You're just repeating yourself.
So you don't see the problem based on ideology? I provided the numbers thoe people have to live somewhere.
. NHS is stressed why add more numbers to that.
Infrastructure you tak in 4 million peopke that's more stress on the electrical grid. Last I heard there's stress there as well dye to capacity.
It's not just purely about the housing.
If your quality of life starts taling a hit and infrastructure and services start getting overloaded your citizens quality of life is getting worse.
Sure you xan say we need to build more but if it isn't (higher taxes and government spending not being done) that's just shifting the blame.
Perception is also reality. Even if everything is hunky dory if the voters are saying less immigration (doesn't natter why) and you're not delivering that opens the door for the right.
Progressives make up 16% of the UK population. Not all of them support immigration either. I posted the numbers earlier.