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UNGY-02 We like our people


Jan 1, 2006
OK- the variant for this one is simple.
We like our people so we will not use slavery and we will not draft.
Caste is OK.

We'll play immortal again.

I'll give priority to returning members from UN-01
so far we have:


Shyuhe is on summer vacation soon and is out and let's give Morganknight a chance to sign up --if not there is another spot open.

As for leader, I'm open with the exception of skipping those with early UU--I don't want the game to be about rushing.

I like Rusten's idea of staying away from cottages but I think we should give ourselves a good leader--maybe a phil leader?

Spiritual is pretty nerfed here.
Maybe Alex? He's aggressive so we'd get combat 1 grenadiers right away.
His UU is early, but hardly game-breaking. It just means you don't have to add 2 spearmen to your stack for a rush, not a huge advantage.
Checking in.

If we're going hammer heavy my preference (other than to have Rusten playing all our turns :p ) is for an Organized leader. In order of preference they'd be:


Edit: Hammurabi does have an early UU, but its more defensive in nature. (Bowman +50% v. melee, replaces archer).
Organized sounds decent too. I imagine we will spend a lot of time in high/medium cost civics (Vassalage, representation and theocracy/org. religion), so it might add a lot of extra coins. I'd still prefer Alex over Hammurabi, but they're both a good pick.
Is there such a beast as a creative/organised leader? Creative would at least avoid building monuments the slow way ( and cheap libraries are nice as well).
Is there such a beast as a creative/organised leader? Creative would at least avoid building monuments the slow way ( and cheap libraries are nice as well).

Zara Yaqob is that beast ;) (I miss Warlord's Augustus :sad: ).
Lurker's comment

Pericles would probably be the best choice if you decide to go no cottages, and his early UU is not very rush worthy.

I think I'd vote for a philo leader--I just feel I'm weak on my GP usage.
I'm also not sure how easy this will be and I think better to give ourselves a better leader and IMHO the top 3 traits are fin, phil, creat.

Either of the Greeks are good but I'd be happy with any philo leader.
I agree with your top three traits, if we're choosing among the Greeks Pericles is an economic powerhouse, and gets double production on his valuable UB. Alexander would make for a more difficult game, but at least aggressive would make fighting at tech parity more interesting. He does have a very nasty phalanx rush :mischief:
The greeks are fine with me. Alex for serious butt-kicking or pericles for fast early research + land grab.
Alex for serious butt-kicking or pericles for fast early research + land grab.

Pun intended or did you just get lucky? :lol:

Nobody said anything about maps, so we'll pick fractal (my favourite at least) again? Morganknight seems to be MIA.
@Rusten: definitely no pun intended. You'll have to explain that one, I don't get it :crazyeye: :lol:

My vote goes to fractal, my favourite as well.

Thank you Lee, for this link to that disgusting article and making things clear for me... That's definitely not what I meant though ;) :lol: Like on polycast - "This is a family-friendly show" :lol:

Well you learn new things every day :)
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