TV-01: A Noble Beginning


May 13, 2007
A Noble Beginning

Version: Vanilla
Difficulty: Prince
Map: Standard Pangaea
Climate: Random
Water level: Random
Starting Era: Ancient
Speed: Normal
Civ: TBD

I've been lurking these forums for some time and decided to finally get in on the succession action with a game oriented towards newer players such as myself. The idea would hopefully be to learn from each other and perhaps one or two more experienced players could join to help point out our flaws and make sure we don't get too off track. I think it'd be great if one of these experienced players could start us out on the first set of turns and pick the civ (or we could just discuss it here, I have little preference in who I play as).

Slot 1: tycoonist
Slot 2: Tivrames
Slot 3: FlamingLnfernal
Slot 4: azaris
Slot 5: Sammcs

- 20 turn sets
- 24 hours to confirm "got it"
- 48 hours to play set and upload save file
- Please tell us if you need to skip your turn, or try to swap your turn if that is more convenient
i will give this a go for a experienced prince/monarch player if you want... or i could just play...
It seems there are not many Noble players who are ready to have a go at a SG.

I hope some see the thread an join. SGs are good.

If you need another I can play but I usually play at Prince. Better to get Noble players.
you would probably get a better response if the game was on warlords instead of vanilla.

i am a prince player. win most but of the time, but still have a lot to learn, especially in waging war. i would love to play learning game. if you can not find players i would join.
Unfortunately I only have vanilla for the moment so I can't make it a warlord game. Since there doesn't seem to be much interest in terms of people at my level I'm just going to go ahead and sign you two guys up. I'd bump the difficulty up to prince though I may hold us back a bit if we do. Up to you guys. Also would you like to wait for one more or should we go ahead with the four?
moving up to price level, i rolled a start...



the random leader we got stuck with:


and the position:


some thoughts:
i really enjoy philosophical leaders, and when combined with creative it makes a very cool combination. not an amazing starting position yet but those forests make me very happy... i suggest moving the scout 2 SW, but cows are always very good food and production.

the save:


from the screen shot it looks like water on the west side of the hill. this could be a coastline. looks like it goes around the north.
I took a look at the save file and moved the scout SW. There is indeed an ocean there so you can either settle in place or use up a turn to move the settler left so our city is on the coast.
I'm really sorry tivrames but I have to pull out. I've got too much on. I was looking forwards to playing with new people, but, too much on.

My mistake to offer, sorry again. Will be lurking.
I'll think about jumping in, I'll let you know by the end of the week (if the roster's not full by then), have to figure out how busy I'll be...
I'll go ahead and sign you up then infernal, and just keep me informed if you'd like to jump in cds, we'd love to have you.
on a whim, i moved the scout NE. he revealed another cow. i moved one north and founded:


we had some very good luck with huts: a total of 115 gold, a map, a free scout (who eventually was eaten by a bear) and to cap it all off:


meanwhile, i started researching AH for the cows, and i was building a worker in Berlin.


now researching BW

the situation as we know it:


i like the look of a wheat, clam, fish city and a pig and horse city in the east. the rest of the known world is largely desert or jungle.

the save:


If you need another teammate, I would be happy to participate! :D
tyoonist - I forgot what turn your warrior finished but once it did I got another scout out to replace the one we lost. After that I started up a settler (also forgot to write down when that happened).

3080 BC - Hinduism Founded in a far away land

2920 BC - Bronze Working is completed. Start Wheel for roads.
Our scout in the east takes out a panther.
Copper pops in our city.

2880 BC - Our civilization adopts Slavery.

2600 BC - Wheel finishes. I start up Mysticism and set us on the road towards
founding Buddhism (you didn't say anyone got it so I'm assuming it's
still up for grabs) and the Oracle (feel free to discuss or veto this).

2560 BC - Settler finishes. Start up a worker.

2480 BC - Our western scout takes it to a panther.

2360 BC - I took an extra turn so I could found the second city, hope no one
minds. I'll take off a turn next time around or something. I think I
founded it too far east but I really wanted to get in the horses.
(We should probably discuss city locations more next time around.)


I named it after the lions who are cozying up next to both cities.

And finally the situation at the end. Hope I didn't mess up things too bad.


Next up: Codeman
On Deck: FlamingLnfernal

Save File Setreal_BC-2360

mrwhite89 - Welcome to the team.
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