U <Really Cool> GREEKS!!!!!!!!!(the civ in the game :P, not real greeks)


May 29, 2003
the really cool greeks!!!!! i was thear allie, thay whear gracus to me! and i was helping them in a war thay whear in, so i gave them right of passage, we have had no preveus wars... i was at war with babloyon, and thos freaking greeks, while in the midle of my teratory, with my army out fighthing, (only 2 units in every city, mostyl spear men, or warriors) just decleard war on me!!!! THOS LIL really cool guys !!!!!!! HOW DEAR THAY!!!:mad:

Moderator Action: VC, I understand your anger, but cut the profanity! --Padma
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Consider yourself lucky, the AI declared war on you. I've found that I usually have to start a war. Surprises like that make the game much more interesting.
not realy! it was a complet out rage!!!!! i swear, if that dirty litel alex was hear, i whold hang him up by his toes, and slight his throt, cut of his "man hood", sholve it down his throt, then rip his freaking guts out with my bear hands!!!!!!! then if his alive ill rips his eye out with a spoon!!!

as this ever happend to any one befor?

sorry mods. but cant u chang it to something like dumb? more sutible:p im not trying to argue or any thing ether:p

edit, then have his head place on a pike, on the highs hill on the land, and dance around it, o i got an idea!! ill do all the above, insted of hanging up side down, ill crusifi him (spelling, nail him to a cross)
yep, have to say its happened to me quite a few times...and yes I was "turning red" with anger. BUT....I was able to save the game, and TAKE A BREAK for a bit. <hint hint>
I just lost a game because the Greeks sneak attacked me with two warriors...my !!!SIX!!! Jaguar warriors all died to two Greek warriors and the RNG.

And it was such a great start, too.

Some definite retribution required.
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