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Twillight of Byzantium

Yoda Power

Sep 24, 2002
Twillight of Byzantium 2
Scenario Introduction
It is the year 1354. After attacks by turks and slavs the old Byzantine Empire have been reduced to a few cities scattered around Greece. The important islands of the Aegean have been divided by two Italian cities, Venice and Genoa. In southern Greece latin crusaders and hospitalers have established bases for introducing catholicism into the east. But a new power has emerged, a small new turkish beylik have conquered the city of Gallipoli and launched a jihad against Europe.

There are six playable nations, each with it's own special unit, except Byzantium which starts with a Golden Age, and Florence which can build a special wonder giving them their Golden Age.
Late in the game it will be possible to hire mercenary soldiers from Lombardy and the Balkans.

The final victor is determined by victory points. VP are scored throughout the game using standard values. There is only one VP location on the map, the metropolis of Constantinople. When advancing you will discover that some cities are able to build trading posts, that produces treasures. Returning one to its rightful place in the capital yields a bonus of 1000 extra VP. Another way to win is by controlling 35% of the territory and 45% the population.

See post 2 for Screenshots! - New Screenshot added April 8, 2007

The six civs are:
  • Ottomans - starts with a large army. They are in locked war with the Byzantium, Slavs(Serbia+Bulgaria) & Beyliks. The Ottomans will have to fight on two fronts, however their Jihad small wonder gives them an advantedge in the beginning. Their UU is the Janissary, a powerfull Arquebusier.
  • Byzantines - they are pretty weak, but Constantinople is well protected. They have the only victory point on the map in their capital. Usually they loose some cities in the first turns, but a good player will be able to keep the most important ones. It is possibly to reconquer lost territories, but quite hard. They do not have any UU, but starts in a Golden Age.
  • Knight's of St. John - this is a very small civ, but quite fun to play. They start at war with Byzantium, but are allied with the other latin civilizations. It is possible to win with them by a combination of treasures and conquest. They get the powerfull Hospitaler UU. It has amphibous assaults and a decent attack+defence. Use it to expand your island empire.
  • Genoa - wins by returning treasures to their capital. Beware of pirates, and guard your islands, who are the source of treasures. The Genoese gets a special Crossbowman as UU, with a better attack and amphibous assault.
  • Venice - has the same objective as Genoa. Their UU is a powerfull Galleass, so Venetia doesn't have to worry about pirates as much.
  • Florence - can build a special wonder that generates treasures. However usually military expansion will be needed too, in order to secure the highest score. Siena is the obvious goal for expansion, but also Rome, Genoa and the Lombards are candidates to military conquest.
There are two downloads, the files and the biq (attached at buttom of this post)

The name was invented by The Last Conformist, and voted the best suggestion in a poll. However it turns out that it is actually spelled wrong. It should have been Twilight instead of Twillight. However since the scenario now is well established, I have choosen to keep using the name.

Known bugs
A few people has reported that their games have stalled. I don't know the reason for this, but I don't think there's anything I can do about it.

This is the new version 2 of the scenario, released on 20. December 2006. The first version was removed after more than 1100 downloads! (I acciedently deleted it, before I could check the exact number)

The new version is much better than the old one.
  • It features lots of new graphics, and fixes the old graphics glitches.
  • A new mercenary ship has been added.
  • Four new religious units: Catholic Friars, Franciscan Friars, Orthodox Monks and Imams. They are all autoproduced with a new small wonder.
  • The historical accuracy has been improved, by the advice I got from several members.
  • The overall gameplay have been improved.
  • The improvements are more usefull.
  • Old bugs have been fixed.

Scenario creator: Yoda Power
Still graphics: Rhye, Aion, Varwnos, Yoda Power, Emperor Xerxes, PCHighway
Leaderheads: R8XFT, ShiroKobbure, Embryodead, Jorde
Units: Kinobat, Aaglo, Embryodead, Utahjazz7, BeBro, CamJH, Plotinus
Testing: The Last Conformist, Yoda Power, LouLong, Mirc
(If I forgot you, just post, and I'll add you;))


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i'm very exited about this one,
can't wait to DL it.
When? When? When?
i love the Byzantines, i just do :p
indeed but when is the download comming?
I don't know when it's comming, I haven't heard from Thunderfall yet, which is actually good, cause I just found a bug I need to correct.

Btw I posted some more screenies;)
Saw the screenshots , it looks very good !

I'm gonna test this one ;) I saw there are many empires to conquer , that's arousing interest .
yeah, some cool pics

can't wait to play this one as the mighty Byzantines ofcourse ;)
I've been waiting to try this one out. Fascinating period here. Good on you for getting it out there. I'm looking forward to reporting back when I get the chance. :goodjob:
I think you accidentally placed Philadelphia on the map. Unless Ive made a mistake. (By Smyrna and Aydin)
Lol you're the second person to point that out to me. There is more than one Philadelphia in the world you know:p
You had a link before but it wasn't working. Have you got the new link yet? TF given you one? Just post that.
TF has to give me the link? I've uploaded it to the server he send me acces too.
Well usually there's a link to the DL page of whatever site that is hosting the files. Whether you get it off TF or direct from that site, doesn't matter. Post that link and zip your biq. I don't know anymore than that.
I'm really a computer noob. Please help me:blush:


  • Unavngiven.jpg
    183.9 KB · Views: 1,068
Looks like you need a link from TF. I wish I could be certain and give you definitive advice, I'm not, but I think that's what needs to happen. Maybe someone more certain can help out?
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