Here are the orders which the map maker got:
We are four teams and want to play on a fair random-continents-map.
size: small (80x80)
70% water
climate: normal
age: 4 billion years
temperatur: temperate
difficulty: emperor
Barbs: random
Standard victory conditions
SGLs active
The idea behind a balanced random map is the following:
1. Create a certain number of random maps with the settings above.
2. Scrap maps, that do not fulfill the prerequiste of each two civs on one continent.
3. Of the remaining maps, chose the one which comes closest to the following criteria:
a) Both inhabited continents are somewhat equal in size. Further islands/continents are possible but not necessary.
b) Access to the following resources is identical for all civs (if possible) (manual corrections possible): iron, horses, salpetre, ivory, the two closest luxuries. (That does not necessarily mean that these resources are close to the starting location, but every team has to pass the same obstacles to reach them.
c) balanced fresh water available in the starting areas. (might need manual corrections)
d) no volcanoes in the starting areas.
e) Each civs gets one monopoly luxury. (not ivory)
4. Inspect starting positions, so every team starts with the same food surplus. Seafaring tribes start at the coast; non-seafaring tribes start at a two tile distance from the coast.
5. Trade between the continents shall be possible at the latest with Astronomy.
6. the following units get manipulated archer, bowmen and longbowmen receive amphibious attack.
There exist two fanatics teams and two CiFo teams. On each continent starts each one team of each forum. Teams have the possibility to change their civs colour, city graphics, leader head, so here are additional modifications are necessary.