Turns 1-20

@ Ivan - you do still see the empty plains tile because it is a "normal" c3c game with which we do the tests. in a BPEM it will act the way the ss says.

i did two more spreadsheets for the granary approach and just sent them to Memento to distribute or post them (can´t do either from where i am now).
one is a early gran with and the other without a chop.
i fear there may still be mistakes in it and i am not sure whether we get an extra shield in the city center from a normal grass @ size 7? commerce is definitely not correct to the last coin, but i have no more time to double check that now.

commerce is not a huge difference anyway.

with a chop the first settler can be out quite a bit earlier. otherwise i am not really in love with that sequence. but it might still be good, if we want to expand fast.
only 1 mp hurts though.

without a chop things look much cleaner.

both approaches lack extra troops though, so nothing to fight barbs or early invasions with or do exploration. that would all have to be done with builds from the (earlier) additional towns.

if i was playing against AIs, i´d probably go for that. but i hear the experienced team game players and think, we cannot afford to act that way. if early contacts are really that important in that game type, i think we should go for the other way and build a combo factory without a granary, at least for the start.

Stop all planning.
Worf say:
Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach, gibt es einen Neustart mit einer leicht modifizierten Karte.
There is a big Chance for a restart with a slightly modified map
In any case, this makes the first worker move obvious now, doesn't it... Irrigate the wheat...
a New Start and we need new calculations.
Same Startposition, but without irrigated Wheat.
As I can see it is GL wheat...
Yes, this means no 2-turn growth possible. Does this make our decision easier, whether we want a granary or not? Granary is not that useful in this case, is it? (Except that we could lend the wheat to the second town every three turns.)
pardon me? first we get an irrigated fp wheat and now we get an unirrigated grass wheat? how irrigating, ah, i mean, irritating... :p

yes, worker to wheat and let´s see what else has changed.

no, now we definitely want a granary. food has become much scarcer, so we have to double its efficiency!

and i already can see, without doing any calculations, that i will be able to prove to Lanzelot that we´ll need the forest chop into that granary... ;)

i would say, worker to wheat, look again, if nothing special settle in place. another close look. back to the spreadsheets.

actually, planning the start is one of my favourite parts in civ,so i really do not mind.

yes, worker to wheat and let´s see what else has changed.

no, now we definitely want a granary. food has become much scarcer, so we have to double its efficiency!
I also have a feeling that granary is a must now. But may be warrior/settler first, to see better place?
... back to the spreadsheets. actually, planning the start is one of my favourite parts in civ,so i really do not mind.
Good! How family? My boys (30 and 22) recently became fathers and it refresh some topics...
How you are doing ss? Are you entering all by hand or there are some template/macros that help?
Build Settler,Granary
2nd town 3300bc
Worker S i+r, N, W r, S r+m
Test 2:
2nd town 2800bc

Stats in 2710bc
Test1: pop 5, 2 Warrior, faster Research

Test2: pop5, 0 Warrior,1 Lux, lower Gold
i can only look into this tonight.

shall i make the worker move to the wheat and post a screenie? i am happy if anybody else wants to do that, thus practically taking the first turn...

@ Ivan - family is alright. the first night alone with the baby was less an adventure than i would have imagined. :) he was going gentle on us.
in my ss, i calculate everything by hand.

@ Memento - 2710 is not a good date to compare the results. if we want a gran, we want to improve our total numbers until the time we get Philo. and we better get it first if we go that route.

settler first is no option in my eyes unless we find a very good reason for it, like let´s say, at least 2 more very close food bonuses. after the granary we of course should have a 2nd town that can work the wheat asap, so to not waste food on every 3rd turn.

any way, on such a small map, we should not expect that we will be producing settlers forever. we will need workers, and we will need some other production.

shall i make the worker move to the wheat and post a screenie
No. Its not allowed to move Units in a pre save ;)
@ Memento - 2710 is not a good date to compare the results. if we want a gran, we want to improve our total numbers until the time we get Philo. and we better get it first if we go that route.
In test1 with early 'settler we have Writing 4 turns earlier, more Gold and 2 Warriors for MP.
In test 2 we have 2-3 more commerz,but we need 10% more lux.
If we have the real Save, we can say more.
i forgot, DieKüche has to make their move again... :rolleyes:
can you see whether the ivory is still there?
Due to a mistake...

Only for this turn in these Pre-Save movements are allowed. But follows rule 3.3.
When playing the turn, any irreversible actions done by another player, have to be repeated in exactly the same order as they were done originally. Reloading the save because of unfavorable outcomes of events is not allowed. If you are playing the save and the game crashes on you, it is permitted to load the save again, but please notify the referees as well.
x-worf - is there any advantage in this? :confused:
whatever i do in this pre-save, i will have to do the same in the real save... so why should i not wait for the real save?
ahem...any reason why is it already 3950bc in this save???? :eek:

sorry for the "hattrick"...
did you notice it is a bonus grass wheat to the south of our settler???
ahem...any why is it already 3950bc in this save???? :eek:


This is technical issue: Referee have chosen passwords. Otherwise we could circulate game and find out other positions.
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