UNDO button


Dec 28, 2003
Sword Coast
I am sure all of you have been frustrated when you have ie. moved a unit to wrong square. Or even worst that accidental move caused you to lost a city or even many cities!

This glitch can only be fixed with UNDO button!
So I suggest that Firaxis adds UNDO button to Civilization IV.
If you don't like that feature you can turn it off from the options.

Other flaw what should be fixed in Civ IV is moving Diplomacy button farther from "next turn button". I have lost many trading oppurtinies when I have at the end of turn checked diplomacy but accidentally clicked "next turn button"
The problem with the undo button is that is could be easily used for "exploration for free".
Although I admit that this is no concern if not in a PBEM, MP or GOTM or the like.

I do hope, that in cIV the buttons (whereever they will be located then) will stay at their place. Happened some times to me, that I was giving orders to units, and since there wars a different unit in the stack, suddenly another button was below the mouse. Voila - some crazy command was given.
Isn't reload enough UNDO?
Exploits are a big problem...
I can't think any way how to avoid that. It seems so that it won't appear in Civ IV unless someone figures out solution (which is unlikely) :(

If it won't appear in Civ IV as "official feature" I hope they will make it as easily moddable feature into the game.

And reload isn't solution because I don't save every turn. Though I am not sure about autosave... But still reloading might be a bad solution because if you was lucky and ie. got a leader you may not get him again after reload.
Then reload isn't the problem but your saving habits are ;). And the chance you'll miss out on a leader is small. Especially military leaders.
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