Diving into this one right now! Nice work Sir!
Thank you; do report how you find the map.
I continued my Dutch game until Public Schools... Played very haphazardly, since I'm just testing. It feels like there's just too many things to build in the game now, with the trade routes, Archaeologists, etc. It could be partly the lack of production; in the first update I aim to put similar production resources near all starting places, so that you can build either a Stoneworks, Forge or a Stables and add production that way. Pity I didn't think of this before.
There's something a bit funky going on in my game it seems. The American civs are all monsters of expansion (with Hiawatha it's no surprise, but even Pedro's at it pretty good), while the East Asian civs exhibit a distinct lack of settlement. The Zulus have colonized southern India and Polynesia has two cities right next to Beijing; meanwhile Siberia is almost empty (good in a way but hey). Also, it seems like no one has any spare luxes to trade. I managed to acquire Sugar from Pacal but otherwise I haven't been able to make any luxury trades, and I've a dire need for Happiness. I figure a few extra luxes / starting location might be in order. Perhaps it's just the Dutch starting area though.
The weirdest thing about my game was how at the start of the Renaissance, when everyone got their first spy, someone went and stole
Calendar from me!

I guess it might be the Huns or some other backward warmonger; but really now how backward can you get? And while we're discussing warmongering, so far there doesn't seem to be much of it. A few cities have switched owners but no major wipe-outs. Hopefully some will happen soon (and I won't be one of them; my army has consisted of a single Archer for the whole game

It's getting to be a fairly boring Science game; I'm pulling ahead now thanks to beelining Schools so I might just quit and test some other civ/start.
So far there haven't been many reports... I guess most people are downloading the map from Steam, and the comment function there is truly abysmal. The longer and more detailed report you can make, the better! I'd love to read nothing but feedback about my map all day (hint, hint).
Australian Aborigines have a nice MOD out there...might be good for a balancing act.
I'd rather not add mods for now (seeing what a hassle simply uploading the map was), but it's something I'll keep in mind for the future. Feel free to add them yourself btw, and upload another version of the map if you want to. The people who make maps and those who improve them the best are often not the same folks. It's easy to get blinded to obvious mistakes and even more obvious fixes when you stare at the same disfigured peninsula for days and days, trying to figure out how to make it pass for at least a lame excuse of itself.