Unions and Alliances


Wehrmacht Commandant
Dec 9, 2001
I don't know whether this has been suggested before, but I'll just suggest it again....simply because i have nothing better to do.

We've all heard the winging and whining by many Civ3 players that sound something like "I made a treaty with So and So and delcared war on such and such, I then made peace with such and such, but So and So kept attacking, and I had to keep up the war with such and such ect ect so on so forth"...

Well, this would help solve this delimma that is being faced or has been faced by all of us.

The idea of an alliance or a union is simple, the leaders of 2 nations, say Bismark and Mao, decided for the good of both of them, they'd form an alliance called the "Butt-Munch Alliance" (Imagination isn't too good today). In an alliance, all the nation's resources are shared, map views are shared (this will cause lots of problems, but can be solved in the menu), and unlike a treaty, an alliance can only be broken if one decides to leave it.

Once an alliance is made, the peoples of both nations will begin to bond with each other. They will feel that they're both the same people, and will be incredibly hesitant to goto war against them. In essence, an alliance makes 2 or more nations, one giant supernations controlled by many leaders. However, the largest and most powerful nation in the alliance is considered the "Charter Nation" and it's leader's vote counts as 2 (read later for info on votes).

If at any time another civ wishes to join the alliance, a vote is held between the members of the alliance to decide whether they should be allowed in, the votes of other leaders can be influenced by offering them such things as technology, money ect ect, that way, if the Buttmuch Alliance had Bismark, Mao, Cleo and Caesar, with Germany being the charter country, Bismark could offer Cleo and Mao (smaller weaker nations) technology if they voted against the inclusion of the Americans (bigger and badder than germany).

War would be declared in a similar manner, once the war had ended, the spoils of war would be put down for negotiation, eg cities, gold, workers ect.

That is just a thought I've been having.
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