My settling plans changed constantly.
First thing I wanted to do was forward settle the cotton/river area to the east. Then I saw Kilimanjaro, and wanted to plant on the spices three tiles to the west to grab that. Then I saw the salt/river area to the west, and started abandoning the idea of even forward-settling India; he'd be more than happy to trade me cotton, after all. Then Askia decided to take a massive dump on my Kilimanjaro dreams by beelining Tombouctu ridiculously early, like before my first settler even popped out. It's four tiles away from the wonder too, so he blocked both of us from settling it. Had two nice river/lux spots right by his cap, but he said no thanks. Siam has since settled one of them. So I returned to the idea of forward-settling India asap. There's a lot of good land, luxes, and stable resources to be had, so it was difficult deciding on specific settling locations.
I also got analysis-paralysis trying to pick a pantheon. I considered both plantation and pasture culture, but I wasn't confident I could get Stonehenge, nor did I want to rush it, and I didn't see how I could get a religion otherwise. I considered God-King, but it seemed like such a waste with all the land around me. I considered OWN, but I thought it would take too long with me having to settle and buy out to Kili. I had first pick as well due to discovering Ife, so all options were on the table. Ultimately, I settled on wine faith+culture, even though I don't like having to work wine, nor settling to arrange my borders for it. I wanted to both generate some faith and make use of the land
somehow. I was about to settle Susa on the hill between salt/horses/sheep when my escorting scout with +1 vision saw Uluru, so I settled on the marble instead. Once again, I have made uninformed decisions due to a lack of early scouting; pasture culture would've been superb. Actually, what made me miss Uluru early is that I turned my scout archer around to go get the Kili bonus just before I would've revealed it, lol. Also once again, my prophet was six turns late, got mosques and tithe though. Will see if I want to enhance with production or monasteries when I get there, provided they're even available.
My NC was late as I decided to finish granary in Ecbatana before library, possibly a bad choice as it did not have good early tiles to work, and took a long time. I did Oracle before NC because of that, finished NC on turn 99. I do have water mills and stables out or about to finish everywhere, two trade routes to the cap, plus civil service just finished, so my demos are looking tasty. Trying to get my faith going earlier than I usually do as the next step, I'm always pushing shrines/temples off in favor of other buildings.
I snagged India's naked settler + a naked worker on the same turn, then he walked another spearman-escorted settler straight through my expand, which gave me three free Indian workers. Scouts got Siamese and Mbanzan workers out of barb camps, and Ife has been sending me a nice little conveyor belt of workers to that iron tile, so that's been good. My fears came true about crippling India so much early, however, and Montezuma came to take his cities relatively uncontested. I don't want him as a neighbor, nor do I want him running away with culture, so I paid him to DoW Songhai, waited two turns, then sent in what immortals, spearmen (lots of CS gifted units), and archers I had available to liberate Delhi asap. Should happen next turn. Songhai went from being guarded to requesting friendship because of our common foe, so I can worry less about Ecbatana being attacked for a little while.
I've spent a ton of gold buying up river tiles near India and Songhai, which is probably a dumb use of my gold. I could've rush-bought my third library and gotten NC earlier, for example.
I'm about to settle a fifth city to fill in my northwestern lands. Looks kinda junky at a glance, but should end up with a ton of pasture tiles and some third-ring fresh water in the long run. Hope it pays for itself.
Thus far I've just been doing the basic, get-my-empire-set-up stuff. Unis are coming soon, and I'll have to start thinking about the actual victory condition from there.