Turn Chat

1 am CET. I will try but I can´t promise anything.
Hmm ,sunday comes after saturday night...:beer:

Ill try to make it,but i don't know if i'm gona be much of a help. :rolleyes:

Well one 1 pm here,must be possible.
Originally posted by Pellaken
I'll post here at noon my time tomarrow with a final decision

So what will it be? I won´t stay up that late if you do not confirm the chats is on.
Pelly ,since you didn't play last sunday ,when are you planning to play youre next turn's? I don't wanna hold up the game to long.If youre busy for some time i can take over the duty for a few turn's (As Vice) till you are up to it again.Just give me a signal ,so that i know what's the situation.
Can I suggest a break over the Easter weekend at this stage?
In departmental discussions, it came out that neither Kev nor I will be posting over the coming weekend and so you will be without an Interior Ministry if you want to continue playing. (Although I'm sure you'll get by without us if you want to play on. :lol:)
I think that we could try to find out this week how many people will be here over Easter and then decide whether or not we have enough people to make the weekend's turns viable.
The thing about Easter is that it will be election time over the easter weekend. So this weeks turns should be the last or the second to last trurns that we make this month. Unless we are just going to ignore election frosm now on because of the low numbers?
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