TSG 257 Announcement


GOTM Staff
Sep 15, 2014
Civilization 5 - Game of the Month Training Series Game 257
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Quick links: Upload submission | Opening actions | After actions

Welcome to the 257th game in the GOTM V Training Series! This Series allows new and old Civilization V fans to try out many features from Civ5's expansions and DLCs in a friendly environment. Participants are encouraged to post questions, stories, advice, tricks and failures in the dedicated game threads (described below). Each game will specify the Civ you will play and the Victory Condition to strive for. You can read more about the GOTM and Training Series concept in this thread.

Our most sacred rule: Do not replay any turns!
If you make a mistake, accept it, and try to recover through game-play. To ensure fair play and prevent results exclusions, please set your Autosaves to "1 turn". In the event of a computer crash while playing, just reload to the previous autosave, then play on the same way you played it the first time. Please let Leif or me know (either in the forums or through Private Message) if you experienced a crash and how many turns you replayed.

Big thanks to @The_Black_Vegetable for kindly providing us with this map!

TSG 257 Details:

Game Settings:
Player (You): Montezuma - The Aztecs
Victory Condition: Science
(but all VCs are enabled)
Difficulty: Deity
Map Type/Size: Lakes/Standard (8 Civs, 16 City-States)
Pace: Standard
Raging Barbarians: ON
Your Unique Characteristics:
UA: Sacrificial Captives:
Gain Culture from each enemy unit killed
UB: Floating Gardens: Replaces the Water Mill. Gives +15% food in the city and +2 food for each worked Lake tile
UU: Jaguar: Replaces the Warrior. 33% combat bonus in jungle and forest, faster movement in jungle and forest, heals 25 HP if it kills a unit
Required DLC: All DLC
Starting Era: Ancient
Required game options: None
Enabled game options: None
(You may turn on/off Quick Combat/Quick Movement using the game options menu at any time during gameplay.)
Game Version: This game was created in Civ5 Brave New World version

Here is where you will start:


The savefile is attached below.

Information about threads associated with each individual TSG - Must Read if you are new to the Game of the Month!
Spoiler :

Please note: If you wish to make a video of your game, please do not post any links to it until after the game submission date has passed. This is because of the potential spoilers that are created by posting before the end date. Thank you for your cooperation.

TSG Announcement thread (this one): This thread is used to announce the game and clarify the settings and rules (don't be afraid to ask questions). Its also used to discuss the game before you start, and post problems with opening the save. Please don't post any game-related info once you open and play the save. Instead use the next thread.

Opening Actions thread: This thread is used to discuss the game's opening decisions and strategies through the first 100 or so turns. Here you can post questions related to the game and share your achievements/anger/frustration/victories while you play. We encourage players to use the spoiler tags for screenshots. During the time the game is active, please do not post any information concerning the game outside of the spoiler threads including screen shots, videos, or recorded/live-cast Let's Plays on other websites.

After Actions thread: In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state your victory/loss date (preferably in the post title) and describe your path to glory in this post! Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences. The game will not be closed as such, but after one month, the results will be compiled, and will not necessarily be updated with reports coming in after the finish date.
File Upload System
Spoiler :
We have a game file upload system you can find here. Please use it to upload your completed first attempt by saving the game on the turn after your victory or defeat. (by using the "lemme play one more turn" feature)

Please note: you must submit your game on the turn following Victory. If you continue to play, the game overwrites the data and your submission could be rejected by the submission system.

This game runs through December 16th 2024.



Oh good, perfect timing for a new GotM to lift the spirits on a dark and dreary Saturday morning. I'll try to play the Aztec the way they were meant to be played and just maybe I can get a Deity victory. Raging barbs should help.

The Jaguar will move north to the hill next to the mountain to see if there's any reason to move the settler but most surely will SiP.
Back in the day when PC J Law was streaming on twitch, I used to badger him into playing Aztec more often, my favorite civ. On the occasions that he did play them, however, we never realized the full Aztec potential as he typically only had one or two fresh water cities. The Aztec are an amazing civ, but they do need reasonable land to shine, and I'm sure you'll agree with me that this starting location ticks the reasonable land box :) .

Raging barbarians can be tricky to really exploit. In the very early game, it is often a nuisance as you are unable to improve any tiles or get your settlers to their destination. Then, when you are ready to start farming some camps, the AI and city states start clearing them. Op top of that the AI scouts have the infuriating habit of circling barb camps, so as soon as a camp is temporarily vacant, scouts will rush in to clear it. To effectively farm, you therefore have to be quite firm with any AI units wandering near. Also, lake maps in general have 'good availability' of camps, as there are often nooks and crannies that the AI does not immediately settle.

I hope you will all enjoy the Aztecs as much as I have over the years, and that you get to experience the joys of march-blitz Jaguar infantry (even though those are not necessarily relevant for the victory condition :)).
To effectively farm, you therefore have to be quite firm with any AI units wandering near
Do you mean declare war?

I would prefer 4 cities on Traditon (out of which I'd like to be captured from the AI) but you hint at a need for many cities so possibly Liberty?
I was wondering whether the Floating Gardens can be built without a river. Fandom says you need either a river or a lake. I think the regular Water Mill needs a river, never tried to build it on a lake though.

If anyone with experience can confirm this that would be great :)
To effectively farm, you therefore have to be quite firm with any AI units wandering near.

It's possible at times to isolate camps with your borders, so the AI cannot get to them, or has to go through a choke which you block off with one of your units. Not entirely under your control though, if the opportunity does not present itself.

Failing that, I try to sit outside camps with two or three units and leave the barb inside the camp alive, insta killing anything that spawns out of it. This method should be easier than usual on raging, assuming your lands are under control enough to dedicate units to specific camps.
Wow, what a start! Triple salt, wheat, hills. Such a shame that mountain is not one tile to the left. Maybe there is one hiding behind the fog there, but I still think I will move to the forest hill lake to get away from the tundra.
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