Unique Buildings Elimination Thread

Bazaar 21
Burial Tomb 18
Ceilidh Hall 13
Floating Gardens 23
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 27
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

Pyramid : Same as Stele, very early nice bonuses are always welcome.

Satrap's Court : I don't need banks in all cities. 1 or 2 are enough. This gives +2 or +4 happiness only...
Bazaar 21
Burial Tomb 18
Ceilidh Hall 11
Floating Gardens 23
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 28
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

Paper Maker: Best non-religious early building... hmm, maybe the only non-religious early building. I don't care, +3 gold and puppets build them.

Celidh Hall: Good in theory, but you won't build these if you are warring and need the happiness, and you won't need the happiness if you are staying peaceful.
Bazaar 21
Burial Tomb 18
Ceilidh Hall 9
Floating Gardens 24
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 28
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

Cedrith hall have some nice bonuses, but comes late in tech tree and more importantly, requires to build two another buildings in that city, delaying it further. And the bonus culture isn't that vital, for Celts at least. It just doesn't fit with the Celts very well IMHO.

Otoh, floating gardens come early and their bonus is strong and useful under every condition, especially when you are going tall. You can't build it in every city but it can be build in more cities than the non-unique building and the bonus is still strong.
Bazaar 19 (-2)
Burial Tomb 18
Ceilidh Hall 10 (+1)
Floating Gardens 24
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 28
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

That Bazaar is more useful only under certain conditions and part of it's strength is how the AI loves to hoard money instead of actually use it.

The Ceilidh Hall, as I have said before, is great, giving culture and happiness to offset the two major downsides of your growing empire.
Bazaar 17 (-2)
Burial Tomb 19 (+1)
Ceilidh Hall 10
Floating Gardens 24
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 28
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

Burial Tomb is great. A combination of :c5faith: for early religion and :c5happy: to help a growing empire. It's maintenance free to boot! Sign me up...

Bazaar is just not that great. It seems a bit gimmicky for my taste.
Bazaar 15 (-2) I dislike trading with the ai
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 11(+1) i usually will get a few a of these all around in any city big enough and they are useful
Floating Gardens 24
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 28
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22
Bazaar 15
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 9
Floating Gardens 24
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 29
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

Paper Maker for the gold, CH because happiness with a mid-late culture building is pointless, since happiness is never a problem in a Cultural victory, unlike it's rival, Satrap's Court, which many are necessary for a domination or science victory.
Bazaar 15
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 11
Floating Gardens 22 (-2)
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 29 (+1)
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

Although the floating gardens are powerful, they also are situational on lakes, so I dinged them for that.

Paper maker allows you to build gold and science at the same time, and for low hammer investment.
Bazaar 16
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 11
Floating Gardens 22
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 27 -2
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22

Paper Maker is good but not as good as others on this list (like the Stele) by a long shot.

I don't understand dinging Bazaar either, must be counter-reaction to all of the love. It deserves to be top 3-5.
Bazaar 16
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 9
Floating Gardens 22
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 28
Pyramid 35
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22
Bazaar 14 (-2)Unusable in MP, in single player you usually dont have enoguh friends to trade away things anyway.
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 9
Floating Gardens 22
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 28
Pyramid 36 (+1) Meh, i feel boring, but theyre just so fantastic.
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22
Bazaar 14
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 7 (-2) Not good enough compared to these other buildings.
Floating Gardens 22
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 29 (+1) Gold and science are indispensible, and the earlier you get them, the better.
Pyramid 36
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 22
Bazaar 14
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 5
Floating Gardens 22
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 29
Pyramid 36
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 23

Ceilidh Hall: Least effective building on this list. Great for happiness, but requires 2 culture buildings to get it, which is a major investment unless you are going for a CV.

Wat: I am not a huge fan of early culture, and this building comes at a great time. It is a building just about every city needs, and makes a big difference in social policies.
Bazaar 14
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 3 (-2) Still the worst building on the list. Worse than the Longhouse IMO that was already elimed (because while situational - the Longhouse can actually fit a purpose unlike the Celidh Hall)
Floating Gardens 22
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 29
Pyramid 37 (+1) Another vote for the Pyramid. I have already discussed on length's end its amazing power. Well would you like to hear me tell you about how amazing Maya Pyramids are IRL. Of the Remaining UBs they are probably the most amazing, diverse, most built (Other than the Mosque/Bazaar perhaps) IRL of any of the remaining buildings. The amount of work and effort built into them from a civilization who never developed the wheel - had very few stone quarries at all - and the amount of development they spurred is amazing. Couple that they were painted in various colors (Red, Blue, and Green the most prominent of them), acted as burial tombs, centers for mathematicians/priests, etc. make them the most epic in my mind of UBs :p
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 23
I have already discussed on length's end its amazing power.

I'm with you, the pyramid is IMO *the* strongest UB, and it's not even close... This thread is really about who will be #2 haha
Bazaar 14
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 1
Floating Gardens 22
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 30
Pyramid 37
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 23

Paper Makers are like Wats : You always need them everywhere or close. With early cash boost this make easier times for China.

Ceilidh Hall : Agree with above posts. Worst building left from this list. These bonuses aren't compatible with the Celts.
Bazaar 14
Burial Tomb 19
Ceilidh Hall 0
Floating Gardens 23
Mud Pyramid Mosque 8
Paper Maker 30
Pyramid 37
Satrap's Court 13
Stele 27
Wat 23

I hate to vote the same way as I did yesterday, but i still see CH as the weakest building here (and weaker than some that have been already eliminated)

And I'm upvoting FG one more time because it isn't true that is restricted to lakes - it can be build on rivers too and they are way more common. And while the +2:c5food: from lakes is useful and strong, its main bonus is the + 15% :c5food:. And have an upkeep one gold lower than watermill as the final nice touch.

(And were are not deciding what the second best building is - it will be paper market. And the third will be very probably the stele. What we are deciding here is what buildings will be number four and five)
I have updated the OP with the elimination of the Ceilidh Hall.
I've got a question.

If the Paper Maker's bonus was "only" free maintenance, would that be enough to remove it from the number two UU position?
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