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TT03: Unholy Spanish Empire


Deviant Mind
Feb 24, 2006
TT03: Unholy Spanish Empire

After our "Win, yet Loss" in Teers02, here is vol 3 of our collective adventures:


Leader: Isabella of the Spanish
Map: Highlands
Difficulty: Monarch
Speed: Epic
Victory: All enabled, but only Domination is a win.

Variant Rules:
1) We may NOT found any religion, nor adopt one EVER!
2) We must adopt Free Religion immediately upon discovering Liberalism adn stay there for the rest of the game (this may necessitate building the UN)
3) Before the discovery of Liberalism, we must eliminate the civ who founded the most popular religion(s).

Roster (not in order of play):


Okay, so i played 30 at Normal speed and couldn't figure out why i had 400 some turns left :crazyeye:

So, i restarted. It was unfortunate b/c we had good luck with the goody huts and had 2 scouts, an extra warrior and plenty of cash. Ahh well...easy come, easy go.

So, i restarted and got the above start. This is MUCH better than the one we had. I settled in place (how could i not?), went Worker First (TM) and started our scientists on Hinduism.

Nah, we went with Agriculture first...again, how could i not? I sent our warrior to go exploring around our new lands here to see what we could see. From the turns i was playing at Normal, Ridgelines really gives great terrain features with nice places for chokepoint cities. The downside is that i get the feeling that lots of the cities we'll need to take will be on hills. Highlands is THE map for the Celts, though. (I can't wait for tomorrow :D )

In 3670, Buddhism is FIDL as our intrepid explorer survives a lion attack. In the previous game, Asoka had Buddhism so he may in fact have it again.

3610: Agriculture comes in, and i head for Mining so that we can hook up those Gems, too.

This is the top of the world for us. At least we'll have our backs gaurded against those filthy believers.

Once our worker is done, he heads out to farm that rice and corn, and Madrid starts on a warrior. Meanwhile, when Mining is finished, i start on Hunting to get Archers soon (i'm tired of the Axe-rush tactic).

3280: Our warrior finds its first goody hut (note in the previous incarnation, i had grabbed at least 7!!).


The two warriors have a big fight and head off in separate directions. Ahh well, won't they ever get along??

Madrid finishes up its Warrior and i start some work on Stonehenge. The next turn is my last, so, that's where i'll leave it. Hunting is due in 2. We may want to grow to size 3, work that lake and head for Masonry before we go to Archery so that we can hook up that stone. Once all those resources are hooked up, Madrid is going to R O C K. I really think we should keep going on Stonehenge, but maybe build a settler in there once we hit Pop3.

Spoiler Overview Map :


At this point, i have no preference on Roster order. Whoever can play first, just post a "got it" and play 25 turns (Player 3 will go 20t, Player4, 15t). Once we get an order settled here with the first rotation, we'll keep that one.
Also, we should think about inviting another person, too. I'll PM Munter tomorrow, but he may have his hands full right now. Any other suggestions??

Viva la France...er...Spain!!
I would be mildly amused if after restarting you found you still have 400 turns left after playing "30". :lol:

And that is an outrageously good starting position!!! :eek: Too bad your variant call for no religion ... else its another classic Spain-on-a-Lake (TM). Speaking of variant, don't understand why you said Free Religion necessiating UN.


Yeah, that start is one of the best i've ever seen. I guess it shouldn't've thought "2 Stone, oh man! How come no marble?!" :lol:

Re: UN ~ to keep control of the Civics. I'm not sure how ready the Spiritual civs are to vote for Free Religion, so i was thinking just in case. Though, I'm *pretty sure* we'll have the population to be in the running anyway.
GreyFox said:
Why do you need to control the Civics if you intend to stay in Free Religion? Nothing can force you out of free religion AFAIK.

You're right. You can get forced into other civics by the UN votes for global civics (which can be quite cool if you don't have the tech for it yet), but Free Religion is the (only) choice you have in the religious civic section of these votes. So once you are in it you can stay there forever...

Got it.
The city near gold looks very neat as we wont have many cottages in this game so the gold is a key resource for some money.
Can I be an alternate, Pholkhero? I have three SGs on my plate at the moment and I think that's all I can handle, but I'll keep an eye out for any cow-loving, funny-talking people with a crazy diet.
And that start!:eek: Those stones will supply spanish catapults with boulders to knock out any enemy, no matter how many gods they have.
Well, to sum up my turnset, our wariors fought some battles with some hungry lions and won, Hindu is FIDL, We've researched Hunting, Masonary, and The Wheel. A corn and gems are farmed and mined, and currently our worker is builiding a querry. The stonehenge is close to complition, and ive invested a few turns on a settler. We do have some flood plains near capital so it could prove to be a valueable commerance tiles for cottages.
I advise the next player to finish the settler once the Stonehenge is done, connect all the resources with roads and settle near the gold.
Our close enviourment:

Sprite out.
@ Fox, Imhotep: Shut up, you'se!! :) (note, this means, you're right, i'm wrong)

@ Xtream: Welcome aboard! I think i owe you one since I accidently ignored your signup in . . . was it RB18? Either way, that's fine; you're in.

@ Sprite: good turns. What sort of barbs are out there now? Warriors only still??

Again, whomever can play, should post a got it and play 15 turns, Xtream included.

Pholk >
Sprite > just played
Somebody > UP NOW
Another person > on deck
Last person >
Rats! I guess that means I'm up! :D What is it - 15 turns for me?
Xtream said:
no im sry ill have to skip :(

no need for a full skip. You can play another set when you're able.

Lobster, play 20 (then 15, then 10).

Roothter ;)
Pholk >
Sprite > just played
Lobster > UP NOW
Frank OR Xtream > on deck for 15
Xtream OR Frank > 10 turns
Preturn check (2410 BC)
We haven't met any of the other civs yet. Wow.

Turn 2 (2350 BC)
Warrior defeats (0.40/2): Barbarian Lion

Turn 3(2320 BC)
Tribal village results: strong hostiles
Out pop three Barb Warriors! That's what I get for popping a village with a wounded Warrior! :blush:

Turn 4(2290 BC)
Needless to say, our Warrior buys it:
Warrior loses to: Barbarian Warrior (2.00/2)

Turn 7(2200 BC)
Our first Barbarian appears N of Madrid. Damn!

Turn 8(2170 BC)
Tribal village results: warrior That makes up for the one we lost! I send him back towards home for Fog busting duty.
Contact made: Indian Empire We meet Asoka.

I am blinded by a sudden flash of lightning...

Madrid finishes: Stonehenge -->Warrior (3) [party]

Turn 11(2050 BC)
Madrid finishes: Warrior --> Settler (7)
The Warrior that popped out of the hut is blooded:
Warrior defeats (0.30/2): Barbarian Warrior

Turn 12(2020 BC)
Contact made: Chinese Empire

Turn 13 (1990 BC)
Technology discovered: Bronze Working --> Pottery (8)
We have Bronze just to the N or Madrid's borders. We should get it with the next border pop (in ~ 50 turns).

Turn 15 (1930 BC)
Judaism founded in distant land.

Turn 17 (1870 BC)
Madrid finishes: Settler --> Warrior (2)

Turn 18 (1840 BC)
Our exploring Warrior in the S meets a Barb Archer and retreats. (No nearby forests for defense).

Turn 19 (1810 BC)
We stumble across Egyptian terrirory:
Contact made: Egyptian Empire

Turn 20
Madrid finishes: Warrior --> Settler (11)
I though another Settler before we start the Pyramids.

Our new city is ready to be founded next turn. Pottery will also come in.

The world as we know it showing the approximate location of India and Egypt.

So far the only Bronze we have found belongs to us!
Alright! nice turns, LB! the settler went west to the land of gold and corn i presume? that copper will come online, hopefully, just as we're ready to take out a civ. I'm pretty tired of the Axe-rush, but if someone's close by, we should use it. [i wonder if in Warlords, the AI knows to build chariots as a counter now?] the thing about highlands is that there may not BE anyone too close by. :)

I think our next two cities should go east and south. One for that rice, and access to all those floodplains, and the other by the fish. However, i wouldn't be opposed to sending one way south towards India to grab that pigs and rice or the pigs and ivory. It might be nice to make that lake our very own Spanish lake with our cities around it.

Pholk >
Sprite >
Lobster > just played
Frank OR Xtream > UP NOW, for 15
The Other One > on deck for 10 turns
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