• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Ukas Library


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
Hi. :)

To answer few requests I made this library. Links will direct to the original threads. Previews of my work so far will help you to choose beforehand.

edit: Ok, it's pretty much ready, all should be here. So, if you find a faulty link or some graphic thingie I've made not listed, please report in this thread or by pm.

edit2: Decided to add links of fresh stuff in this post. So, this is the place new things will appear just after I've posted them.

edit3: Building-large.pcx and Building-small.pcx are getting too small? Problem solved in post #10 in this thread, there are the files with over 80 empty slots for new buildings.

Have Fun,


1. Index & Links to New Things
2. Era Specific Buildings
3. Ancient Buildings
4. Medieval Buildings
5. Industrial Buildings
6. Modern Buildings
7. Misc Buildings
8. Advances
9. Resources
10. Miscellaneous Graphics
11. Tutorials
12. Reserved for future use

New Things:

Resource Graphics: Nerd(feb. 06)
Building Graphics: Casino of Monte Carlo
Wonder Graphics: Bullfight Arena
Wonder Graphics: Cahokia Mound Pyramid
Wonder Graphics: Freemasons Guild
Wonder Graphics: Spartan War School
Bigger Buildings-large.pcx & Buildings-small.pcx on 10th post of this thread.
Wonder Graphics: Great Temple Complex of Baalbek
Building Graphics:Sub Pen & U-Boat Pen
Wonder Graphics: Maxim Gun
Wonder Graphics: Rosetta Stone
6 new tech icons
Wonder Graphics: East India Company
Building Graphics: Vickers Works Fighter Factory
Wonder Graphics: Three Gorges Dam
Wonder Graphics: Itaipu Dam

Naval Academy

Resources & civped resource icons includes my own relic, camel, barley, oil rig, opium, cloudberries, potato, and new editions of others graphics, even more civilopedia icons and civilopedia entries.


Religious Resources for moslems, buddhists, natives, catholics, christians


9 new resources including Inuits, gorilla, snakes, reindeer, baby, camel, lion, wolf


Mithril for LotR fans.
Ahh.. That makes life easy.

And now, I sing.

I've seen all good people turn thier heads each day so satisfied I'm on my way
It would be more helpful to keep all the links in one post. I have no idea how many modem users are on here but if they are frequenting the C&C forums, they are use to slow downloads.
hello dear ukas.

we all know your great contribution in order to make civ 3 better.these building u ve made, are all wonderfull,but we need a bigger pcx file (buildings small and buildings big)with extra adding space to add this buildings.do you have any idea were can i get those?
@watorrey: Well I guess you're right

@aracuan: Going to post bigger building pcx files here immediately. Room for +80 additions. Check out Post #10.

To be more precise, this is post #20 as you can see on the upper right corner of this message box. So post #10 would be 10 posts before in this same thread. So, scroll upwards!
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