TSG 262 Opening Actions


GOTM Staff
Oct 22, 2018
This thread is used to discuss the game's opening decisions and strategies through the first 100 or so turns. Here you can post questions related to the game and share your achievements/anger/frustration/victories while you play.

- What did you think about before starting the game, what was your approach to this game?
- Where did you settle and what did you build first?
- How did the terrain and map settings affect your early decisions?
- What were your initial priorities?
- What tech path did you follow and why?
- What Social Policies did you choose?
- What Wonders did you try to get and did you get them?
- Did you get a religion? What religious beliefs did you pick?
For this game I wanted to try out a new strategy, but I had no idea if the lay-out of the map really allowed for it. My first ancient ruins revealed like 4 luxuries which basically greenlit the strategy I wanted to try out.

I settled my initial city on top of the gold and opened with a Scout -> Monument -> Shrine to push into Liberty. My plan was to get Collective Rule and then jump straight to Patronage. The idea was to essentially use City-States to fuel my growth while my cities focus on Production as I would purchase any buildings in my capital to get the Production boost in my cities towards those same buildings. At this point in the game I honestly feel like this map has Sacred Sites written all over it, though I doubt anyone can realistically figure that out by the time you'd have to lock in the choice to go Piety, but I was really surprised I was able to get my hands on first religion, despite not having an amazing faith generating Pantheon (I got the SIlver/Gold Pantheon). My plan to get early Patronage got ruined a little bit when I realized how many techs I needed to even open Patronage (this is my first time trying this), so I rushed Iron Working to push myself into the Ancient Era as quickly as possible and get my hands on Legions at the same time, because why not.

At the start of the game I was at war with all 3 of my neighbors, from the Celts I stole a Worker, from Egypt I stole a Worker and a Settler (another Workers) and from Napoleon I pillaged his Caravan.

I currently have Piras and Oracle and I'm working on Great Wall, mostly for fun of it. Sadly all my explored neighbors have a grand total of 0 Wonders, though Napoleon did just finish Chi Itza just now, so I can definitely scoot on over to grab that one.

I've secured a Religion (named Blue Jeans & Pop) and have Pagodas and Initiation Rites, which is great news for me. I'm currently rocking 9 cities (I think). Egypt is gone, I ganked him with France. I allowed France to take the Capital, this is basically my back up plan to get a safe Culture Victory through conquest in case I'm struggling with Tourism later. I've also taken the capital from the Celts because I dont want her to spread her religion. I have my eyes set on France to get his 1 Wonder and knock out a potential Culture threat. I also currently have 5 City-State allies, though my generall world exploration has been awful so far, which is not great because I need more City-State allies for this strategy to even make sense.
I'm not expecting a fast finish on this one, I reckon rushing Radio and Autocracy would be way faster, but I'm having fun so that's what matters most!

(As an aside; I currently have 12 unique luxuries connected to my empire, which is absolutely insane for turn 100, this spawn is crazy good)

Lil screenshot of my ''empire'':

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Very impressive, @qontroL ! As for me, I’m mainly whining over missed religion - thinking silver/gold-pantheon faith would be enough but ooh no, missed Hanging Gardens (by 1 turn), and missed Colossus (by 3). But a rage quit never lasts if you love the game. And these setbacks shape the strategy of science+conquests. I have 6 potent cities (Monarchy) and some troops have been scraped up, ready to deal with the Boudica (G Lighthous, Zeus), just hoping that no Celtic version of Asterix and Obelix shows up.

Wonders: MoH, Oracle.
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I too missed religion. First ruin was Pottery, so I went scout > shrine > scout opener hoping to get to pantheon early, even got a boost by meeting Geneva at some point. Took Earth Mother with all the iron about + the one copper and salt each, and built shrines in all four of my cities because I "wanted to be sure." Lost second to last religion with -1 turn on my prophet, and last religion with -4 :mad: :mad:. Celts do have mosques and the reformation belief that gives them tourism, which they end up spreading to me a bit after this screenshot. So I guess it could be worse.

Otherwise, it's been a fine game. Liberty was tempting with the space and luxury count, but so was plain old Tradition with the potential to grow mega-cities on these river systems. Oracle is my only wonder so far, NC finished turn 93, Civil Service farms just hit so growth should be exploding, and Universities are coming soon. I was very late scouting Sri Pada on that little eastern peninsula, if I had seen it early it very likely would have changed my setup for this game.

Spoiler :
I'm terrible at culture..ha...but will try. I'll likely go for a combo of war and typical culture/tourism, hopefully knocking out the strong culture civs. I failed to make an early save so no screenies.

I debated trad vs. lib, and trad is probably better with culture, but went trad opener>lib with Rome. No real plan other than settling more the 4 cities and conquerin' some caps. Depending on my early culture strength I may take the trad wonder bonus.

Settled on the gold.

What seems to be a trend of late, is my not getting an early culture hut even though I probably popped at least 12 -15 huts here. I did get a culture hut on one of the last when it really mattered little. I got Archery as a free tech, some money, at least 2 or 3 scout upgrades, and surprisingly several faith boots.

My early warrior found the Egyptians and Sri Pada, which I targeted as my first city in lieu of building an early shrine. Finding Geneva first with a scout and the hut faith I picked the Natural wonder Pantheon before I even settled Sri Prada, which was delayed as barbs were quite problematic early. I was second to a religion (Celts first, ofc), but was able to get Pagodas and later Cathedrals. (Celts took Mosques and, ofc, spammed my cities so I bought some of those before converting them)

I sent a few dudes down to Egypt to farm workers and I had no intent on letting that civ stick around, bribing France too who actually became a long time friend (but could be an issue with culture). I let him take Thebes as it was not a concern to me, just wanted Egypt dead.

Built 6 cities. The luxes were generous, so happy not an issue at all. Attacked Celts later to get her +4 charged GP so I could plant for faith boost. Took Edin and Dublin. Let Lizzy take her last city as I bribed her on Boudi, then subsequently wiped Lizzy off the map. Liz was quite backward and a longbow never appeared. (Oh..I liberated Boudi and now she is my perm-friend..not that that matter much)

Tyre, Kyzyl and Monaco were nice early CS allies. Ur too. Stole worker from Panama, but allied later.

At this point, I've agreed to attack Ottos with Nappy in 10 turns, so he is next. Alex is in some kinda perma war with Hammy like from the start and doing absolutely nothing.

Appears two civs will require Astro which is typical fractal.

Very nice map.

I don't expect to have a fast finish at all, as I just don't have the skill with all those tricks to win fast. My science was rather weak with a late t100 NC, but still leading on this map. Nappy is building a lot of wonders, so he will be trouble later. I did get Oracle, Mauso for mission, lost out on Colossus and Petra (i'd plan to use Lib guy on that but France). Really wanted mids.
Stupid, arrogant play from my side. Big Mr. Deity player thinks Immortal AI can't touch him. Well, they touched me plenty this game. Losing two cities does not equal the defeat screen, of course, but it's never going to be the game it could have been, and I don't enjoy playing that out. I'm super annoyed because the map is great, and I quite like working with the Roman UA.

I settled the gold, and saw so many spots where I could settle a city on a luxury that I decided to go Liberty, and for once I did not regret it. My game was good, although it could also have been a lot better. I got early workers from Celts, Egypt, and France, and I got plenty of ruins (sadly no pop though) including many culture with helped a ton. I also stole a worker from Ur, but for some reason it did not make another one until turn 70, which was a real shame since I lost Pyramids by two turns (from Antium). I also lost Colossus by two turns, though I'm not sure what I was doing attempting wonders on a large map.

The final part of my game that was not great was religion. I built a shrine as soon as I reached pottery (coinciding nicely with scout-monument), and built it pretty fast by working the sheep and getting the Liberty hammer. However, in the end I needed 30 faith to get a pantheon. I really dislike the pantheon mechanism on larger maps and higher difficulties. For the same game play, sometimes you get a pantheon turn 25 and manage a religion, sometimes you have to wait until turn 50 to get one (in this case, Antium could have built a shrine to speed up the pantheon a little). I also did not get Sri Pada quickly, as barbarians were blocking my settler.

On the whole though, I was quite happy with my game. Religious Idols was taken (surprisingly, since our regional is gold and we have silver in the capital), so I picked God of Craftsmen instead. With the Liberty hammer, the crafstman hammer, and Rome's UA, the build times of some of these building started to feel more like quick speed than standard. Finally, I even managed to get a natural golden age and extend it with the Liberty golden age!

The AI, btw, timed their joint war declaration perfectly. I was just thinking of building some defense, but I was just too late. 5 turns later, and the attacks could have been rebuffed without too much difficulty. I might try the map again, although I would really like to have contested this one.

I settled on the gold too, but unlike you guys I went for a standard 4-city tradition play.

Ruins were: Map, 20 culture, pop, spear, 80g, 20c, pop, scarcher.

t47 Religious Idols pantheon (+1c and +1f from silver and gold)
t49 settled my 2nd expo, and am working Sri Pada
t79 Religion: Tithe, Mosques (only religious building left over)
t93 Oracle
t99 NC

I'm planning to settle at least one more city, to the north on the Incense probably.

So far it's looking good:


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7 city Liberty (opened and +1 production/5%) and Tradition (finished with Oracle) mix.

Pyramids, Oracle and MoH (2 quests) built by about turn 95, and currently about to finish NC a little after turn 100. Celts and France DoW'd me, but I've been wiping out units sailing to Arretium in large numbers and no real push from Napoleon.

Religion: tithe and pagodas. Bought 1 missionary to re-establish pantheon belief in Antium and Ravenna. Now saving up to enhance.

Before starting I wanted to utilize Rome's UA and go Liberty so I hoped the map would be accommodating (it is). After moving the initial warrior south and seeing the Sugar, for a third lux in the capital, I moved one tile south and settled. Turned out to be a Big Mistake because it took the Silver out of range (and that would have been better for Religious Idols pantheon which I would get later). I went Scout, Scout, Shrine, Monument to try and get a religion. Met Egypt on T9 and was glad because I figured he could build all the wonders for me; except he isn't, doesn't have a single wonder yet.

After exploring a little and finding Sri Pada, I figured that would be my first expand, and seeing all the luxuries I was encouraged and went Liberty (after opening Tradition as I always do because I can't stand the slow border growth without it). The Liberty finisher allowed me to take a GS and plant it on one of the three irons in range of the capital, which was on grassland so it gave me a nice 2f1h8s tile. Tech path was a little different than normal because I went to Iron Working much earlier than I would normally to get Legions. Also went to Mathematics earlier than normal for Ballista. Turned out to be a good choice because Ramses sent his settlers up my way and built Memphis next to a Gold I wanted. So I geared up and took that from him when he tried to send a second settler through my borders to settle north of Rome; that could not be allowed.

At T100 things are looking pretty good. I have five self-founded cities plus Memphis. Only thing that isn't going too well is Religion. I thought I might miss a pantheon even until I got a faith ruin. And someone took Pagodas, and Egypt took my go to spreader, Iterant Preachers so he has a lot of pressure on my cities. I ended up with Religious Idols for the Gold (but not Silver, boo), Tithe, Cathedrals, the Hermitage one, and the other spreader which isn't as good, +25%. For wonders I was surprised to get Pyramids (because everyone else also went Liberty), and also got Oracle.

Going forward I'm a little worried about Napoleon; he's settling toward me and Troyes is too close for comfort. I debated attacking him but I stupidly made a DoF with him early on, which I know he's just going to break as soon as he gets Musketeers. I'm also debating taking Edinburgh because I know Boudica will be trying to actively spread her religion my way. Also debating taking Thebes because he has Sacred Sites. I could get Cathedrals in my cities and then switch to his religion and get Mosques and Sacred Sites; that would be sweet.

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First time posting here.

Settled on the gold north since it's clearly the best spot, went Tradition over Liberty since I think it is better with culture victory, which centers around building wonders in a large capital; if I was pursuing another victory, I'd have probably gone Liberty.

Fairly standard early game, I opened 2x Scout -> Shrine (Gold/Silver pantheon) -> 3x Settler -> Archer (for a 2x barb quest east) -> Worker -> Settler.

I thought about settling an expansion north of Antium between Silk and Citrus, but since I don't plan warring that would just spell trouble; I also had to pay honor Boudicca 13 gpt to DoW Babylon when she started marching a large army on my land :(

I see I settled Cumae much less south than most, I personally like my spot better by a ton for many reasons: (a) I have no need for a large jungle, and I don't wanna spend ages clearing it (b) it's the best spot to grab the Sugar (settling on the Gold north of Kyzyl to get it is crap imho, the spot has no food) (c) it starts close to the best tiles for an early expansion (2f1p that you can sell for a ton of gold) (d) it's not unnecessarily far from the capital.

I stole only 1 CS worker, bought 2 and hard built 6, mostly in the first 2 expansions.

As for religion, I took the Tithe (tbh I 've never taken anything else) and +15% production, which has great synergy with Rome UA; I also wanted to get a Missionary ASAP to convert 2 cities to secure my religion against Boudicca, and I probably will need an Inquisitor at some point, so I felt ok skipping buildings: I might consider one on the enhance, but I'm ok going without since on 5-6 cities it's not hard generating enough faith for an earlish Engineer + 2 Musicians, which is all I need.

4th expansion came somewhat late, but I was able to time it with NC (which I just got, T99); I just needed to chop forests for the basic buildings in time for NC, I plan to accelerate it with 3x Fish Lighthouse.

Finally, I discovered Sri Prada kind of late, so I'm settling it post NC (I guess on the coastal Gold, as everybody else).

Btw this map is crazy: 10 unique lux and 8 horses + 8 iron with 5 cities!?!?

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First time posting here.

Settled on the gold north since it's clearly the best spot, went Tradition over Liberty since I think it is better with culture victory, which centers around building wonders in a large capital; if I was pursuing another victory, I'd have probably gone Liberty.

Fairly standard early game, I opened 2x Scout -> Shrine (Gold/Silver pantheon) -> 3x Settler -> Archer (for a 2x barb quest east) -> Worker -> Settler.

I thought about settling an expansion north of Antium between Silk and Citrus, but since I don't plan warring that would just spell trouble; I also had to pay honor Boudicca 13 gpt to DoW Babylon when she started marching a large army on my land :(

I see I settled Cumae much less south than most, I personally like my spot better by a ton for many reasons: (a) I have no need for a large jungle, and I don't wanna spend ages clearing it (b) it's the best spot to grab the Sugar (settling on the Gold north of Kyzyl to get it is crap imho, the spot has no food) (c) it starts close to the best tiles for an early expansion (2f1p that you can sell for a ton of gold) (d) it's not unnecessarily far from the capital.

I stole only 1 CS worker, bought 2 and hard built 6, mostly in the first 2 expansions.

As for religion, I took the Tithe (tbh I 've never taken anything else) and +15% production, which has great synergy with Rome UA; I also wanted to get a Missionary ASAP to convert 2 cities to secure my religion against Boudicca, and I probably will need an Inquisitor at some point, so I felt ok skipping buildings: I might consider one on the enhance, but I'm ok going without since on 5-6 cities it's not hard generating enough faith for an earlish Engineer + 2 Musicians, which is all I need.

4th expansion came somewhat late, but I was able to time it with NC (which I just got, T99); I just needed to chop forests for the basic buildings in time for NC, I plan to accelerate it with 3x Fish Lighthouse.

Finally, I discovered Sri Prada kind of late, so I'm settling it post NC (I guess on the coastal Gold, as everybody else).

Btw this map is crazy: 10 unique lux and 8 horses + 8 iron with 5 cities!?!?

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I agree that Monarchy is nicer, unless perhaps you want to go for Sacred sites en masse. But if the effects of wonders are global, I try to distribute them in the expos if I can, to have a greater use of the Flourishing of the Arts policy. For instance, I try to build Leaning Tower and choose Great Engineer as free person, and then rush one of the renaissance wonders in a city that doesn’t have a wonder yet.
On first move, my worrior went south and revealed marble and stone, I wanted to get Stone Works, so moved settler south west and settled on the grassland. Went Tradition opener then full Liberty and settled 4 more good city, pausing on new cities until building NC. Will build more cities after NC. Lost early warrior and no good luck with city states (lost quest huts couple of times). Focusing on a big capital, production, gold, faith, and aim for peaceful and run research agreements to take science lead for those later techs that gives big boosts to Tourism. at turn 100, 4 turns from NC, have a GE ready to rush Macchu Piccu, hope I can get it in time.



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Long story short: I settled 7 cities as liberty, got a decent game, got teamed by France and the Celts, lost a city, got it back and was about to kill the Celts. And then I accidentally pressed "retire" while alt tabbing between a bunch of programs. It's halfway through February, so I think I'll just try the next one:hammer2:
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