This is a part from the book "Israel and the family of nations".
My translation (original in Hebrew).
As we saw, in the UN 1947 Assembly discussions the representatives of Arab states and Arab Palestinians repeatedly claimed that there is no real continuing connection between Jews - Bnei Israel - the ancient, of the land of Judah, to the Modern Jews that sought to establish in this land their natinoal home in the 20th century.
In this manner they tried to establish their claim that Modern Jews are nothing but a religious denomination, whos faithful include people from all sorts of ethnic descents.
Only few Modern Jews, they claim, can be considered the descendants of ancient sons of Israel; In that context they raised the theory about the Khazari provenance of European Jews.
These claims, dubious as for themselves, express, to which extent they can be taken seriously, a racist simplistic perception of Nationality. It is eminent that a communal ethnic descent is not a necessary component of a national identity. To the opposite, a tradition regarding a common descent, a communal myth relating to the ancient past - these are important components of many national cultures.
Even the modern French nationality, which is considered an unmistakable example of civil nationality and not an ethnical one, is not free of that element. Generations of students educated in the French republic upon the expression "Our Gaelic Fathers" - an expression which, in a biological point of view, is untrue for many o them;
Nevertheless this image became part of the French national identity. In those kind of traditions there is, usually, only a grain of Historical truth, although the size of this grain is different from case to case, and this question has no special importance.
The attempt to deny the palpability of modern Jewish nationality under biological and "anthropological" rationales, as the representative of Uruguay phrased it in his General Assembly speech, is a false attempt.
The authors of the UNSCOP report do not refer to these claims at all, just like they do not bother to invent any "scientific" proof whatsoever that indicate the existence of the Jewish People.
My translation (original in Hebrew).
As we saw, in the UN 1947 Assembly discussions the representatives of Arab states and Arab Palestinians repeatedly claimed that there is no real continuing connection between Jews - Bnei Israel - the ancient, of the land of Judah, to the Modern Jews that sought to establish in this land their natinoal home in the 20th century.
In this manner they tried to establish their claim that Modern Jews are nothing but a religious denomination, whos faithful include people from all sorts of ethnic descents.
Only few Modern Jews, they claim, can be considered the descendants of ancient sons of Israel; In that context they raised the theory about the Khazari provenance of European Jews.
These claims, dubious as for themselves, express, to which extent they can be taken seriously, a racist simplistic perception of Nationality. It is eminent that a communal ethnic descent is not a necessary component of a national identity. To the opposite, a tradition regarding a common descent, a communal myth relating to the ancient past - these are important components of many national cultures.
Even the modern French nationality, which is considered an unmistakable example of civil nationality and not an ethnical one, is not free of that element. Generations of students educated in the French republic upon the expression "Our Gaelic Fathers" - an expression which, in a biological point of view, is untrue for many o them;
Nevertheless this image became part of the French national identity. In those kind of traditions there is, usually, only a grain of Historical truth, although the size of this grain is different from case to case, and this question has no special importance.
The attempt to deny the palpability of modern Jewish nationality under biological and "anthropological" rationales, as the representative of Uruguay phrased it in his General Assembly speech, is a false attempt.
The authors of the UNSCOP report do not refer to these claims at all, just like they do not bother to invent any "scientific" proof whatsoever that indicate the existence of the Jewish People.