UN suspends Gazan aid operation

Sadly, very very true.:sad:

A very bad mistake...

Bullcrap. It was a great move. It established our first stronghold of democracy in the heart of darkness. If it were not for Israel, the western influence it brings and the balance it provides to tyranny... the mideast would still be in the dark ages.
Bullcrap. It was a great move. It established our first stronghold of democracy in the heart of darkness. If it were not for Israel, the western influence it brings and the balance it provides to tyranny... the mideast would still be in the dark ages.
No it's a liability. It has developed in the Best Excuse Ever for the Arab nationalist governments surrounding Israel to allow them to put the whole democracy thing on the back burner. Curiously enough the only Arab nations who have actively learned about democracy through the Israeli example are the Palestinians.
No it's a liability. It has developed in the Best Excuse Ever for the Arab nationalist governments surrounding Israel to allow them to put the whole democracy thing on the back burner.
I would have to agree with this point... ever since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Jewish state has become the Lance Ito of the Middle East... a wonderful distraction for the Arab dictators to use to influence their people, just the same as that little Austrian fellow did only a few years prior.
DWB lets Palestinians use their tents as sniper dens (and then lies about it, repeatedly)? Oh, the comparison is totally not valid, imagine that.

If you really believe nonsense like that you're more deranged than I ever thought possible.:crazyeye:

I have absolutely no problem believing that, especially after seeing this video of UN ambulances, being used by Hamas to transport their thugs:

Glad UN is out of there - less hiding spots for Hamas murderers. No half-measures. Let's hope Israel exterminates those animals with extreme prejudice.
And then the Israelis goes out of their way to coddle the UN back into business.

The UNRWA has now been given assurances by the Israelis that they will do their damndest to respect the humanitarian aid agencies operating in Gaza.

I guess the Israelis concluded that under the circumstances it is after all not in their best interest to have things go completely to hell inside Gaza, and that they rather have the UN do the humanitarian aid stuff, than attempt do it themselves.
Bullcrap. It was a great move. It established our first stronghold of democracy in the heart of darkness. If it were not for Israel, the western influence it brings and the balance it provides to tyranny... the mideast would still be in the dark ages.

I thought that Turkeys relative secularism and developing democracy was started after world war 1 ?

On the other hand the specific targeted and spectacular terrorist action as we know it today was first perpertated by Isrealies against the British. Then later internationalised by the Palestinians with there plane hijacking and hostage taking.

Perhapes if post world war 2 drawing up of the borders had been better handled and the start of the cold war hadnt happened.
I thought that Turkeys relative secularism and developing democracy was started after world war 1 ?

On the other hand the specific targeted and spectacular terrorist action as we know it today was first perpertated by Isrealies against the British. Then later internationalised by the Palestinians with there plane hijacking and hostage taking.

Perhapes if post world war 2 drawing up of the borders had been better handled and the start of the cold war hadnt happened.

Turkey is very different from Arabs, different ethnicity that is. Indonesia is secular from Day 1, that is not much a good reference on Islam and Arab world.

The post war carve up of Middle East is pretty hard. Give Israel too few land, it died from Arab attackers; give Israel too much, and Arabs would try their best to take back the lost land.
I thought that Turkeys relative secularism and developing democracy was started after world war 1 ?

Don't be silly. Everything east of Europe is a backward theocracy stuck in the dark ages. They couldn't possibly evolve democratic government by themselves. They need the west to come in and show them how to live by our superior model. That's why they get so violent, they're jealous of our superiority.

I mean, it's not like you'd ever see western nations oppress and be violent toward Jews, or attempt to remove them from the face of the earth. Only dirty filthy Arabs do things like that.
So, let me get this straight, united foreign policy Neocons of CFCOT. Anyone who does not unilaterally agree with Israel and the United States is bad. Anyone who does not advocate the destroyal of Hamas with whatever means possible (as is happening now; more civilians have died than militants) is bad. And this last one, mostly directed at Ecofarm, anyone who does not believe in the contemporary Gaza Strip war is a bawling crybaby who cannot hope to ever topple your sublime internet machismo. Lovely.

To believe the UN is a criminal organisation bent on helping the destruction of Israel is well within the realms of insanity. To believe that NGOs like DWB are actually there simply to aid terrorists in causing more destruction is not only insane, it's also morally deficient. Why are you so certain of yourselves, that the only ones who will be able to bring peace to the Middle East, and the rest of the world for that matter, are Western governments, especially that of the United States? And if that is the case, why is the United States hated by so many in the Middle East, and in a certain sense also in the rest of the world?

Just for the notice though, even if what you say is true, you can't take the high road. Israel's doing it too! http://www.imagebam.com/image/71bc4e23157489

And most of all, gentlemen, do you really believe that destroying Hamas (and a few hundred, maybe eventually thousand civilians along with them) will mean the end of terrorism in Israel/Palestine? Are you really so certain, that it's not all going to come back to bite them in the ass eventually?
So, let me get this straight, united foreign policy Neocons of CFCOT. Anyone who does not unilaterally agree with Israel and the United States is bad. Anyone who does not advocate the destroyal of Hamas with whatever means possible (as is happening now; more civilians have died than militants) is bad.

95% correct :goodjob:

To believe the UN is a criminal organisation bent on helping the destruction of Israel is well within the realms of insanity.

Nah, it's just an exagerration. The fact is that the UN is biased against Israel. Whether this is intentional or it is just a negative side effect of its structure/organization, that's open to debate.

To believe that NGOs like DWB are actually there simply to aid terrorists in causing more destruction is not only insane, it's also morally deficient. Why are you so certain of yourselves, that the only ones who will be able to bring peace to the Middle East, and the rest of the world for that matter, are Western governments, especially that of the United States? And if that is the case, why is the United States hated by so many in the Middle East, and in a certain sense also in the rest of the world?

The only country which can end this conflict is Israel. It can end it by means of decisive military victory over the Palestinians and application of an adequately intensive violence to crush their pro-terrorist sentiments.

And most of all, gentlemen, do you really believe that destroying Hamas (and a few hundred, maybe eventually thousand civilians along with them) will mean the end of terrorism in Israel/Palestine? Are you really so certain, that it's not all going to come back to bite them in the ass eventually?

I don't think so. Hamas is just one cord in a rope. Cutting it makes to rope weaker, but you need to cut more of them if you want it to sever. Many more islamists are left to be bombed into oblivion.
Bullcrap. It was a great move. It established our first stronghold of democracy in the heart of darkness. If it were not for Israel, the western influence it brings and the balance it provides to tyranny... the mideast would still be in the dark ages.
Why is that your bussines? If they want to live in the dark ages, let them live that way.
Dark Ages? Where would we be without all of these things invented in the Middle East:

Domestication of Animals
The State
Monumental architecture
The Wheel
Rotary Motion and the Potter’s Wheel
Concrete Counting
Abstract Counting
The Alphabet
Dark Ages? Where would we be without all of these things invented in the Middle East:

Domestication of Animals
The State
Monumental architecture
The Wheel
Rotary Motion and the Potter’s Wheel
Concrete Counting
Abstract Counting
The Alphabet

Yeah. But the region we now call Middle East and associate it with Islam has been ruled by this religion only for the last 1300 years or so. Most of the things you mention were invented before that.
Military victory impossible in Gaza: Janes Intelligence the Ozzie reports Janes Intellegence as aserting.

LONDON: Israel wants to complete the Gaza invasion within 10 days but a military victory over Hamas is impossible, defence analysis group Jane's estimates.

Security in southern Israel and the Gaza Strip would not be improved by Israel's assault on the Islamist group, said David Hartwell, Jane's Middle East analyst.

Seems Janes takes a General Petraues stance on the issue too.
I see no arguments in the article supporting the claim that a military victory over Hamas is impossible.

The arguement roughly speaking would be that only a poiltical soloution can provide peace, and that since the IDF dont despute the universal assertion more civilians are being killed than militants that military action generates more new militants than it kills. In the very short term it will disrupt C+C, supplies etc but in the longer term it solidifies support around the world for the militants and is the shilling on the drum for a new generation of Palistian children.

You can't beat a man 'til he stops hating you. Didn't work in NI. Didn't work in Iraq. As a solution to insergency I cant think of it ever having worked anywhere much. Political solutions or just killing every civillian are the only things that have ever worked in the long term.
The only country which can end this conflict is Israel. It can end it by means of decisive military victory over the Palestinians and application of an adequately intensive violence to crush their pro-terrorist sentiments.

You realize that violence on that level would create a breeding-ground for terrorists.. right?
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