Turn planning

Just briefly checked the save:

Brotherhood has the Library now.

We can inform Anarchie and we also will request Chivalry from Kueche immediately.

Will play in the evening.
We can get Aerie up to 35 shields at -1fpt. That means a knights every other turn. But that needs some preparation by workers.

Until then it will build a harbor and a couple of Dromons (1 turn each), as it produces 30 shields at the moment.
Kueche got their turn on April 23. It takes them unusually long. Probably they somehow recognized our power!? :dunno:

Or they are discussing with the Brotherhood.
Several points to mention, or discuss:

I changed The Roost to library to get the border expansion and due to this a tactical advantage when attacking Kueche.

Next turn Aerie should be able to go on 2-turn knights.

I upgraded one horse to knight to join our lone sword on the barb island.

Currently we can do 80% research and still have a small income.

After completing Collossus next turn, I would like Tuscan Talon to prebuild for Copernicus'. Any comments on this?

In 8 turns we will have Military Tradition. This is turn 131. At the same time our lux deal with Kueche will expire. We won't accept any prolongations, right?
Please see if you can turn luxuries down to 10% without losing too many shields/income.

Regarding Tuscan Talon, I would love to have Copernicus, but I think that if we win the war with Kuche efficiently, then we will have no trouble staying ahead of the Brotherhood in science even without Copernicus. I think 100% of our shields should go to the war effort until we are sure we have won. Looking at the save right now, we don't have an awful lot of military builds yet.

We will not accept any formal extension of our luxury deal with Kuche, but we can keep the trade active until we actually attack. By the way, for cities that have no choice on which tiles to work because of the cities around them (i.e. cities with 12 citizens and only 12 available tiles after citizens in other cities are placed), you can turn on the governor. It will have no effect normally (because he can't change the tiles), but it will prevent that city from rioting if Kuche suddenly stops sending us the luxury ;).

Finally, try to spare some gold if you can to rush the harbor in Hellgate. It would be nice to see that island able to grow cities to size 3 and start producing its own settlers :).
Please see if you can turn luxuries down to 10% without losing too many shields/income.

That's not an easy task I fear. I'll take a look at it next turn.

Regarding Tuscan Talon, I would love to have Copernicus, but I think that if we win the war with Kuche efficiently, then we will have no trouble staying ahead of the Brotherhood in science even without Copernicus. I think 100% of our shields should go to the war effort until we are sure we have won. Looking at the save right now, we don't have an awful lot of military builds yet.

OK, TT will join the war preparation. But I will complete the markets in other cities before building military.

We will not accept any formal extension of our luxury deal with Kuche, but we can keep the trade active until we actually attack. By the way, for cities that have no choice on which tiles to work because of the cities around them (i.e. cities with 12 citizens and only 12 available tiles after citizens in other cities are placed), you can turn on the governor. It will have no effect normally (because he can't change the tiles), but it will prevent that city from rioting if Kuche suddenly stops sending us the luxury ;).

I never used the governor in single cities. :blush:

Finally, try to spare some gold if you can to rush the harbor in Hellgate. It would be nice to see that island able to grow cities to size 3 and start producing its own settlers :).

A worker will chop a forrest now for Hellgate, thus in three turns, the harbor will complete.
Building plans for the most productive cities until turn 131:

  • Aerie: 3 knights + 35 shields
  • Tuscan Talon: 2 knights (including some cash rushing) + ~20 shields
  • Beizjagd: university on turn 126; barracks on turn 128, 1 knight on turn 131
  • BoP: market on turn 125 and 2 knights until turn 131
  • The Hatchery: marketplace on turn 127 and 1 knight until 131
  • Shqiperia: barracks on turn 126 and 1 (rushed) knight until 131
  • Eagle Eye: maybe a market and 1 knight until 131
  • Aquila: 1 knight until 131
That would be about 12 knights + 2 already existing horsemen until turn 131. After another couple of turns everything should be upgraded to cavs plus a couple of handbuilt cavs then.

Until about turn 135 we might get together 20 cavs. Would that be sufficient?
I could lower lux slider to 10%, but it took 4 clowns to do so. but we did not lose many shilds. No actual influence on production. Next turn BoP will complete a market and we can eliminate a clown again.
We could set up a colony for insence with 6 turns here on the other continent.

Would it be worthwhile? I thing the Knights will be there quickly too, but...
Until about turn 135 we might get together 20 cavs. Would that be sufficient?

We'll have to watch to see when we become strong to Kuche and make a judgment from there.


Would this be the correct setting for the covernor to have an eye on the moods?

That's it.

We could set up a colony for insence with 6 turns here on the other continent.

Would it be worthwhile? I thing the Knights will be there quickly too, but...

Do the knights have incense or access to a source closer than the one we want?
Do the knights have incense or access to a source closer than the one we want?

Right now the knights do not have access. There are only these two insence sources next to each other.
I believe this is the first time we've been weak militarily to the Kitchen.

Thanks for switching TT to a Barracks!
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