TURN ONE - 4000 BC
1. Foundation of Capital, "Continuum" with settler on spot.
2. Warrior moved Southeast from start location, now 1S of Continuum, reveals new wheat resource
1. Combine demographics screen with teams that played their turn, reveals one team got higher food and gold production than we do, and the other team got more industrial production.
Based on the Sirius (Dutch, Willem) and Maverick (India, Ghandi) have played their turns, we can assume the following from the demographics screen analysis:
As there is a Civ leading on us in gold, 18 to 16, and Agriculture costs 89 beacons, and someone of the two other teams that played "leads" on us, we can assume that "Maverick" headed straight for Meditation (119 beacons, explains the 18-16 ration).
Assuming Maverick went for Meditation and thus their first religion, the natural outcome of this would be for Merlot (Maya, Pacal), to go for "Polytheism" and the second spare early religion.
Assuming Maverick leads on "gold" production (GNP), which is in fact a reflection of research priority, not gold income, we can also assume that Sirius is researching
4. Assuming that we are behind Maverick and Sirius in either food production for one or industrial production for the other, we can assume that Sirius settled on site with a maritime food resource (fish) and thus got 5 food surplus to our 2 food surplus.
This also means that the 5-3 industrial lead is explained by some game (animal) in a forest or cattle, and be Mavericks industrial potential, as Maverick likely wants to mass produce fast workers at this point, and thus go for productivity bonii.
5. Quatronia is #2 on both food production (2) and production (3), which means that Maverick is maxing out production (5) with food production equal or less than 2, whereas Sirius is maxing out food production (fisheries or foodplains or pigs on grass) with production equal or less than 3.