Turnchat Sunday Jan 11th 01:00 RMT = 00:00 GMT = Saturday Jan 10th 19:00 EST (7pm)

Notices from the Military Department

Warrior Movement is yet to be determined from Discussions and Polls.
If a settler is produced, please stop play so further discussions can be held. If a settler is produced and play is not stopped, keep the settlers at home so their future home can be decided, unless this poll has a definitive non-abstain result, in which case the poll shoudl be followed.
The Senate thread is devoid of any decision on the setting of the sliders. Therefore I regret to inform our President / DP that there are no slider instructions to post.

donsig / VP / President of the Senate
Thank you Octavian. But the saves and chatlog had already been posted in the Saves and logs thread.

We started of handicapped. Not everyone was able to read the exact time of the chat-start.

For that reason (I hope) there were no buildqueues, no slider settings, the military instructions were: "Warrior Movement is yet to be determined from Discussions and Polls." and more essential instructions were lacking.

It was decided to produce 2 warriors and then 1 settler. As guideline for the labor-usage 40J's scheme was used:

Maximizing Production...
Turn - Size - (F/S/C) - Food - Shld
  0  -   1  - (2/3/5) -  19  -   0
  1  -   2  - (5/3/6) -   0  -   3 auto-assign to wheat?
  2  -   2  - (5/3/6) -   5  -   6 move from wheat to grass
  3  -   2  - (2/4/6) -   7  -   0 warrior recruited
                                   move from grass to forest
  4  -   2  - (1/5/5) -   8  -   5
  5  -   2  - (1/5/5) -   9  -   0 warrior recruited
  6  -   2  - (1/5/5) -  10  -   5
  7  -   2  - (1/5/5) -  11  -  10
  8  -   2  - (1/5/5) -  12  -  15 move from forest to grass
  9  -   2  - (2/4/6) -  14  -  19
 10  -   2  - (2/4/6) -  16  -  23
 11  -   2  - (2/4/6) -  18  -  27
 12  -   1  - (2/4/6) -   0  -   0 settler recruited

As guideline for the tile improvement DaveShack's advise was used:

Road the wheat where we're standing

move to the undeveloped bonus grass

mine and road

move to a hill (choice depends on new settlements)

mine & road

move to a floodplain

irrigate & road

too many decisions remaining beyond this point to say what we should do

The warrior was send exploring according to the winner of this poll; the Red Route (Pop the goodie hut). The second warrior was going for the runner-up; the Blue Route.

In 3400 our warrior reached the mountain next to the goody hut:


We were prepared this time; a new warrior was trained before we popped the hut. The red warrior entered the village and:



Some 150 years later our blue warrior stumbled upon another goody hut.


In the meantime our 3rd warrior had been produced and was ordered west for 3 turns and then back to the capitol for MP and settler-protection.
Our red warrior hits the coast in the north and turns west. The blue warrior was named "Midas" as we needed someone with the ability to turn everything he touches into gold. Midas stepped into the goody hut and:


Barbarians. They call themselves Gepids.

Our lucky Midas hasn't gotten a scratch from the first 2 attacks, promoting him to veteran, and 1 HP lost (but victorious) from the 3rd attack, promoting him to elite !

40J's calculations got messed up when our worker mined and roaded the 2nd BG. The president decided to let Deux Rivières grow first to size 3. When Deux Rivières grew to size 3 it had 2 content citizens and 1 unhappy. The Western Warrior stepped back to the capitol just in time. The city was MM-ed to get the settler next turn. Midas found some BG's and a wined-tile in the east. Our nothern red warrior spots floodplains and a wheat tile.

Northern view:

Eastern view.

The save 3000BC.
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