TWO Russias!


Dec 24, 2001
I'm not sure how this happened, but in my current game (huge, max number of other civs, monarch level) I am playing against two Russias! It's quite odd.

At first I refused to believe there were really two different Russias and I thought the "shift-right click" thing on the foreign advisor screen was giving incorrect information. But then I noticed that one Russia is polite and the other is annoyed.

Has anyone else ever had that happen to them?
Can you display both leaders in your FA screen? How do they feel about each other? Be interesting if you could set them on each other, making sure one has horses&saltpeter while the other doesn't... :D
are all of the other civs in the game, or did the 2nd Russia somehow replace one of them? This sounds interesting
Do you have two Russia in the histograph screen as well?

Do they both use the same city names?

Keep on playing, this could lead to many interesting new bugs later in the game :crazyeye:
Back in Civ II there were some times possible to have a civilization civil war and split into two different nations. Did they ever retain that ?
Could that have happened here or a pure bug?
This Happend to me with the Irquios. It was REALLY confusing.:p I think it happens like this: You go to a huge map and set the civ you want to say 16th. You press cancel and make it a smaller map. Make say the first civ the sam as the 16th. Then switch back to huge map and voila!!! I hope Firaxis dosent fix this:viking:
A piece of meticulous historical accuracy not a bug.
There is or has been
Two Vietnams
Two Koreas
Two Chinas
Two Spains
& Two Germanys (at least)
& Probably others I have overlooked
Oh yes two United States of America
Two Roman Empires
Two Russias (one white, one normal)
Two Egypts
Two Sudans
Two Jemens
Two Netherlands
Two Pakistans
Two Cypri
Two Kongos
Three Guyanas :)
United States of America

No. They were two nations. The Confederate States of America and the United States of America. The Southern States SECEDED. They no longer wished to be part of the USA.
The bug could be because a barb tribe created a city (how that happened I don't know). Wh I was playing a game with 7 rival civs and retired there 9 civs total in the histograph. Me, 7 enemies, and a barbarian. Similarly when I played with 6 rivals one of the rival had 2 spots in the foreign advisor screen. I did eventually cause the game to crash though. It only seemed to happen when I started a game with "quick start".
I think what happened is something like what Lkysam described -- I think I started a huge game with 16 and then a large game where I chose who I wanted to play against and then a huge game where the last few were filled in as random or none and I changed them so that I was playing against 15 -- everyone but Persia.

I once again forgot to copy the game to a floppy to get it to the computer I access the internet from and after today I won't be able to internet for over a week, so I will try to remember the game when I get back.

Also, so far there does not seem to be any problem having the two Russias. I think they even have different colors. They're both involved in wars (not against each other) and the game seems to keep playing.
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