UK Politics VI - Will Britain Steir to Karmer Waters?

Well, they never used to, because that was seen as a sign that you couldn't really afford the home you were trying to buy. Things clearly have changed.
Well, they never used to, because that was seen as a sign that you couldn't really afford the home you were trying to buy. Things clearly have changed.
I would disagree with the "never" in the above post, as that sort of thing was blamed for the 2008 crash.
Fair. I've lived in the same place for almost 20 years, so I've not really kept up with such matters.
And what if rental prices mysteriously never come down under any circumstances? What then?

In my lifetime I have seen cheap rent. Demand was low due to people leaving.

Record numbers arriving and record prices. And it's been specifically identified as price cause.

Fairly simple available housing, Population growth/decline and new supply.

If something else is going on distorting it that can also be addressed.
When was last time UK had a negative or flat population growth?

You Ned a slowly growing population that rate should be what the country can absorb (housing, teachers, medical professional etc).
If something else is going on distorting it that can also be addressed.
I gave examples of things that are affecting it. They're not being addressed.

Once again, your country is not the UK and your tired anti-immigration tirades have little, if anything, to do with the problems over here.

(conservatives may disagree, but if that's who you want agreeing with your Sensible Moderate Outlook then be my guest)
I gave examples of things that are affecting it. They're not being addressed.

Once again, your country is not the UK and your tired anti-immigration tirades have little, if anything, to do with the problems over here.

(conservatives may disagree, but if that's who you want agreeing with your Sensible Moderate Outlook then be my guest)

So YK population isn't increasing?

Other things influence housing prices eg interest rates.

If the demand isn't there to begin with though......

I'm guessing UK has a sub 2.1 replacement birth rate?

Just checked extra 4 million people in 11 years (2011-22).

More checking.

With 13 times the population in 2022 UK is only building X4 or X5 though housing than we are.

So my original points stadium. You need to ramp up construction if you can't you need less population growth short term.

Otherwise prices will go up.
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So my original points stadium. You need to ramp up construction if you can't you need less population growth short term.

Otherwise prices will go up.
So what you're saying is that houses need to be made available?

Yes, I said this already. It has very little to do with you trying to blame immigration. As usual.
So what you're saying is that houses need to be made available?

Yes, I said this already. It has very little to do with you trying to blame immigration. As usual.

Housing needs to be available.

4 million extra people. I'm guessing that's immigration. I doubt UK has a birthrate higher than 2.1.

Your ideology seems to be over riding facts. A Communist regime would either need to build more houses or reduce numbers.
Housing needs to be available.

4 million extra people. I'm guessing that's immigration. I doubt UK has a birthrate higher than 2.1.
You keep repeating this nonsense and it isn't backed up by anything.

If housing is the problem, housing is the problem. If you can't wrap your head around this, that's your problem.
Council housing exists. I wouldn't call it an adequate solution given how much the councils keep being underfunded by government.
I mean if the people who were given those houses, can still rent them to others (for a massive fee, obviously) :)
I recall this was a thing a few years ago.
I mean if the people who were given those houses, can still rent them to others (for a massive fee, obviously) :)
I recall this was a thing a few years ago.
You don't own council housing outright, as I understand it. You can get to own it, but there are some conditions, e.g. it being your only house? Or something legally similar. You wouldn't be able to rent in that situation.
You don't own council housing outright, as I understand it. You can get to own it, but there are some conditions, e.g. it being your only house? Or something legally similar. You wouldn't be able to rent in that situation.
I am sure they were illegally renting out (subletting?) the apartments :) No contracts etc.
People were given apartments, say in a good area in central London, and then proceeded to allow others to live in them instead, for a large free. It was gaming the system.
Wasn't this a news item some years back? We must have discussed this here.
You keep repeating this nonsense and it isn't backed up by anything.

If housing is the problem, housing is the problem. If you can't wrap your head around this, that's your problem.

I just googled it. You took in 4 million people in 11 years.

They have to live somewhere. If they weren't there it would free up that housing reducing demand ergo price.

This is why people are turning against immigration in Australia/Canada/NZ.

You think it's bad now we have been where you are last 6 years. And UK is also richer so tge ratio is more skewed.

Canada took in 3 million peopke iirc in 4 years. NZ had 25% popularity growth in 17 years.

More people require more houses it's that simple. Here the industry hit capacity so you can't build more even if you wanted to.

You xant comprehend this? More houses need due to more peopke. More houses can't be built demand outstrips supply prices go one way?

USA and UK are complaining we hit those 6 years ago I posted about it 5 years ago. You dismissed it then despite voters and people telling you exactly what the problem is.

Exact same process is happening in UK. We told you thus.
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I just googled it. You took in 4 million people in 11 years.

They have to live somewhere. If they weren't there it would free up that housing reducing demand ergo price.
How much did it drive prices up by? As you Googled it, you must know?

How much have other factors contributed to a rise in costs? You Googled it, right? You must know.

I have to say, your absolute lack of knowledge about this country really makes me wonder how you're able to be here, posting about other posters' comprehension. Time and time again.

People are turning against immigration for a number of reasons. The Tories and the right-wing fearmongering about it are certainly an important factor, but not the only one. They also rely on "not conservative" conservatives to push their unsubstantiated myths for them, as they (the government) continue to not invest in sustainable housing, or council budgets, or regulations in renting or energy bills, etc, et al.

But sure, it's "the immigrants". Nothing and no-one else.
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