Turn planning


on time
Apr 13, 2004
Germany GMT+1
So as I understood the guys over at CiFo, we are at least allowed to use the pre-save of the initial turn. So I will load it tonight and have a closer look.

And we are also allowed to do everything that we will definately do in the real turn. So if the team agrees on settling on the spot, I will do so in the pre-save and post pics here.
Sounds like a good idea.

What steps are involved in getting the pre-save? I'm sure others are curious, too, and just want to expirement with the pre-save idea/format/style.
After founding Aerie, we see this:

What steps are involved in getting the pre-save? I'm sure others are curious, too, and just want to expirement with the pre-save idea/format/style.

Basically the idea of the pre-save is that whenever a team receives its turn, first of all it presses enter, saves and sends the turn on to the next team, so they can start planning their turn. It's a completely different philosophy than we had here at CFC, as even loading the save more than one time was not really allowed. But the purpose at CiFo was to speed up the turn playing actually.

But it was banned for this game. Maybe this is going to change. Who knows?
Pre-saves were given up by CIFO as CivAssist II was given up by CFC.

Looks like accelerated production/growth. We should road to the Ivory. Looks like a bad starting location. We will not be able to benefit from the extra coastal commerce.
Looks like accelerated production/growth.

Wrong. It's not accelerated production.

Looks like a bad starting location.

Wrong. It is not worse than that of the other teams.

We will not be able to benefit from the extra coastal commerce.

Why? Do you mean the capital? Or do you already know the rest of the map?

You should calm down a bit and enjoy the game with us.
I'd say with the only BG being on the far side of the wheat, then worker to the wheat looks like a no-brainer. We have to decide what we are building to determine if we can afford to road the wheat for next turn, but it is hard to imagine why we would not want to build the road as long as we are there.

More importantly, what are we researching? Pottery? Masonry->Mathematics? Writing?
Tomorrow I will try to set up a spread sheet that might help us to decide, how we go through the first couple of turns.
I like luxuries and that Ivory sure is tempting, but mining the BG is more important. We can fiddle with the happy slider to keep the city productive.

Looks like the native language of the game is German (we are building a Krieger, not a Worker); do we need a translate table for units, city improvements and such?
Yes, as the biq was set up in the German version of the game, at least units & the tech tree are in German language.

As for the "Krieger". It's a warrior. But I did not do anything but founding the town. Everything is still possible. The only thing that is fixed now is that the town will be founded on the spot...
Just rename the units into english, please. As for the technology, I'd like to get the SoZ, it makes warmongering much easier for me and more efficient as I like to stage blitzkriegs in the Ancient Age.
I don't know how mentally twisted our map makers were, but....I find it odd/suspicious/curious that Ivory is so close to us. Nearby luxury, fine, but one that also enables a Great Wonder that autoproduces a unit...sorta bothers me. Would the map makers have placed Ivory next to every one? So that everyone could build the Statue of Zeus?

I guess what I am puzzled about is this: is that Ivory from the map creation (and thus random) or placed by the map tweakers (and therefore deliberate).
The presave is just for the first turn so we can all get a good look at the start location. I would be willing to wager that every team has ivory. I'm glad they've done this, I've always found that to be a bit of a broken game mechanic. If you're lucky enough to get ivory, all you have to to is build a cheap wonder to get a free 2-move swordsman with an extra hit point every five turns. Plus you won't have much, if any, competition to build it since most civs won't have ivory. Since everyone most likely has ivory, it will probably be a close race to build it. I'd rather concentrate on building the Great Lighthouse for our dromon.

For the worker, I like mining the BG, roading back to the capital, then mining the sugar hill and finally roading to the ivory.
:D We're going to be size 2 in 4 turns. Size 3 in 7 or 8 turns? What level are we playing? How many content citizens will we get? You guys want to build a granary first? You're right. Skip the lux and reduce our research capacity. We don't need techs anyway.
I don't know how mentally twisted our map makers were, but....I find it odd/suspicious/curious that Ivory is so close to us. Nearby luxury, fine, but one that also enables a Great Wonder that autoproduces a unit...sorta bothers me. Would the map makers have placed Ivory next to every one? So that everyone could build the Statue of Zeus?

I guess what I am puzzled about is this: is that Ivory from the map creation (and thus random) or placed by the map tweakers (and therefore deliberate).

I should mention that all tribes will have ivory nearby. I will inform you about the parameters the map maker got.
After founding the capital and seeing the ivory, I even more tend to build a worker first, as Chamnix proposed. The second worker could beeline to the ivory, while the first roads the wheat and mines/roads the BG tile.
Here are the orders which the map maker got:

We are four teams and want to play on a fair random-continents-map.
size: small (80x80)
70% water
climate: normal
age: 4 billion years
temperatur: temperate
difficulty: emperor
Barbs: random
Standard victory conditions
SGLs active

The idea behind a balanced random map is the following:

1. Create a certain number of random maps with the settings above.

2. Scrap maps, that do not fulfill the prerequiste of each two civs on one continent.

3. Of the remaining maps, chose the one which comes closest to the following criteria:

a) Both inhabited continents are somewhat equal in size. Further islands/continents are possible but not necessary.

b) Access to the following resources is identical for all civs (if possible) (manual corrections possible): iron, horses, salpetre, ivory, the two closest luxuries. (That does not necessarily mean that these resources are close to the starting location, but every team has to pass the same obstacles to reach them.
c) balanced fresh water available in the starting areas. (might need manual corrections)
d) no volcanoes in the starting areas.
e) Each civs gets one monopoly luxury. (not ivory)

4. Inspect starting positions, so every team starts with the same food surplus. Seafaring tribes start at the coast; non-seafaring tribes start at a two tile distance from the coast.

5. Trade between the continents shall be possible at the latest with Astronomy.

6. the following units get manipulated archer, bowmen and longbowmen receive amphibious attack.

There exist two fanatics teams and two CiFo teams. On each continent starts each one team of each forum. Teams have the possibility to change their civs colour, city graphics, leader head, so here are additional modifications are necessary.
The spreadsheet looks reasonable to me. With all of our food, I agree that settler before granary seems to be called for, and I'm never going to argue with a worker :).

With respect to what to build after the settler, if we want a warrior, then we can set production to wealth on turn 17 and complete the warrior on turn 20 with less overrun, but I think I would head straight for a granary (or maybe a second settler).

If our second city really has 2 floodplains, then that seems like a great place to build a worker every 5 turns, probably from size 3 to 4. So where are our explorers going to come from? Maybe build a second settler from the capital before the granary and send him to a more shield rich area(?) for units? We should be able to build one warrior from our second city while we grow to size 3. Maybe build one warrior and :whipped: one curragh (if coastal) before turning to workers? I don't usually use the whip early in the core, but if we have 2 floodplains, then I think we need to turn some of that food into shields. Our capital will be working from size 4 to 6, so if our second city stays at size 3, then the whip shouldn't cost us much on the luxury slider.

Just some disjointed thoughts...
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