two Aztec outposts that were too close to my lands. Monty had wiped out India, so I first razed Mumbai (the Kilimanjaro city), but then I liberated Delhi. India was by now way behind in culture, and on a 2-pop capital he was not about to catch up soon, and I could easily bulb musicians into him later if need be. Then my army went further north, razing the Aztec city of Tombouctu (which he had gotten in a peace deal), and then I started to make myself unpopular: I still had a declaration of friendship with Songhai, but I did not want to return later for Gao (Temple of Artemis, Colossus, Stonehenge). Since Gao was Songhai's only remaining city (I captured a settler too), it was then time to face off against Siam.
Even though the Naresuan's elephants can be scary, he did not have enough of them, and my super mobile golden-age army blitzed him before they could do any damage. Polynesia put up at least something of a fight, being allied to four city states, and having some crossbows and longswordsmen defending the hills surrounding Nuku Hiva. Thanks to the Kilimanjaro upgrade, my units could still push through relatively easily (I lost about two units in that war). Then, it was on to Morocco who had virtually no defenses, and my (first) army completed the tour with Brazil. Pedro had built the Great Wall, but he did not have any units to defend his lands. At least, he had no units
left. I did see him march an army of about 10 units (crossbows and pikes mostly) past my borders, but he was only passing through, to die at the hands of Aztec musket men (a war that I of course had incited).
My first army consisted of a couple of camels and keshiks, supplemented with a few knights and trebuchets that I had built, mostly from my expands, while the capital focused on infrastructure and culture. For the final showdown against Aztec, I used Freedom foreign legions, and for the final few shots, the range-logistics keshiks and camels of the first war raced in with 6 and 5 movements respectively to deal some extra damage. My usual play in domination victory is to pick foreign legions and them upgrade them to the
much stronger infantry, but I did not quite reach that this game. As the screenshot showed, I was just about to engineer Statue, but I was still a few turns off labs.