unbeatable Units

I'm also running PTW 1.27f. When I try to load the save file you posted, PTW crashes with a memory exception.

Are you using any mods to the standard game?
hmm, I only saw 1 War Elephant, and it had a ton of hp. Didn't see an army. Did you mod this game? More hp means more hp for your defending Rider to knock down. I only saw 1 elephan attack, and another be attacked relentlessly. Was that the one you were refering too? I think it's more a case of bad design. You're esentially up against super-elite units. BTW, War Elephants have 4 attack - Riders have 3 defense. So, the War Elephants already have the upper hand. Still, I can't really reproduce it.
no mods at all. I was whooping up on them and then all of a sudden these elephants came out of nowhere (litarally). I mean after they attack, they just disappear into thin air. I never seen nothing like it.

Not only do they have a hell of alot of hp's, but they cannot be beat. I will declare war on them once I get Infantry. If that does not work than me and India will be very good friends. Hell, I already took all the wonders.

hey sir, did you download the unbeatable or unbelievable file? the unbeatable does not work for some reason.
hmm, just noticed that when attacking a city. Ok, you didn't mention that. ;) (I've worked as a game tester for awhile, so this comes kind of natural to be picky...) But, it has to be a mod, since the elephants have a gazillion hit points. Are you sure the Elephants weren't modded to have invisibility? Also, I just moved a Catapult out of Dehli onto the hill 1 N of the mountain that's 1 NW of Madras, and it says that it can't attack. So, the unit IS there. I'm guessing you used a mod that made Elephants have a lot of hp (999?) and have invisibility.

Looking at the Tech Tree, War Elephants come with... Advanced Flight??? :confused: Dumbo, perhaps?

BTW, I just retired from the game, and the correct score WAS in the hall of fame, so that's an indication that it's a normal save file. Maybe the save was corrupted somehow?

Did you, by any chance, mod (or download a mod for) your Civ3mod.bix file? (just covering all the bases)
I'm telling you, this is no mod. I don't even know how to mod. Never was interested in learning. Why would I give India a unit that I can not beat.

this is what happen. After I took about 4 or 5 cities. these elephants just started appearing. And if you play for awhile you will see that there is way more than just one.

When it first happen, I thought I was imagining it. Because, I hold down the shift button to make the turns go faster and when I saw it I thought it was a glitch or something. so I move a unit to the square and the elephant reappeared for the fight and than disappeared after I lost.

But I am going to finish this game and see what happens.

did you say I made the Hall of Fame?
My personal HOF - (if you retire and click on China). That means it's not an outright modded game (changed rules).

Most likely, it could be a corrupt save. Do you have autosaves, or other saves? See if you can go back and see when the bug occured. By that, I mean, check for when elephants came with Advanced Flight (right click the tech), and check to see if any Indian cities are empty (since the elephants are the top defender).
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