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Turn Tracker


Retired Moderator
Jul 23, 2004
Red Sox Nation
Playing the Save
Remember you are free to open the save and look around, take screenshots, etc., but don't make any irreversible changes. Only the turn player for your team can do that!

Sending the Save
Turn players please post here when you have played the save. Remember that you have 24 hours to send the save to the next team (in the order of BABE -> Council -> SABER -> FREE -> GONG) after receiving it (as well as any other info, like battle logs). Also be sure to send a copy to the admins (ale.of.ginger AT gmail DOT com and TitanicWhiz18 AT comcast DOT net).

Naming the Save
If you could follow the naming convention of MTDG2_XXX_NAME.SAV, that would be good. Example: if it is turn 54, and Team BABE is sending the turn, it would be: MTDG2_054_BABE.

Turn 1 sent to the Council
Turn 1 played and sent to Team Saber. :woohoo:

Are we supposed to copy the admins in when we send the save? We did that last game. :confused:
Are we supposed to copy the admins in when we send the save? We did that last game.
I would say yes... we have a Contact group with the Council, RM & GA in it. So you just have to type in one name and then all of them will get it.
Turn 1 played and sent to Team Saber. :woohoo:

Are we supposed to copy the admins in when we send the save? We did that last game. :confused:

You didn't see the line I wrote about it? :mischief: (Yes, please send us a copy.)
turn 2 off to the council
Don't pass it around too much Thery, it makes you special ;)

Onwards to council.
Dear Team FREE:

The “space bar” is the long thin key at the bottom of your keyboard. After opening the save, please push this key down gently yet firmly. If you cannot locate it due to the lack of a label on it, then you may push the “Enter” key instead – this key should be easily recognizable by the fact that it says “Enter” on it. Thank you. :)
Passed on to the BABES.

Also, I am not sure I am naming these correctly. Since we are the last team, should I leave the subject as Turn 3? And the save as 003? Or should I advance it to 004?

edit: Doh! I definitely misnamed them. It is the correct save, but the wrong name. I am going to defer to more experienced players for a bit then.
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