Ukraine and Russia may go to war

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Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
I read that there is a massive build-up of troops in the border with the russian parts (in eastern Ukraine). I have to doubt Ukraine will act alone - they saw what happened with Georgia and the false US promises - so what exactly is going on there?
While I certainly don't like how Crimea got taken by Russia (regardless of the russian-speaking population there being massively pro-Russia anyway), I think that if there is a new war between Ukraine and Russia, this can well end Ukraine as an actual country.

Personally I mostly am interested due to Turkey having to take a side there. It is like having to take a side when either side (Russia, US) can kick you to death as retaliation. Maybe Gulen can bring about federal Turkey with Kurdistan and Byzantine.

@r16 Deus Vult :)


(for USians: the stamp is showing the Pope with the map of Kurdistan behind him)
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don't know which post but ı already declared Ukraine has fine babes but ı won't lift a finger for NATO , their advisers can get crushed without me . And the stamp does no such thing , just last night lran dressed the Barzanis down .
the Pope's Swiss Guards no longer have pikes , thus ignoreable in real and Civ lll times . So , once again the question becomes : Will Greeks die in enough numbers so that new countries can curse their lack of manliness for so many years ?
the Pope's Swiss Guards no longer have pikes , thus ignoreable in real and Civ lll times . So , once again the question becomes : Will Greeks die in enough numbers so that new countries can curse their lack of manliness for so many years ?

Tbh, it wouldn't make sense for Greece to be part of the great war in the first place. Can't give any regions to others - there's only Bulgaria, lol.
But Greece can always enter the war when Turkey entered WW2: after Germany was fully defeated.
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we can hardly defeat Germany without defeating you first , unless you are trying us to occupy Ukraine to drive straight through Poland . What did the Poles do to you people ?
I read that there is a massive build-up of troops in the border with the russian parts (in eastern Ukraine).
Is there a buildup of Ukrainian troops? I only heard their rhetorics has become more aggressive lately.
I don't know what exactly is happening now, but I doubt Ukraine wants to start anything beyond controlled escalation in order to provoke reaction from Russia.
Neither side is interested in starting major war and I won't even discuss Turkish involvement.

Another recent events which may be relevant:
- Ukrainian ruling party and president are massively losing popularity last months. The opposition party which is considered pro-Russian is now leader in polls.
- Zelensky shut down three major opposition TV channels in February. Allegedly for spreading Russian propaganda.
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Is there a buildup of Ukrainian troops? I only heard their rhetorics has become more aggressive lately.
I don't know what exactly is happening now, but I doubt Ukraine wants to start anything beyond controlled escalation in order to provoke reaction from Russia.
Neither side is interested in starting major war and I won't even discuss Turkish involvement, this is ridiculous.

Another recent events which may be relevant:
- Ukrainian ruling party and president are massively losing popularity last months. The opposition party which is considered pro-Russian is now leader in polls.
- Zelensky shot down three major opposition TV channels in February. Allegedly for spreading Russian propaganda.

One would have expected the topic of Ukraine armies to be more relevant in Russia

Suit yourself :)


At least Israel is safe.

The new US government isn't Trump either, so they don't care about Russia.
(Kurdish) Iraq (the Pope recently visited it, and the stamp was issued to commemorate this).
Northern Iraq is an autonomous region, run as a Kurdish country.

Here is a map showing the regions:


Hey if it's dismantle Turkey fantasy time Van should go to the armenians, not the kurds!
Suit yourself :)
I don't care much about Turkish dreams and spheres of influence, tbh.
Russia is not your ally, if you are concerned about safety of Greece, ask NATO for help. That's what NATO is for, supposedly.
One would have expected the topic of Ukraine armies to be more relevant in Russia

Suit yourself :)


At least Israel is safe.

The new US government isn't Trump either, so they don't care about Russia.

Almost the Ottoman empire itself.

I have not heard much in the news about Ukraine since this proxy war with Russia kicked off like all those years ago.
Almost the Ottoman empire itself.

I have not heard much in the news about Ukraine since this proxy war with Russia kicked off like all those years ago.

Ukraine basially win that but then Putin had to send in "volunteers".

Totally the Ukrainians who shot that airliner down.

If we're doing fantasy breakup Turkey Armenians and Kurds get a slice IMHO.

Restore Constantinople to Greece or perhaps Russia's ancient claims.

Putin and the Greek leader can have Ouzo and Vodka shots competition. Winner gets Constantinople.

Oh do ANZACs still have claims as well?
it is not the Ottoman Empire at all . Qatari influence running full on in 2013 or so when ı think ı first saw the map . Accordingly serves the long running theme of Greeks forcibly made Muslims during Ottoman times so that secular types in the country will be alienated with invoking fake family histories , with faking Ottoman records of tax payers and so on , while the rest to be become stricter "Muslims" to destroy the notion of Turk in the country . But they must still control the seculars , so , the brilliant "Muslims" are told Greece will be made their vassals . And yes 2010s saw American think tanks declaring this country must occupy up to the shores of Tuna , Dunau or whatever in German . And of course the economic crisis , going full bore in Greece , who are told by the EU to sell certain islands of theirs to cover the thing that New Turkey is abandoning islands , islets and rocks to them , silently and all that , at a time they are very loudly destroying the now dead Turkish Military Forces . So , uhm , anyone can come , take whatever they want and donate it , though just remember the thing that you will have some unforgettable experiences for the rest of your existance . And no assurances from us about its length , this existance of yours .

and yes , the Armenian demands scared the Kurds , who would end up without this country , despite like having full global support for their new country , so , like you people have no idea how funny little people we Turks are . Only because ı must go to the marketplace and stuff , so like a poor post ...
I don't care much about Turkish dreams and spheres of influence, tbh.
Russia is not your ally, if you are concerned about safety of Greece, ask NATO for help. That's what NATO is for, supposedly.

I διδν'τ say Russia is the ally of Greece. Clearly it is the ally of the country it went to war with 1000 times.
How about a beer off?

Greece va Russia vs Turkey?

Greece has to lift it's game though. Think Russia outright wins that one.

Turks at least has Efes.
A lot of news coming recently.
- Lugansk rebels jammed and destroyed Ukrainian recon drone.
- Ukraine report their troops in the area brought to full combat readiness.
- Rebels report intensified shelling from Ukraine side, last couple of weeks.
- Increased NATO recon planes activity near Crimea.
Ukraine basially win that but then Putin had to send in "volunteers".

Totally the Ukrainians who shot that airliner down.

If we're doing fantasy breakup Turkey Armenians and Kurds get a slice IMHO.

Restore Constantinople to Greece or perhaps Russia's ancient claims.

Putin and the Greek leader can have Ouzo and Vodka shots competition. Winner gets Constantinople.

Oh do ANZACs still have claims as well?

Yes, Suvla Bay. That land is totally ours.
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